Pseudopod Podcast Preparing To EXTEND!


The stars are aligning and they portend a great coming from beyond the ether. Check your sanity level, fill your lungs and let out a cleansing scream – – yes chums, there is a disturbing truth we are happy to reveal (a little shantak has whispered in my ear) . There is a mighty and terrible Horror Fiction podcast soon to surface! I am proud to say we’ve brought you the first sigil, make of it what you will…

Psuedopod Podcast Logo - The Sound Of Horror

Interested cultists can apply for paying positions by following THIS link.

posted by Jesse Willis

Radio Repertory Company Of America Angelo Panetta Interviewed On SF&F Podcast

Online Audio

The Sci-Fi And Fantasy PodcastI’ve been a longtime listener to Scott and Anthony’s The Sci-Fi & Fantasy Podcast but I haven’t talked about it before because it has always been about SF&F movies and TV shows, not audio. Fortunately, they’ve made an exception with their latest “bonus episode.” Their show #39 has an amazing in-person interview with Angelo Panetta, the man largely responsible for the fabulous products of the Radio Repertory Company Of America. Scott and Anthony ask some terrific questions of Angelo and receive some very cool answers. For 60 minutes they chat with him about the development of the RRCA’s catalogue of audio adventures, how they were made, how the casting happened, and they even play clips illustrating scenes they are talking about. If you haven’t heard one of the RRCA’s great audio stories I’ll give you a one line summary: The RRCA makes original radio dramas featuring the stars of Babylon 5 and Star Trek: The Next Generation in all new, totally original adventures. Have a listen to the show HERE. Or subscribe to the podcast by using this XML feed:

posted by Jesse Willis

Vix Audio Show Podcast Talks About The "Bradbury 13" Series

Online Audio

VIX Audio Show Victor, the host and creator of the Vix Audio Show podcast, has just relaunched his show after a year of letting it lie fallow. The new episode (#5) features an interview with sound designer Michael McDonough – who if you didn’t know – and shame on you if you didn’t – is responsible for the famous 1984 broadcast NPR series known plainly as the “Bradbury 13”. The podcast also features a few clips from the most popular installment in the series: A Sound Of Thunder. In my opinion, Michael McDonough’s series has the best radio dramatized adaptations of Ray Bradbury stories, if not some of the best audio dramatizations of Science Fiction in general.

Have a listen to the MP3 HERE.

Incidently…. [CUE CHEESY COMMERICAL MUSIC] Though the series Victor is talking about is out of print, I still have BRAND NEW, STILL SEALED stock from the Durkin Hayes 1990s audiobook releases of the “Bradbury 13.” A complete set, 12 of the 13 shows on 6 individual cassettes, is $70.00 USD. This set is 100% legitimate, unplayed, and official. (This series is NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN folks.) Send me an email if you’re interested in a set. [/END COMMERICAL]

posted by Jesse Willis

Jim Kelly’s Free Reads Podcast Goes Temporarily Theatrical


James Patrick Kelly's Free Reads PodcastIt’s been a little while since we last mentioned James Patrick Kelly’s Free Reads podcast. Too long in fact. I blame this on my iTunes XML subscription, which broke. After waiting too long for the next installment from this Hugo award-winning author, I finally realized this, and re-subscribed. When I did, I was delighted to discover that Jim had released a three part audio adaptation of a one-woman play based on his short story “Breakaway, Backdown”. The story first appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine in June of 1996.

Breakaway, Backdown the play, had several productions. In February 2006, Jim was able to capture an excellent one in sound. This is the New Hampshire Theatre Project production, starring Lisa Richardson and directed by Genevieve Aichele. Here are the details…

Breakaway, Backdown
Adapted for the stage, from a story by James Patrick Kelly; Performed by Lisa Richardson
3 MP3 Files – 35 Minutes 54 Seconds – [AUDIO DRAMA]
Download: | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

You might also be interested to know that this is in fact the second aural adaptation of this story. The first one was recorded and released by The Sci-Fi Channel’s late lamented Seeing Ear Theater subsite. You can still grab it at the abandoned SET site and have a listen:
Breakaway, Backdown
Adapted from a story by James Patrick Kelly; Performed by a Full Cast
1 RealAudio File – 35 Minutes 54 Seconds – [AUDIO DRAMA]
Publisher: Seeing Ear Theater

“It’s the future, and living in space is no laughing matter. It’s hard work, and hazardous to your health, cutting life expectancy by 40 to 50 years. What kind of person would give up 40 to 50 years for the adventure of breaking away from Earth? Not Cleo. She tried desperately to break away, to start a new life in space, but failed. She backed down.”



Canada Day + OTR Plot Spot = Canadian Radio Dramas

Online Audio

The OTR Plot Spot Logo The OTR Plot Spot has, in honour of Canada Day (July 1st) posted three retro radio dramas. The first is one segment of a WWII era series called Nazi Eyes On Canada which you can read the review for HERE. The second and third are two tales from the 1980s. One is from the series Nightfall and is called “Future Fear” and the other is from the series Vanishing Point with a story entitled “Meteor.” You can click on over to the The OTR Plot Spot’s Listening Booth HERE to grab the MP3s.

And we wish a happy, belated, Canada Day to Canadians from all nations.