You MUST Subscribe The Dragon Pages Podcasts

Podcasters aren’t just the voices in your earbuds, they are people. Sometimes you might think some of them are the kinds of people you’d like to have as friends. Well last weekend I was privileged enough to test that theory. I had an entire family of podcasters visit during the annual celebration of my birth. And do you know what? I now consider them friends. Attending my birthday party were Evo Terra and Sheila Unwin, (as well as their hip teenage son NJ). We talked about podcasting, drank hoppy hoppy beer and had a swell-old time. As a birthday present to me Evo and Sheila even agreed to allow me to snap a promotional photo too (note that very cool mug Evo’s holding)…

Evo Terra & Sheila Unwin of Dragon Page Cover To Cover and Dragon Page With Class
I’ve been a fan of the various Dragon Page shows since before they were even podcasts, but even if you were not so lucky, you can still get in on the fun. Both Sheila and Evo’s podcasts can be found on the main site as well as in the iTunes podcast directory (search word “dragon page”).

Interviews with and educational advice from Young Adult authors Sheila’s show, is Dragon Page With Class, the classier half of the Dragon Page podcasting phenomenon. She hosts her podcast with fellow middle school teacher Lorrie Mennenga. Together they talk about tips and techniques for use in the classroom, discuss educational trends as well as interviewing the top young adult and childrens literature authors (with a particular emphasis on Science Fiction and Fantasy authors I’m pleased to say). If you haven’t already you should subscribe using this feed:

Interviews with your favorite science fiction and fantasy authorsEvo Terra’s show, for those of you who’ve just stepped out of a 10 year cryogenic chamber sleep, is Dragon Page Cover to Cover. C2C is all about SF and Fantasy literature, Evo and his co-host Michael Mennenga do weekly interviews with the creators of the best in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror literature. These two heros have more than 200 shows in their history (and are directly or indrectly responsible for more than a dozen other podcasts. You can subscribe using this feed:

P.S. Evo, Sheila, NJ, you’re welcome back anytime guys! Next time we’ll do the grand tour.
Jesse Willis

Parsec Awards – The Nominees Are In For 2006


With the plentitude of podcasts relating to Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror now available it was only a matter of time before the ceremonies had to begin. At the upcoming Dragon*Con 2006 (September 1-4, 2006), a new annual award will be started. Entitled “The Parsec Awards” these awards will honor podcasting excellence in a number of categories. It should be noted however that due to the rules governing eligibility five very worthy podcast are ineligible for consideration (being that their respective hosts were members of the Awards Committee during the nomination process):

Dragon Page Cover-To-Cover (Michael Mennenga)
Slice Of Sci-Fi (Michael Mennenga)
Michael And Evo’s Wingin’ It (Michael Mennenga)
I Should Be Writing (Mur Lafferty)
DragonHearth (Tracy Hickman)

Here is the complete short-list of eligible PARSEC AWARD nominees in the SFFaudio related categories:

Best Fiction (Short)
Absolution Insured, Variant Frequencies, Matt Wallace
Hero, Escape Pod, Scott Sigler
Legacies, Brief Glimpses of Somewhere Else, Daniel Emery
The Trouble with Death Traps, Escape Pod, Daisy James
Truth Is, The Seanachai, Patrick McLean

Best Fiction (Long)
7th Son: Descent, J.C. Hutchins
Brave Men Run, Matthew Wayne Selznick
How to Succeed in Evil, The Seanachai, Patrick McLean
Infection, Scott Sigler
Morevi: Chronicles of Rafe and Askana, Tee Morris and Lisa Lee
Nina Kimberly The Merciless, Christiana Ellis

Best Audio Production
The Falcon Banner, Chris Snyder
The Future And You, Stephen Euin Cobb
The Seanachai, Patrick McLean
The Signal, Jill Arroway
Virgin Falls, Jeff Folchinsky

Best Audio Drama (Long)
Children of the Gods, Cmack
Dismay, Sean McMinn
The Falcon Banner, Chris Snyder
Mister Adventure, Rich Sigfrit
The Stargate Cafe, Planet Retcon

Best Audio Drama (Short)
Decoder Ring Theatre, Stephanie Bickford, Andrea Lyons and Gregg Taylor
Family Radio, Sound Stages
The Hoff, Planet Retcon
The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd, Grant Baciocco, Doug Price

Best Fan Podcast
Kick Ass Mystic Ninjas, Summer Brooks, Joe Murphy, David Moldawer
PotterCast, John Noe and crew
Requiem Of The Outcast, Rich Sigfrit and Earl Newton
The Scapecast, Kevin Bachelder, Lindy Rae and crew
The Signal, Jill Arroway, Les Howard and Kari Haley and crew

Best News Podcast
The Future And You, Stephen Euin Cobb
Geek4x4, John M. Campbell
Requiem of the Outcast, Rich Sigfrit, Earl Newton
Sci Fi News, Lynne Gryphon
The Warp Zone, Patrick Murphy & Chris Murphy with “Gaming Guru” Rusty

Podiobook 7th Son, Book One: Descent Approaching Completion


Podcast Novel / PODIOBOOK / 7th SonJ.C. Hutchins‘ podcast novel 7th Son, Book One: Descent completes its final instalment on Tuesday July 25th – be sure to listen for an extra special celebrity guest recap reading by podcast musician/comic genius Jonathan Coulton! Even more thrilling, a special Q&A episode will be released the week after. This ‘bonus feature’ follows in the footsteps of two top-tier podiobooks: The Pocket And The Pendant and Brave Men Run who’s respective authors allowed avid listeners to quiz them about their plots, productions and varied inspirations. Listeners are invited to submit questions to J.C. Hutchins at: [email protected]

Way to go Hutch!

NPR To Air A Documentary On The Singularity


NPR Weekend EditionNPR‘s Weekend Edition Sunday, will be airing a report on the Science Fiction theme of “The Singularity.” The piece was created by Rick Kleffell of The Agony Column Podcast who writes “I’m told it will run near the end of the second hour.” There will be an link available on the site sometime after it airs. If you can’t tune in Sunday point your browser at Rick’s website. he’ll post a link to it when it becomes available.

The report features Vernor Vinge and Cory Doctorow, explaining to listeners just what the technological singularity is, where the idea originated, and how it plays out a bit in SF.

Rick also writes: “Even if you manage to catch the report when it is broadcast live, you can email the link from the NPR web page–and you should to as many people as possible. NPR measures the interest in a subject in part by the response on ’email this link’ web page. If they get a huge response to this article, they’ll understand that their audience is indeed interested in hearing about science fiction literature on NPR.”

Doctor Who’s Eighth Doctor on the BBC Radio 7

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionSFFaudio reader “Bradford” laments our lack of Doctor Who content but suggests a quick fix… he writes: “BBC7 will be playing some Big Finish Dr Who productions.” After following the link he provided it looks like Bradford is right! The Eighth Doctor’s adventures, as produced by Big Finish Productions and starring Paul McGann began on Sunday on BBC Radio 7‘s The 7th Dimension with episode one of Shada, and will continue with Storm Warning, Sword of Orion, The Stones of Venice, Invaders from Mars and The Chimes of Midnight. Thanks for the heads-up Bradford!

Now as to our lack of Dr Who content, I too lament it, unfortunately our reach into the U.K. is not completely masterful yet. We’re trying to keep a stiff upper lip about it but haven’t adopted this as our natural attitude yet. Until then, we will rely on the kindness of our British brothers and sisters across the Atlantic.

posted by Jesse Willis