BBC Radio 4 Has Whenever by Alan Ayckbourn

Online Audio

Online AudioThe intrepid Roy writes: “The Radio Times for next week arrived shortly after [my] last email. A quick scan reveals a rare 90 minute production……

The Saturday Play: Whenever on BBC Radio 4 14:30-16:00 (90 mins) Saturday 26th August. Should be available on ‘Listen Again‘ for 7 days.

It is written by Alan Ayckbourn – a playwright well known for his comedy dramas but not, as far as I know, for Fantasy or SF. Although the RT describes this as a musical comedy, the blurb does seem to indicate this will have an SF element……”

Emily, an orphan who lives with her uncle Martin, an inventor, has her life disrupted by the arrival of her aunt Charity & uncle Lucas, and her cousin Clara. Unbeknown to Martin, Emily is bullied, and one night she witnesses a violent & cruel episode. Desperate to escape, she hides in Martin’s latest invention – a time machine

The list of acting credits and characters indicate that there will indeed be an element of time travelling in the play! More info can be found on legendary UK radio producer Dirk Maggs‘ website – Dirk has a technical production credit on this one.

Shoestring Radio Theatre: Problem Project

SFFaudio Online Audio

Our intrepid European corespondent, Roy, points out some interesting activity that will be happening in our neighborhood this Friday:

Shoestring Radio TheatreProblem Project
By Hugh A.D. Spencer; Directed by Jonathan W. Wind
Airs: Friday August 25th
“What is the connection between Galactic Central’s Earth Expeditionary Mission and the strange occurrences on on Earth?”

This show will air live on the radio and other media but it is also available for streaming listening at the time of broadcast…

Check out the various ways you might partake HERE.

The Eye Brings Us: James Patrick Kelly

SFFaudio News

John Herman's The‘s The Eye is a video blog “about the details that make life interesting.” Monday’s instalment is part one of a two part interview with James Patrick Kelly.

James Patrick KellyClick HERE to download the M4A file.

Or subscribe to the video podcast with this feed:

In the video Jim talks about his Hugo nominated (and possibly Hugo winning) novella, Burn, which he podcast earlier this year. Look for part two of the vid next Monday! Good luck with the nomination Jim! See you at Worldcon later this week!

[via Solar Flare]

The Time Traveler Show Podcast # 5 : Conclusive Proof That Podcasts Rule

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #5 is ready for consumption, in between it’s delectable beginning and the yummy ending you will find the tasty conclusion of Jerome Bixby’s much lauded It’s A Good Life Science Fiction story, as well as the second half of the scrumptious interview with professional audiobook narrator William Dufris.

It’s A Good Life
By Jerome Bixby

To read the complete show notes for podcast #5 click HERE or download the show directly by clicking HERE.

To ensure you don’t miss any episodes plop this feed into your podcatcher:

New Audio Drama Podcast: "Second Shift"

SFFaudio Online Audio

Second Shift PodcastIn the midst of writing my very first review for SFFaudio, I came across a fun podcast that I thought would be very appropriate to post about here.

Second Shift is an audio drama tale of three college students who, while waiting in line for the opening of the latest sci-fi fantasy movie, are transported into a fantasy role-playing game. The story is on its fourth episode, with the next one available on the 18th. Click the picture to head to their website, or copy/paste this feed into your podcatcher:

OK, my break is over!

BBC7 & The 7th Dimension Bring You The Voice Of God

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionBBC7 and the 7th Dimension are replaying an intriguing original audio drama, “a fast-moving science fiction adventure series, especially made for BBC 7 by the team behind last year’s highly successful COLD BLOOD,” airs today through Friday at 6:30pm and 12:30am….

The Voice Of God
5 Parts – 30 Minutes each [AUDIO DRAMA]
In a remote region of Australia, Britain is developing a devastating weapon – a weapon dubbed, “The Voice of God.” For the person who created it, the first firing is a moment of celebration; this is a moral weapon with world changing implications. In the hands of the UK as the world’s policeman it will herald global peace. But according to Aboriginal legend, it’s Armageddon.

Also remember, this will be available via the Listen Again service soon after it airs.

Jesse Willis