Podiobooks.com announces Q&A for Singularity

SFFaudio News

SingularityBill DeSmett, author of the podiobook Singularity is planning on doing a wrap-up episode in a question-and-answer style. If you are a listener of this book and would like to get in on the action you have three options:

1. Email your question in plain text to: [email protected]

2. Record your question as an audio file and email it to [email protected]

3. Leave a voice mail by calling 206-888-2448

Questions can be about the characters in the book, what really goes on inside of a naked singularity, physics, Russian studies or anything else related to the novel or the author. More info can be found on the official Singularity website.

Evo of Podiobooks.com also adds “The best question or comment, as selected by our impartial panel of judges, will receive a free, autographed hardcover copy of Singularity.”

Dragon Page With Class interviews Matthew Wayne Selznick

Online Audio

Dragon Page With ClassLogoThe latest Dragon Page With Class podcast features an interview with the über-cool Matthew Wayne Selznick, author and narrator of the Brave Men Run podiobook and the upcopming Light Of The Outsider podcast novel. Click HERE to download Show #014 directly. Or subscribe to the show’s XML feed by pluggin this into your podcatcher software:


The Time Traveler Show # 6: More Philip K. Dick and J.C. Hutchins!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #6 is available for download now. The featured tale is another Philip K. Dick short story that has never before been adapted for audio. It’s called The Gun and is read by Michael Bekemeyer. It is a very early PKD short story, his second, and it is a parable for its age, 1952. The guest on the show is J.C. Hutchins, host of the Podiobooker podcast as well as the author of our recently reviewed 7th Son: Descent.

The Time Travler Show Podcast - The Gun by Philip K. DickThe Gun
By Philip K. Dick; Read by Michael Bekemeyer
1 Mp3 File – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: September 2006
Podcaster: TheTimeTravelerShow.com

A human spaceship encounters a strange planet that is giving off intense nuclear radiation. As the ship draws closer to the planet, the crew sees what appears to be a destroyed city and are shot at and forced to land. They find a strangely familiar tableau on the planet below.

To read the complete show notes for podcast #6 click HERE or download the show MP3 directly by clicking HERE.

To ensure you are the first to know of a new episode insert this feed into your podcatcher:


Worldcon 2006’s Podcasting Suite

SFFaudio @ Worldcon 2006

The Podcast Party Suite Flyer From Worldcon 2006SFFaudio wishes to send a big thank you to the hosts and attendees of the Podcasting Suite at WorldCon 2006 Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights in the Hilton’s Suite 240 in Anaheim, California. These three nights were giant blast of goodness for us. Here’s a rundown of the folks who made it all possible:

Podcast ReadySponsoring the event was Podcast Ready, a cool company which provides software that will turn any internet connection into a podcast update source. Their software resides on your MP3 player and will search out all your latest subscirptions whenever it is plugged into any USB port (whether it is your personal computer or not).

PodrunnerProviding music was DJ Steveboy from the premier podcast providing workout tunes for your weekly workouts.

Thursday Night:
The Intern et Review Of Science FictionHosted in part by Bluejack from The Internet Review Of Science Ficiton (and the podcast :: overclocked ::)

Aeon Speculative FictionAnd by Marti McKenna from Aeon Speculative Fiction.

PodiobooksAnd by Evo Terra of Podiobooks.com

Friday Night:
Escape PodFriday it was Escape Pod’s turn. The hosts were Stephen Eley, his wife and fellow narrator Anna Eley, as well as E-Pod slush pile reader Scott Janssens.

Saturday Night:
Dragon Page Cover To CoverSlice Of Sci-FiMichael And Evo's Wingin' ItEvo once again hosted a night of debauched poetry slamming. A wonderful time was had by all.

Some of the podcasting attendees at the three nights were:

Deadpan PodcastSpherical TomiJack Mangan of Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Podcast and the podiobook Spherical Tomi.

Discovered Country; Or The Adventures Of Rosemary The LibrarianNora Fleischer of the podiobook Discovered Country; Or The Adventures Of Rosemary The Librarian.

Matthew Wayne Selznick of the Brave Men Run podiobook.

Nina Kimberly The MercilessChristiana Ellis of the podiobook Nina Kimberly The Merciless

Craphound: The Literary Works of Cory DoctorowCory Doctorow from the fiction podcast “Craphound: The Literary Works of Cory Doctorow” podcast and BoingBoing.net.

The Pocket And The PendantMark Jeffrey of The Pocket And The Pendant podcast novel.

The Balticon PodcastPaul Fischer from the Balticon Podcast

SingularityBill DeSmett of Singularity podiobook.

James Patrick Kelly's Free Reads PodcastBurn by James Patrick KellyJames Patrick Kelly from The Free Reads Podcast (which released JPK’s hugo nominated novella, Burn as well as Men Are Trouble and numerous short stories).

I took a camera to Worldcon and have posted a number of the pics from the podcasting suite’s three parties into my Flickr account. I also made a general Worldcon set, click on through to see them both.

Balticon Podcast’s Exclusive Scoop: From Worldcon, The Hugo Loser’s Party

SFFaudio @ Worldcon 2006

The Balticon PodcastPaul Fischer from the Balticon Podcast has posted an exclusive podcast recorded at the Hugo Loser’s Party (AKA The Hugo Nominees party) held at LACON IV (Worldcon 2006). Paul talked to some big names, David Brin, Robert Silverberg, Cory Doctorow, James Patrick Kelly, Peter S. Beagle and Ellen Datlow

Download the MP3 HERE or subscribe to the podcast via this feed:


Blackstone Audiobooks to release Variable Star by Robert A. Heinlein and Spider Robinson

SFFaudio News

Audiobooks - Blacksone Audio During Worldcon, we met up with our Blackstone Audiobooks Aquisitions Manager Haila Williams in the Hilton’s Starbucks. We chatted about the upcoming Blackstone releases, Science Fiction and Fantasy in general, the Hugo awards, and a whole lot more. It was one of the highlights of the whole Worldcon event for me. One of the questions I put to her was with regard to the upcoming release of the novel Variable Star. This will be a “collaboration” between Robert A. Heinlein and Spider Robinson. She confirmed my hope that Blackstone will be releasing an unabridged version of it and that it will be read by Spider Robinson! This is so cool! I expect this book to make a big splash in mid-September. There’s already a website up for it HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis