Author Focus: Cory Doctorow

SFFaudio News

Cory DoctorowHere’s our latest Author Focus and it is on Cory Doctorow. I got to meet Cory Doctorow at WorldCon 2006 but I’ve been listening to his work for years! He’s a dynamo in real life too by the way. Cory’s an audiobook fan, so it is very appropriate for him to have as much of his fiction available in audio as he does. Being that he is also a proponent of the free culture movement it is thus doubly appropriate that all his audio fiction is available for free!

Craphound: The Literary Works of Cory DoctorowThe largest collection of audio fiction comes from his podcast Craphound: The Literary Works of Cory Doctorow you can subscribe to it by using this feed:

Here is a complete listing of the short works he’s podcast so far:

After The SeigeAfter The Siege
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
Podcast: September – October 2005
Mp3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|Part 7|Part 8|Part 9|
“[After the Siege is]a novelette I’m writing on long-haul flight segments, in 2-5,000 word chunks, for an anthology of optimisitic sf stories. It’s inspired by my grandmother’s stories of living throug the Siege of Leningrad, which she told during a family reunion in St Petersburg, Russia, last summer.”

When Sysadmins Ruled The EarthWhen Sysadmins Ruled The Earth
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
Podcast: October – November 2005
Mp3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|
When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth [is] a new story about an apocalypse that arrives on the heels of a catastrophic Internet worm. When the trump sounds, the world’s systems administrators are all in their sealed data-centers, and so they survive the carnage.”

Anda's GameAnda’s Game
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Alice Taylor
Podcast: January 2006
Mp3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part3|
“…a reading of Anda’s Game, my Nebula-Award-shortlisted story about in-game sweatshops.”

Human ReadableHuman Readable
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
7 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: January – February 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|Part 7|
“…the tale of a world that’s been upended by hyper-efficient planning algorithms based on ant-colony optimizations, so that Los Angeles has the best traffic in the world. However, when these networks crash, they really crash — cars, surfboards, and many other common conveyances end up catastrophically failing, with concomitant loss of life.”

I, RobotI, Robot
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
Podcast: February 2006
Mp3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|
“It’s [a novelette, that is] a riff on Asimov’s robots stories, in which only one kind of robot is allowed — I tried to use this to show how such a world would be one of universal, totalitarian Broadcast Flags, technology mandates that restrict innovation and liberty.”

Return To Pleasure IslandReturn To Pleasure Island
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
4 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: February – March 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|
“…a dark and mean fantasy story that was originally published in Realms of Fantasy…”

Nimby And The D-HoppersNimby And The D-Hoppers
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
3 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: March – April 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|
“…the story of a deep-green alternate future that is being invaded by gun-totin’ yahoos from alternate planes of reality…”

Shadow Of The MothashipShadow Of The Mothaship
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
3 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: April – May 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|
“A strange, stylised Scientology/Alien-Invasion/Oedipus story.”

Home Again, Home AgainHome Again, Home Again
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
3 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: May 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|
“…a sequel (of sorts) to Shadow of the Mothaship … This one is the autobiography of a child raised in an alien-imposed mental institution, and the mentorship he received from The Guy Who Thought He Was Nikola Tesla.”

Super-Man And The BugoutSuper-Man And The Bugout
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
3 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: May 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|
“…a superhero story that asks what would have happened if Kal-el had landed in suburban Toronto and been raised by an old Jewish couple. It’s the conclusion of the triad of stories comprised by Shadow of the Mothaship and Home Again, Home Again, about the Canadian response to the invasion of benevolent Scientologist aliens.”

Visit The SinsVisit The Sins
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
2 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: June 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|
“This story deals with attention deficit disorder, the effect that cognitive problems have on families, and how your mental state and your technology are intimately related.”

I, Row-boatI, Row-Boat
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
4 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: June – July 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|
“…a story about a theological dispute between an artifically intelligent Asimov three-laws cultist and an uplifted coral reef.”

By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
3 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: August 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|
“…an indirect sequel to my first novel, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom… a parable about warez groups and Napster, about generation war and the trouble with power-laws.”

By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
4 MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: September 2006
MP3 Files: |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|
A Nebula award nominated short story. “a story about trusted computing, geek culture, and getting root on your body.”

Cory has also sold one story to Escape Pod:

Podcast - Escape PodCraphound
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Jesse Thorn
1 Mp3 File – [UNABRIDGED]
Mp3 File: HERE
“Aliens have once again decided to visit Earth in this lighthearted romp. Rather than having conquest on their minds, they merely wish to visit, and explore. Jerry is a junk dealer, a collector, a pack rat of crap and antiques and memorabilia, depending on your point of view.”

Even before podcasting existed Cory took time to record one of his stories and post it on his website:

Science Fiction Audiobooks - To Market, To Market: The Branding of Billy Bailey by Cory DoctorowTo Market, To Market: The Branding of Billy Bailey©
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Cory Doctorow
FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD – 23 Minutes 37 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Published: 2001
Themes: / Science Fiction / Dystopia / Humor / Satire /

Billy Bailey was the finest heel the sixth grade had ever seen — a true artisan who kept his brand pure and unsullied, picking and managing his strategic alliances with the utmost care and acumen. He’d dumped BanginBumpin Fireworks (a division of The Shanghai Novelty Company, Ltd.) in the _fourth_ grade, fer chrissakes. Their ladyfingers were too small to bother with; their M-80s were so big that you’d have to be a lunatic to go near them.

Mark Forman’s Podcast:

Down And Out In The Magic KingdomDown And Out In The Magic Kingdom
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Mark Forman
9 MP3 Files – 7 Hours 37 minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Getting A Leg Up
Podcast: August – September 2005
MP3 Files: |Prologue and Chapter 1| Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5|Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Chapter 8|Chapters 9 & 10|

Doctorow’s first novel, a Locus Award winner and a Nebula nominee. “It concerns the machinations of technologically immortals who have occupied Walt Disney World’s Haunted Mansion and who aim to preserve it from the depredations of modernizers who would renovate it.”

Voices In The Dark:

Down And Out In The Magic KingdomDown And Out In The Magic Kingdom
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Sean Puckett
11 MP3 Files – Approx. 7 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark

MP3 Files: |Prologue|Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5|Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Chapter 8|Chapters 9|Chapter 10|

A near-future science fiction tale. In a society where death has been cured, how do you deal with boredom?

posted by Jesse Willis

7th Son: Deceit Podcast Novel Launch Crashes SECOND LIFE

SFFaudio News

7th Son: Deceit -Second Life ScreenshotAccording to J.C. Hutchins’ Skype message, yesterday’s Second Life launch party for his new podcast novel 7th Son – Book Two – Deceit crashed the server it was held on! Doubtless the giant clone army of listeners teleporting in that was the cause! Or maybe it was that pesky Kilroy 2.0? Congrats Hutch! I look forward to hearing the new novel when it officially syndicates on September 26th.

You can subscribe, if you haven’t already, by plugging this link into your podcatcher:

And if you somehow missed it, the complete run of 7th Son – Book One – Descent is up on J.C.’s website.

posted by Jesse Willis

Rick’s Kleffel’s Agony Column Podcast: Charles Stross

SFFaudio Online Audio

Agony ColumnRick Kleffel’s Agony Column podcast has a new interview with Charles Stross. Rick writes: “We covered all the high points that I suspect listeners will want to hear; space opera, economic genre fiction, gender bending and everything from the status of children in so-called Victorian London to Napoleonic space battles over far-flung planets, from the Cory Doctorow-like lead character of Accelerando to the status of children in so-called Victorian England.”

Click to download the MP3 direct!

posted by Jesse Willis

Bill DeSmedt’s Singularity

Podcast - The SingularityI got the honor of meeting Bill DeSmedt author of the podiobook Singularity, at WorldCon! Bill just wrote in and said: “I promised to get back to you once I’d gotten the schedule for the final few episodes of the Singularity podcast worked out. The final ‘episode’ of the podcast will be a Q&A session with the author (me), hosted by Paul Fisher. Questions must be submitted before Oct 28th, and the best one wins an autographed copy of Singularity.” Thanks Bill!

Here’s the schedule:

Episode 41 (Ch 40: Project Report) — 09/25 (Monday)
Episode 42 (Ch 41: The Singularity) — 09/30 (Saturday)
Episode 43 (Ch 42: A Stitch in Time) — 10/05 (Thursday)
Episode 44 (Ch 43: Le Mot Juste) — 10/10 (Tuesday)
Episode 45 (Ch 44: Last Row on the Chessboard) — 10/15 (Sunday)
Episode 46 (Ch 45: Mopping up) — 10/20 (Friday)
Episode 47 (Epilog: The Bridge) — 10/25 (Wednesday)
Q&A Episode — 10/31 (Tuesday)

And you can check out Paul Fischer’s new MP3 promo for Singularity HERE!

posted by Jesse Willis

More vintage vinyl: Arthur C. Clarke and Aldous Huxley performing their own WORK!

An SFFaudio contributor, code named “Esther,” has pointed out that Record Brother Blog also has a couple of other spoken word albums posted. One by Arthur C. Clarke and one by Aldous Huxley!

Transit of Earth and The 9 Billion Names of God Read by Arthur C. ClarkeTransit Of Earth and The Nine Billion Names of God Read By The Author Arthur C. Clarke
By Arthur C. Clarke; Read by Arthur C. Clarke
3 Mp3 Files (from an original 33 1/3 LP Record) – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Caedmon
Published: 1975
Product #: TC-1566

Click HERE for the Record Brother post, the three files are at the bottom.

Aldous Huxley's Brave New WorldAldous Huxley’s Brave New World
By Aldous Huxley; Performed by Aldous Huxley and a Full Cast
2 Mp3 File (from an original 33 1/3 LP Record) – [RADIO DRAMA]
Publisher: Pelican Records
Published: 1979
Product #: LP-2013

Back of: Aldous Huxley's Brave New WorldThis is a CBS Radio Workshop Theatre of the Mind production, with Aldous Huxley performing as the narrator and with an original score is by Bernard Herrmann. It was originally broadcast in two parts on January 27th and February 3rd, 1956. The liner notes on the hard copy are by Ray Bradbury, and recall his interactions with Huxley.

Get both parts by following these links:

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World SIDE 1 & SIDE 2

Esther also recommends listening to Huxley speaking about modern (1962) techniques for controlling human behavior at the UC Berkeley’s MEDIA SITE.

There’s a Real Audio (streaming) link to his March 20, 1962 lecture,
“The Ultimate Revolution” and also separate links to the program and Q&A.

Thanks Esther!

posted by Jesse Willis

The Time Traveler Show Podcast # 7 : With a FREE Andre Norton short story!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #7 is available for download now. The featured tale is a short story by Andre Norton entitled The Mousetrap. The reader is Rick Stringer from Variant Frequencies. Mousetrap was first published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction’s June 1954 issue. Also included in this episode is a panel discussion with Sarah Zettel, Anne Harris, John Scalzi and Tobias Buckell that was recorded earlier this month at the Kerrytown Bookfest in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The Time Traveler Show #7: Mousetrap by Andre NortonThe Mousetrap
By Andre Norton; Read by Rick Stringer
Podcaster: September 2006

To read the complete show notes for podcast #7 click HERE or download the show MP3 directly by clicking HERE.

And if you haven’t already subscribed do so by placing this feed into your podcatcher: