FREE MP3 hosting for Audio Drama creators

SFFaudio News

The Soul Patrol In November of 2003 David Koenigsberg, creator of The Soul Patrol offered to host MP3 files from other audio drama, radio drama and audio theater creators on his website. Sadly, back then no one took him up on the offer. So he has made the offer again, he has his own server, commercial DSL line and plenty of capacity/bandwidth. David writes “I’ll post any show for free on my website, The- Cosmic-Forces. net.”

There are however a few conditions:

1. David sez: “The show has to have some quality to it (but he will try not to
reject any show because of subject matter).”

2. You can’t directly link to the mp3 download (and bypass the page).

3. He’ll remove your show whenever you request.

4. He’ll set up links to your page so that users can find out any
information about your show. (He’ll post the mp3s–not all the info!)

He could start posting MP3s starting in January 2007.

Jim Kelly’s Podcast has transmogrified!

SFFaudio Online Audio

James Patrick Kelly is back from his summer long vacation. Summer runs until mid-November right? But don’t worry, Jim bears gifts! He’s debuting a new non-fiction (sort of) podcast. First up is an updated reading of Jim’s Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine column On The Net. This one was originally published in June of 2004. The subject? Faster than light travel.

Even more exciting, in his intro to his reborn show Jim promises to begin reading his novel Look Into The Sun in early 2007! Resubscribe today, tune your podcatchers to:

Welcome back Jim!

KAMN News! Gateway and Far-Seer in the mix

SFFaudio News

The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas LogoThe Ninjas have landed and they have a plan…

KAMN #23: Gateway by Frederick Pohl
KAMN #25: Far Seer by Robert J. Sawyer

I liked Gateway but isn’t my favorite Pohl novel. Pohl has a history of repeatedly using psychotic breaks as a theme in his novels. This one is probably 1/3 set in a psychiatrist’s office. I’m not sure where that would come from, but I liked his The Voices Voices Of Heaven more, also starring a protagonist with a history of mental illness. Interestlingly, Gateway does happen to be Robert J. Sawyer’s favorite Science Fiction novel. And speaking of Sawyer, his first novel in the Quintaglio ascension series, Far Seer, is up for KAMN review shortly after. That novel is set on a very interesting world that parallels our own in many ways. The “far seer” of the title refers to a telescope and the novel itself parallels the events surrounding Galileo Galilei’s discovery of the moons of Jupiter. If you dig science, science history and dinosaurs, you’ll dig Far Seer.

The Planet Retcon Radio podcast

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast Planet Retcon RadioPlanet Retcon Radio, is a “Sci-Fi audio theater podcast” that is wrapping up its first year of production. The second season is already in development! Our very own Audio Addict describes Planet Retcon as “Cheers in space – a comedic Science Fiction series that takes place in a cafe/diner on an alien planet.”

It sounds fun! So come with me I’m heading on over to the place where everyone telepathically knows our names.

Subscribe to the feed:

Stephen King visits BBC Radio 4 this Sunday

Online Audio

Online AudioSFFaudio’s U.K. contributor Roy notes: “Further to the previous mention of Stephen King, I see that he is the guest on Desert Island Discs (BBC Radio 4 11:15 Sunday 19th November). This 30 min programme is repeated the following Friday at 09:00 but should be available on ‘listen again’ for a week. [sadly it turns our this is one of the few shows not available via the listen again service – ed.] For those unfamiliar with this extremely long running programme, the week’s guest has to choose eight records that they would take with them should they be cast away on a desert island. However it is much more than a music show (the selected records are only ever played in short excerpts) and it should be an interesting conversation about King’s life and works.”

That sounds pretty keen, thanks Roy!

Paul Levinson has a Podcast

SFFaudio News

Science Fiction author - Paul LevinsonScience Fiction author Paul Levinson has a podcast!

Levinson describes Light On Light Through as a “weekly, five-minute-or-so commentary on some technological, media, popular culture, science fiction issue that strikes [his] interest” Topics range from Wikipedia , cellphone technology to television’s “platinum age.”

You can subscribe to his podcast via this feed:

Paul was kind enough to send me a DRM-free copy of his Chronology Protection Case radio dramatization of his first novelette, the one I mentioned in an October 25th post. It also seems the file is available in a working format from, (and also therefore iTunes) where it is offered in the proprietory AAC format.

The Chronology Protection CaseThe Chronology Protection Case
Based on the novellette by Paul Levinson; Performed by Mark Shanahan
1 AAC File – 38 Minutes 37 Seconds [RADIO DRAMA]
Publisher: Listen & Live Audio /
Published: 2003

Interestingly the title of this story comes from an idea of Stephen Hawking’s. Hawking conjectured that even though time travel might be possible the universe would not let it happen.