Documentary on The Tunguska Event set to air on Boxing Day

SFFaudio News

Television - The History ChannelBill DeSmedt, author of the SFFaudio Essential podiobook Singularity wrote in to say that there’s a cool documentary set to air on The History

Sez Bill: “As if Christmas weren’t apocalyptic enough…”

Tuesday, December 26 10:00 PM
Wednesday, December 27 02:00 AM

At 7:15AM on June 30, 1908, a giant fireball, as bright the Sun, explodes in the Siberian sky with a force a thousand times greater than the Hiroshima bomb. It decimates 1,000 square miles of forest–over half the size of Rhode Island, and was the biggest cosmic disaster in the history of civilization. What caused the apocalyptic fire in the sky? Over a hundred theories surround what is called the Tunguska event, varying from asteroids and comets to black holes and alien spaceships. Most scientists agree the Tunguska event will happen again, and next time, the human toll could be unimaginable. Now, NASA and other organizations race against time to stop the next planet killer before it ignites Armageddon.

Those planning on listening to Singularity, check this out, it’ll give you a primer.

Thanks Bill!

Destructomundo! How Do You Stop It?!!?

Online Audio

Destructomundo PodcastGreetings once again fellow vault-dwellers I have some terrible news.

That is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die.

Yes, it is true, Destructomundo!, the podcast panel made up of Adam, Ted, Derek, and James, who would normally bring you advice on how to survive an “end of the world scenario” may have finally met a threat to the world that **GASP** cannot be survived! This due, to the Lovecraftian terror that nobody knows how to pronounce, and his eldritch friends. Cthulhu and his mythos are the latest topic on Destructomundo! Also listed are a cavalcade of slightly less dangerous scenarios…

Episode 024 Cthulhu |MP3|
Episode 023 Louisville Zombie Attack |MP3|
Episode 022 Anarchy |MP3|
Episode 021 Technopause |MP3|
Episode 029 Time Travel |MP3|
Episode 019b Supernatural Evil – Part 2 |MP3|
Episode 019a Supernatural Evil – Part 1 |MP3|
Episode 018 Dystopia |MP3|
Episode 017 Doppelgangers |MP3|
Episode 016 Mutants |MP3|
Episode 015 Rocks From Space |MP3|
Episode 014 Bunkers |MP3|
Episode 013 Post Apocalypses |MP3|
Episode 012 Dystopia |MP3|
Episode 011a/011b The Fourth Reich |MP3| & |MP3|
Episode 010a/010b Zombie Apocalypse |MP3| & |MP3|
Episode 009 The Antichrist |MP3|
Episode 008 The Last Man On Earth |MP3|
Episode 007 Doom Cults |MP3|
Episode 006 The Big List |MP3|
Episode 005 Science Run Amok |MP3|
Episode 004 Supervillians |MP3|
Episode 003 Aliens Attack! |MP3|
Episode 002 Rise of the Robots |MP3|
Episode 001 Road Warriors |MP3|

Be sure to only put these hardened MP3s into your “MIL-SPEC” iPod or MP3 player. Subscribe via this insanity inducing feed:

posted by Jesse Willis

Billibub Baddings Podcast Novel preparing to Launch

SFFaudio News

{Podcast / Podiobook - Billibub Baddings And The Case Of The Singing Sword by Tee MorrisThe original podcast novelist is set to STRIKE AGAIN soon!

Tee Morris, co-author of Morevi: The Chronicles Of Rafe and Askana, and the first podcast novelist in the history of this universe is planning on podcasting his 2004 novel Billibub Baddings And The Case Of The Singing Sword. The first teaser |MP3| is out already, and the actual novel should start sometime in the early New Year, likely February. Here’s the hook:

“Chicago, 1929. There are a thousand stories in the naked city; and when you’re a dwarf at four-foot-one, they all look that much taller.” It is The Era of Prohibition, where crime runs rampant in the streets and a city divided into territories serves as the ultimate prize. Somewhere in this Underworld of Chicago, an enchanted weapon holds the key to ending The Gangland Wars. In the wake of The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, only one is man enough to stand up against Al Capone… …a four-foot-one dwarf named Billibub Baddings. “Billi,” as his friends come to know him, is a working stiff dwarf in the all too-human sized world of Chicago. Seems that a brood of orcs and a renegade warlock had opened a Portal of Oblivion in his homeworld and was planning to submerge his nine lands of Acryonis into an Age of Darkness. Billi had managed to throw a monkey wrench into those plans…but not before getting himself caught in the pull of that portal. When he came to, he found himself in the heart of The Windy City during The Roaring Twenties. After dealing with trolls, goblins, and rock dragons, Al Capone and Bugs Moran are about as intimidating as choir boys. Billi sets himself up as a tough-talking, waist-high, straight-dealing detective, and business was looking bleak, until a dark-eyed beauty crossed his threshold with the case that involved the mob, the upper-crust of Chicago society, and Billi’s past. Get ready for The Lord of the Rings written by Mickey Spillane! Poking fun at the hard-boiled detective novel, Fantasy mainstays, and even the legend of Chicago’s 1920 underworld!

Tee’s first novel was abridged, but no word has yet been leaked as to whether this will be an UNABRIDGED or ABRIDGED podiobook. Let’s hope for the former!

Online Audio – We are having Robotz Company for Xmas

Online Audio

Podcast - Robotz Of The CompanyDream Realm Enterprises and Robotz Of The Company, present a yule-time show for your enjoyment. Not only is this show holiday related, it also features the voice of our very own Danielle Cutler!

“A familiar story retold for a future generation! It has action, adventure, intrigue and romance!”

Download the complete MP3!

And get a preview of Robotz Of The Company – Season 3 with this MP3 promo!

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

SFFaudio Challenge meets a challenger who is releasing a Lester del Rey audiobook

SFFaudio News

Meta SFFaudio - SFFaudio Contest - Make audiobook win an audiobookI’ve got big Big BIG news! It appears we may very soon have a winner in the SFFaudio ‘make an audiobook, win an audiobook’ challenge!

I was contacted late last night by Steven H. Wilson, author and narrator of the recently reviewed Taken Liberty – A Tale From The Artiber Chronicles. Steven said:

“I’ve recorded all of [Lester] del Rey’s BADGE OF INFAMY, and the first five chapters have been uploaded to”

Badge Of Infamy by Lester Del Rey |Gutenberg Project| was one of the novels on the challenge!

If you don’t recall, back in mid November I challenged anyone to turn any one of a number of previously unreleased public domain novels into an unabridged single voiced audiobook. As an incentive, I offered a BRAND NEW unabridged audiobook to the first person to complete and release one.

If as I suspect, Steven is the first complete the challenge and meet the requirements of it, he’ll be the winner of his choice of one of three BRAND NEW unabridged audiobooks from Blackstone Audiobooks (For those curious, these audiobooks were purchased by me – and were not given away as a promotion by Blackstone). Basically now that he’s finished recording it, all Steven needs to do is get Badge Of Infamy out there, either on Podiobooks, as he said, as a commercial release or wherever he’d like – just so long as I can verify its completeness he’ll win his choice of one of these:

Galactic Pot Healer by Philip K. Dick

Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein

Animal Farm by George Orwell

But, if you areCURRENTLY, or were PLANNING, on making your own novel based on the challenge you can still let me know. I’d like to know what you’re doing! And, we might even be able to scrounge up a BRAND NEW commerical audiobook for you too! SFFaudio wants you to make Speculative Fiction audiobooks, and we aren’t above out-and-out bribery to make it happen.

In the meantime, look forward to seeing this logo or one similar up on very soon:

Jim Baen’s Universe partners with a podcast

Podcast - The Future And YouJim Baen’s Universe, a bimonthly genre subscription webzine edited by Eric Flint and Mike Resnick, has “teamed-up” with the Parsec Award winning podcast The Future And You. This is a futurist related show hosted by “transhumanist”, “futurist” and SF author Stephen Euin Cobb. As a part of their agreement Euin Cobb is adding another 10 minutes of content to his podcast. This will be Jim Baen’s Universe created content and may include authors reading excerpts from their stories. In exchange Euin Cobb now has two columns in the JBU e-zine.

I like the guests and some of content on The Future and You but I find the format quite stiff. In the live interviews Euin Cobb comes off as a affable and interested, but during the news and commentary segments, which takes up a lot of the show, his reading is formal, like he’s reading a royal proclamation. This, coupled with the more than two hour long shows, makes me wish for a segmented prodcast or at the very least an “enhanced podcast” that would be set into segments. As it stands The Future And You podcasts come out regularly, on the 1st of each month in fact. The guests are varied and many are famous SF authors. Also included in the show is a segment in which Euin Cobb reads from his novel Bones Burnt Black.

You can try it out for yourself, subscribe to the podcast via this feed: