Sci-Fi Scoundrels Podcast

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcasts - Sci Fi ScoundrelsSci-Fi Scoundrels podcast tends heavily towards TV Sci-Fi, but every so often they give their opinions on books. Hosted by the self styled “bad boys” of Sci-Fi the podcast is done very conversationally. Some people claim it is “irreverent” and full of “keen insights.” Myself, I’ve found this roundtable podcast potty-mouthed, low brow and marginally entertaining. Its more for the slow pitch podcast fan who likes swearing for swearing’s sake and also likes Sci-Fi. Check out one of the podcasts to see if this is for you. I’d recommend trying the Ender’s Game show. In that one the Scoundrels bring the goods to the table, critiquing how the elementary age kids of that novel aren’t speaking very realistically. That one is very meta show – but a careful listen will show these guys aren’t quite as dopey as they at first sound.

Sci-Fi Scoundrels – Episode 38 – Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451|MP3|.

Sci-Fi Scoundrels – Episode 51 – Vernor Vinge’s Marooned In Real Time |MP3|.

Sci-Fi Scoundrels – Episode 53 – Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game |MP3|.

Subscribe to the scoundrels via this feed:

Geek Cred podcast interviews J. Marcus Xavier and J.C. Hutchins

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Geek CredGeek Cred is a podcast that is focused on geek topics like computers and technology, science, Science Fiction, video games, and more. The bi-weekly show features interviews, trivia, commentary. The host, Steve Riekeberg, is a 19-year-old who started his road to geek-acceptance via a handed down 286 processor at the age of 9.

According to the Urban Dictionary the definition of “Geek Cred” is: “Similar to street cred, but applicable to geeks. Geek cred is allocated by displaying knowledge of different aspects of geek culture such as Star Wars, anime, comic books, etc.” The show has so far interviewed two Science Fiction podcasters…

J. Marcus Xavier is the guest on the first podcast. JMX talked about the creation of his Silent Universe podcast drama series as well as the origins of his name, his favorite podcasts and his most loved books. The last of which got JMX to declare:

Starship Troopers could never hope to hold a candle up to Ender’s Game.”

Shocking! Someone should stand up for Heinlein’s seminal Science Fiction novel and take JMX down. Or at least challenge him to a game of Killer Bunnies or something.

Show #2 has host Steve talking to J.C. Hutchins, author of the podcast novel trilogy 7th Son. In the interview Hutchins explains how he wrote the trilogy that he’s currently halfway through podcasting. Apparently creating all those different clone voices for his series characters is a lot of fun.

You can subscribe to the Geek Cred podcast and get the whole series via this link:

Get The Devolutionist by Homer Eon Flint as a podcast novel

SFFaudio Online Audio

Maria Lectrix is a prolific podcast by Maureen O’Brien. Maureen is always narrating multiple audiobooks at the same time, and recently she’s added another public domain Science Fiction novel to her already rich feed. The original publication date for this one was 1921, but most people who know it will remember it from the 1965 Ace double novel release.

The Devolutionist by Homer Eon Flint is the third in a series of four Dr. Kinney stories by Flint, but stands well on its own. The novel also gives you a brief précis of the first two Dr. Knney adventures, in case you’re still worried about starting in the middle of a series. The story uses a scientific telepathy device to carry it’s four protagonists to faraway places. Completion of the audiobook is a ways away yet but we’ve got companionable art to pique your interest…

Science Fiction Audiobook - The Devolutionist by Homer Eon

After Maureen completes the novel we’ll post a link to where you can find it all. But you don’t have to wait, if you’d like to follow along while the chapters release you can subscribe by plugging this feed into your podcatcher:

Jack McDevitt’s Henry James, This One’s For You on Beam Me Up

Online Audio

Podcast - Beam Me UpBeam Me Up, the podcast / radio show based out of Rockland, ME will have a special treat tomorrow. Show #41 will have a reading of Jack McDevitt‘s Henry James, This One’s For You, a short story which made the short list for 2006 Nebula awards. As host Paul Cole sez “its a damn good story.”

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

iTunes lists 16 "Sci-Fi Lovers" Podcasts


On the main PODCAST page of iTunes you’ll notice that there is a temporarily featured “Sci-Fi Lovers” section. It is a listing of 16 podcasts, with what I think is a pretty nice selection of the top podcast. I’m pleased to see that the bias is definitely towards literary “Sci-Fi” with only 5 shows being television or movie related.

iTunes Features Sci-Fi Podcasts

Listed are many SFFaudio Favorites including:

James Patrick Kelly’s FREE READS, Escape Pod, Scott Sigler’s The Rookie, Slice Of Sci-Fi, J.C. Hutchins’ 7th Son – Book One – Descent, The Dragon Page: Cover To Cover, The Babylon Podcast, The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas, a Darker Projects anthology series Dark Matter, The Secret World Chronicle, and StarShipSofa.

Shamefully and notably absent is The Time Traveler Show podcast!

Vintage Radio Drama of George Orwell’s 1984

SFFaudio Online Audio

Online Audio - NBC University TheatreWar is Peace! Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength! Big brother is watching listening. Yep we’re talking propaganda, the fabrication of “truth”, the outlawing of dissent, the distortion of reality, endless war… and of course thought crime. No we’re not talking about the goings on on 2007, were talking about the 1949 NBC University Theater’s adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984. This production originally aired on August 27, 1949 but is available today for your listening enjoyment is the very first adaptation of 1984 and it stars David Niven!

Based on the novel by George Orwell; FULL CAST
1 MP3 – 54 Minutes 15 Seconds – [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: NBC Radio
Broadcast: August 27, 1949

[via Indymedia UK]