Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast – absolute must listen episode

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Dan Carlin's Hardcore HistoryDan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast is awesome – Carlin literally puts awe into his performances. His podcast is all about the things he finds interesting in history. Thankfully, with his latest show, “Steppe Stories,” I now have a chance to tell you about his podcast. It seems that Carlin is a Science Fiction and Fantasy fan as well as a history fan. In his latest podcast Carlin explores the people of the Asiatic steppe. How meeting with them was like meeting aliens – very much like the “first contact” theme from so many Science Fiction stories. And who knew that Robert E. Howard’s Red Sonja of Rogatino, and the Marvel/Dynamite Entertainment‘s Hyrkanian version of Red Sonja, weren’t as unlikely as they appear? Dan Carlin, that’s who! The mythical half-man/half-horse Centaurs? The fabled Amazon warriors? Yep, they’re from the steppe too!

Listen in to the show “Steppe Stories” |MP3| and if you’re a fan of history, as all good SF and F fans should be, subscribe using the following feed – you won’t be sorry:


Darker Projects completes Autumn a ZOMBIE audio drama

SFFaudio Online Audio

Darker Projects - PodcastsDarker Projects, in association with Infected Books presents David Moody’s vision of apocalyptic horror: Autumn.

In less than twenty-four hours a vicious and virulent disease destroys virtually all of the population. Billions are killed. Thousands die every second. There are no symptoms and no warnings. Within moments of infection each victim suffers a violent and agonizing death. Only a handful of survivors remain. By the end of the first day those survivors wish they were dead. Then the disease strikes again, and all hell breaks loose…

Yep, it’s a zombie audio drama! Cool huh? All six parts of the complete adaptation are available now. I’ve been listening, it’s dark and moody, well paced with good acting and is getting eerier every episode. Check it out for yourself…

Darker Projects - Audio Drama - Autumn by David MoodyAutumn
Based on the novel by David Moody; Adapted by Paul Mannering
6 MP3s – Approx. 2 Hours 42 Minutes [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Darker Projects
Podcast: 2007
Download direct:
|Part 1 MP3| Part 2 MP3|Part 3 MP3|
|Part 4 MP3| Part 5 MP3|Part 6 MP3|

Or subscribe via the feed:


Podible Paradise podcast

Online Audio

Podible Paradise: The Viable Paradise PodcastPodible Paradise: The Viable Paradise Podcast is a show covering the attendees of the Viable Paradise writer’s workshop, a week-long, residential SF and Fantasy Writing workshop held every fall in Martha’s Vineyard. Interviewees are typically current and former instructors or former students. The subjects talked about mostly revolve around what it’s like to attend and what’s learned there. One caveat, this show is NOT in the standard MP3 format, it is in the less compatible M4A format.

Episode 00: Mur Lafferty |M4A|
Episode 01: Greg Van Eekhout |M4A|
Episode 02: Jennifer Pelland |M4A|
Episode 03: Paul Melko |M4A|
Episode 04: Jim Macdonald and Debra Doyle |M4A|
Episode 05: Cory Doctorow |M4A|
Episode 06: David Thompson, David Barr Kirtley, Lisa Moore, Sharon Mock, Zak Jarvis plus more |M4A|
Episode 07: Sandra McDonald |M4A|

You can subscribe to the feed via this URL:


Audible.com has an exclusive Orson Scott Card short story Pretty Boy

SFFaudio News

Audible.comAudible.com, which long ago had much original SFF content, may be gearing up for a renewed push to get more. I have evidence: First there’s James Patrick Kelly’s StoryPod – Volume 1 of which has just wrapped. Second, there’s a new and exclusive Orson Scott Card audiobook on Audible now. These two facts, combined with some other evidence I’m not able to disclose at this time, make me fairly confident that Audible is looking to expand their original SFF content. WOOHOO!

The new Card story is called Pretty Boy. It first appeared in Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show issue #2. Unfortunately it is very expensive through Audible. It sells $17.95 on Audible.com itself and $15.95 on iTunes (Audible has a monopoly on audiobooks in the iTunes store). I can’t imagine other circumstances I’d do this, needless to say audio is the medium we prefer, but for the sake of budgets, you can get the original text version for only $2.50 through Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show (and it comes with a bunch of other choice content- including another OSC story in audio AND SFFaudio co-founder Scott Danielson’s excellent short story: Adrift). Here’s the detail on the audio edition…

Pretty Boy by Orson Scott CardPretty Boy
By Orson Scott Card; Read by Scott Brick
1 AA File – 47 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audible.com
Published: 2007
How do you systematically destroy a child with love? It’s not something that any parent aspires to do, yet a surprising number come perilously close to achieving it. So begins Orson Scott Card’s new story from the Ender Universe, a profound meditation on parents and offspring focusing on the childhood of one of Ender’s Battle School challengers, Bonzo Madrid, and the circumstances that lead him to his unique place in the Game.

Science Fiction and Politics University Course continues

Online Audio

Science Fiction and Politics Professor Courtney Brown‘s course at Emory University is a Political Science course entitled Science Fiction and Politics (Political Science 190). We’ve talked about this course more than once. But, as the new lectures appear in the feed, this podcast gets renewed interest, and thus prompts new posts. So here’s another, this one lists all the currently available lectures (Spring 2007 is now completed at Emory). Brown’s lectures below are from two semesters and feature some incisive political insights found in more than a dozen SF novels.

Lectures available:

01: Introduction and Overview |MP3|
02: Foundation by Isaac Asimov (1 of 2) |MP3|
03: Foundation by Isaac Asimov (2 of 2) |MP3|
04: Foundation And Empire by Isaac Asimov |MP3|
05: Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov |MP3|
06: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1 of 2) |MP3|
07: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (2 of 2) |MP3|
08: The Left Hand Of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin (1 of 2) |MP3|
09: The Left Hand Of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin (2 of 2) |MP3|
10: The Uplift War by David Brin (1 of 2) |MP3|
11: The Uplift War by David Brin (2 of 2) |MP3|
12: Darwin’s Radio by Greg Bear (1 of 2) |MP3|
13: Darwin’s Radio by Greg Bear (2 of 2) |MP3|
14: How to write your essays |MP3|
15: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card (1 of 2) |MP3|
16: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card (1 of 2) |MP3|
17: The Forever War by Joe Haldeman (1 of 2)|MP3|
18: The Forever War by Joe Haldeman (2 of 2)|MP3|
19: Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (1 of 2) |MP3|
20: Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (2 of 2) |MP3|
21: The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein (1 of 3) |MP3|
22: The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein (2 of 3) |MP3|
23: The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein (3 of 3) |MP3|
24: Neuromancer by William Gibson (1 of 2) |MP3|
25: Neuromancer by William Gibson (2 of 2) |MP3|
26: On free will [based on Isaac Asimov’s Foundation trilogy] (1 of 2) |MP3|
27: On free will [based on Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World] (2 of 2) |MP3|
28: The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin (1 of 2) |MP3|
29: The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin (2 of 2) |MP3|
30: Spin by Robert Charles Wilson (1 of 2) |MP3|
31: Spin by Robert Charles Wilson (2 of 2) |MP3|
32: The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov (1 of 2) |MP3|
33: The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov (1 of 2) |MP3|

You can subscribe to the podcast via this feed:


Also, Dr. Brown tells me that he’s been getting requests from some of his students for more female Science Fiction authors. He asks if we have any “top-of-the-list suggestions?” He’s been using Hugo and Nebula award winning novels, but we all know that there are plenty of novels out there that haven’t won a Hugo or a Nebula that are still worthy of examination. Can you think of any Dr. Brown should add to his class for next year?

The Sonic Society podcasts Roger Gregg’s amazing Infidel

Online Audio

The Sonic SocietyHosts Jack Ward and Shannon Hilchie of The Sonic Society podcast are wrapping up their 2nd Season. And they’ve got an unmissible collection of programs. Prominent among their offerings are Dream Realm EnterprisesRobotz of the Company series! Also on board is an informative interview with J.C. Hutchins of 7th Son fame, Jack Ward wrings J.C. of quite possibly all of his podcast marketing secrets. But the goodness is not complete without talking about quite arguably the greatest audio drama yet to be podcast

Infidel by Roger Gregg

Crazy Dog Audio Theater‘s Infidel, bills itself as an “historical drama” – and it is that most assuredly. But it is also a very personal tale of the events of the 5th Crusade (1217-1221 ad) as seen from the perspective of Sir Hugh of Beauvais and his brother Sir Philip, two poor knights. They’ve enlisted themselves in a righteous campaign to free the holy lands from their occupation by heathen scum – and in so doing, they prove this isn’t just an historical drama. What nobody mentions is that while the events themselves are very real, and therefore don’t at first seem appropriate for SFFaudio discussion, the true genre of this stunning work is that of Horror! You’ll hear it for yourself in the final few minutes of part four of Infidel. I urge you to partake, not only is the production level on Infidel out of this world, so too is the writing. The complete podcast of all four parts of the complete drama are available now:

Audiobook - Infidel by Roger GreggInfidel
By Roger Gregg; Performed by a Full Cast
Podcaster: The Sonic Society
Podcast: April 2007
Sonic Society #62 (Infidel part 1 of 4) |MP3|
Sonic Society #63 (Infidel part 2 of 4) |MP3|
Sonic Society #64 (Infidel part 3 of 4) |MP3|
Sonic Society #65 (Infidel part 4 of 4) |MP3|

Hard-copies of the 2 Disc CD set of Infidel are available through ZBS.

Subscribe to The Sonic Society‘s podcast feed:
