KFAI reprieves Sound Affect radio drama program

SFFaudio Online Audio

KFAI Community Radio, Minneapolis and St. Paul, MNA while back we announced that Sound Affects: A Radio Playground was being taken off the air. But it looks like we have some very good news on that front. Jerry Stearns, the show’s host and all-around Radio Drama guru, applied and received a new time slot on KFAI. Jerry’s show now has a full hour on Sunday evenings (9:30-10:30 PM). The first show in the new slot aired July 1. The second show, on July 8. The latter, consisted of a talk with David Ossman, of the Firesign Theatre and the broadcast of a new work that was performed at Convergence 2007. The con theme for Convergence 2007 was “Creature Feature”, so the play is about, you guesed it, creatures

The Learning Curve
By Brian Price and Jerry Stearns; With a full cast featuring David Ossman, Wally Wingert, Preston Ossman, Eleanor Price.
Broadcaster: KFAI / Sound Affects
Broadcast: July 2007

This program |RealAudio| is archived and available as a RealAudio stream on the the KFAI website for the next two weeks.

StarShipSofa interviews Stephen R. Donaldson & reads a short story

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Star Ship SofaThe StarShipSofa boys have finally aired the podcast about Stephen R. Donaldson that they’ve been promising since early 2007. Tony and Ciaran talk about Donaldson and then interview him! They chat and about The Gap Series, the ongoing Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant and lots more.

Part 1 |MP3| is the interview and talk about the Donaldson’s novels.
Part 2 |MP3| is talk about Donaldson’s short stories, and includes an unabridged reading of a Donaldson short story…

Mythological Beasts by Stephen R. DonaldsonlMythological Beasts
By Stephen R. Donaldson; Read by Ciaran O’Carroll
Podcaster: StarShipSofa
Podcast: July 2007
This thoughtful Fantasy tale first appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction‘s January 1979 issue.

To subscribe to the podcast insert this URL into your podcatcher:


Podiobook Chat goes in-depth with Tee Morris author Billibub Baddings

Online Audio

Podcast - Podiobook ChatPodiobook Chat has a terrific interview with the dynamic and sagacious podcasting legend Tee Morris. Host Chris Moody talks to Tee about his novels and especially about his latest, which wrapped up recently: Billibub Baddings And The Case Of The Singing Sword, is Tee’s Hardboiled Fantasy/Mystery. You can hear the interview |MP3| and download the complete podcast of Billibub through podiobooks.com. Chris has also posted a special “web only” |MP3| episode with Tee, which means it isn’t available on the podcast feed. That one’s a raw unedited continuation of their conversation with lots of dead-air and such, but getting more Tee always has its charms.

The Podiobook Chat podcast feed is here:


Jesse Willis

BBC7 celebrates Robert A. Heinlein Centenary with audio fiction

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionIn honour of the 100th anniversary of Robert A. Heinlein’s birth, BBC7’s The Seventh Dimension is airing a special series of Heinlein stories. The first of which aired this last Saturday. First up was The Green Hills Of Earth, a Heinlein story he partially credited to a line from C. L. Moore and her story Shambleau (which also aired this year on BBC7). The Green Hills Of Earth is also one story with a distinction few others could possibly equal, it was quoted to listeners on the Moon – namely the crew of Apollo 15! Next Saturday the Heinlein Centenary celebration continues with Ordeal In Space. And, all this week, BBC7 is airing Methuselah’s Children. You can have a listen to The Green Hills Of Earth now, and for the next few days, via the Listen Again service. Same goes for the first episode of Methuselah’s Children. More details below..

The Cool Green Hills Of Earth by Robert A. HeinleinThe Green Hills Of Earth
By Robert A. Heinlein; Read by Adam Sims
1 Broadcast – Approx. 30 Minutes [UNABRIDGED?]
BROADCASTER: BBC7’s The 7th Dimension
BROADCAST: Saturday July 7th 2007
This is the poignant story of Rhysling, the blind space-going songwriter whose poetic skills rival Rudyard Kipling’s. This yarn is about a radiation-blinded spaceship engineer crisscrossing the solar system writing and singing some of the best lyrics in science fiction. In a fine display of writing skill, the spaceship and crew feel as real to the reader as a contemporary tramp steamer.

Science Fiction Methuselah's Children by Robert A. HeinleinMethuselah’s Children
By Robert A. Heinlein; Read by Paul Birchard
6 Parts, Six 30-Minute Broadcasts – Approx. 3 Hours [ABRIDGED]
BROADCASTER: BBC7’s The 7th Dimension
BROADCAST: Weekdays July 2007 to July 16th 2007
Robert A Heinlein’s sci-fi novel about a group of families who can live for several hundred years.

Jesse Willis

Prisoners Of Gravity summer re-run series

SFFaudio Commentary

Online AudioPart of the inspiration for SFFaudio came from Prisoners Of Gravity, a bizarre (in television terms) TV show about a hard-core nerd named “Commander Rick.” Frightened by the seemingly every-day worsening of the world around him, Rick filled his Camaro with his favorite books of SF, Fantasy and comics then straped a rocket to the roof. Blasting off the Earth, he left the atmosphere, and then promptly crashed into a secret telecommunications satellite. There, he became a pirate broadcaster overriding the signals of television broadcasts and replacing them with SF/F and comic theme shows.

As I’ve reported before, Rachelle Shelkey and her PoG fansite, Signal Loss, have been endeavoring to make episode trading doable. I sent her my entire collection of VHS tapes, and have now received them back on DVD-R, along with some episodes I’ve never seen before. To further promote the idea Rachelle is running a cool Summer YouTube re-run program to promote the DVD trading. Rachelle writes:

“We’re having a Prisoners Of Gravity online reruns event. Every week a new episode of Prisoners Of Gravity will be uploaded to YouTube. One episode a week July 1st until September 21st! This’ll be a fun way to get the word out there and a chance to hopefully find people with episodes we don’t yet have.”

I’m superjuiced at the prospect, Rachelle already has had some episode offers (someone found some extremely rare season one episodes!). Crazy! And you will be too once you start watching these shows – you’ll be absolutely rabid for it. If you have some Prisoners Of Gravity episodes contact Rachelle through her PoG announcing blog. If not, have a watch, you’ll still dig the heck out of this terrific 20th century TV show.

Prisoners Of Gravity youtube Channel

posted by Jesse Willis

Sci-Fi Weekly reviews Audio Rennaisance’s Dune

SFFaudio News

Sci-Fi WeeklySci-Fi Weekly, which used to have a fair number of audiobook reviews in their Cool Stuff section has returned to form with a review of the recently released Audio Renaissance unabridged FULL CAST recording of Dune by Frank Herbert. You can go read the review written by SF author Paul Di Filippo right HERE. Hopefully we’ll have one of our own sometime soon too. We also have a review of the Recorded Books version, a single voiced unabridged narration by the incomparable George Guidall.