A new CBC document CHILLS all CBC bloggers

SFFaudio News

Inside The CBC BlogThe “Inside The CBC” Blog (the official blog for the English language Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) has a frightening news story about a new CBC policy. It states:

“any CBC employee who wants to start a personal blog which ‘clearly associates them with CBC/Radio-Canada’ now requires their supervisor’s permission”

This really stinks! The whole idea is draconian, unconscionable and stupid. We must stop this.

The article also cites the same CBC document as saying:

“Further, the blog cannot advocate for a group or a cause, or express partisan political opinion. It should also avoid controversial subjects or contain material that could bring CBC/Radio-Canada into disrepute. To start and maintain a blog of this kind, you need your supervisor’s approval.”

Let’s see… does advocating that CBC should air The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al, a show that it commissioned, hired actors for, recorded and completed only to shelve count as ‘bringing CBC into disrepute’? Who’s going to make that call? The very thought of this irks me to no end. This will hurt us, the listeners (and viewers) of CBC.

I hardly think it likely that our own little FREE APOCALYPSE AL campaign is the primary target of this new CBC brass policy, but it still sucks for us anyway. We can’t let CBC start standing for “Coverup and Banning Committee.”

Please consider adding your comments to the original post – let us not allow CBC to become something less than the greatness it has always been. Long live the CBC as a great communicator.

Old Man’s War to become an AUDIOBOOK

SFFaudio News - Science Fiction Audiobook

Blog - John Scalzi's WhateverJohn W. Campbell Awardee (for “Best New Writer”) John Scalzi has posted some very exciting news to his Whatever blog:

“I had a nice chat with the producer of the audio version of Old Man’s War about the status of that; it’s in production now and everything about it seems to be moving along swimmingly. Neat.

One thing for folks who are interested in the audio version to be aware of: it’s going to be sold online only. I think this is fine, myself; it’s being produced by Audio Renaissance, Tor’s corporate cousin, so it won’t be at all difficult to find online once it’s done (I imagine it’ll be at audible.com and iTunes, etc), and not having to fiddle with packaging means it’ll be ready to go more quickly once it’s done. Also, you know. It’s not as if most of my readers don’t have that whole online thing going on.

I’ll keep you all plugged in with how the audio book version is coming along, and when it will be available, etc. For now, know that someone somewhere is reading OMW, in mellifluous tones, into a microphone, for you, eventually.”

And the plan is to have SFFaudio favorite narrator William Dufris narrating! Cool huh?

New FREE AUDIOBOOK: Marion Zimmer Bradley’s The Colors Of Space

SFFaudio Online Audio

A new LibriVox title has piqued our interest. It’s Marion Zimmer Bradley’s 1963 novel The Colors Of Space. Sadly, this is not the ideal audio version of it as it has multiple readers – who seem to have randomly chosen their chapters. I think the ethos of LibriVox is absolutely wonderful, but the output, especially in cases like this seems more geared towards project completion and narrator convenience rather than listener preference. That said, the audiobook is 100% free and very easily downloadable either by a Zipped Folder full of MP3s, singly in individual file of MP3 or OGG Vorbis formats and by the podcast feed (including a one click iTunes subscription).

LibriVox audiobook - The Colors Of Space by Marion Zimmer BradleyThe Colors Of Space
By Marion Zimmer Bradley; Read by various readers
15 zipped MP3 Files or podcast – 5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: July 29th 2007
Bart Steele, a Space Academy graduate, has the potential to gain the secret of an alien “warp drive”, a super-fast technology for interstellar travel. He’ll have to get some surgery, and spy upon an alien race to do it but he’s . lucky because by a bit of genetic quirk Bart can see a wider optical range than ordinary humans. Still, countless human spies have already failed to gain the secret.

You can get the entire novel in podcast form, via this handy url:


StarShipSofa podcast talks about Robert A. Heinlein

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Star Ship SofaThe long promised StarShipSofa coverage of SF master Robert A. Heinlein is now complete. Three shows, and approximately three hours, of discussion by two hard-core Heinlein enthusiasts. Awesome!

Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3| Part 3 |MP3|

And be sure to subscribe, the SSS boys have a Michael Moorcock show (and short stories!) in the works. Plug this podcast URL into your podcatcher to get the feed automatically:


CBC Comedy Podcast skewers with Harry Potter alternate endings

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio Podcast - Comedy FactoryMike O’Brien, of the CBC Radio Comedy Factory podcast has a funny series of six audio skitlettes right at the beginning of the latest show. All of them are inspired by the ending of the final Harry Potter novel – they’ve got some alternate endings for us (and don’t worry there are no spoilers for the real deal):

-the “funny misunderstanding” ending
-the Scooby Doo ending
-the Conrad Black ending
-the M. Night Shyamalan ending
-the Star Wars ending

Download the |MP3| direct, or subscribe to the podcast and stay funny weekly:


Apocalypse Al must be freed!