Submissions guide for the Mark Time / Ogle Awards 2007

SFFaudio News

Mark Time AwardsJerry Stearns, who hosts Sound Affects: A Radio Playground, writes in to remind us all that the Mark Time Awards submission deadline is fast approaching.

“The deadline for entry in the annual Mark Time Awards / Ogle Awards for science fiction and fantasy audio theater is coming up on March 1, 2008. The Mark Time/Ogle Awards are the only awards given solely for audio theater. This is their 12th year, and the entries are getting better every year. So, if you’ve produced science fiction or fantasy audio theater that you’re proud of in 2007, make it a point to enter. You will find an entry form at:

Just fill it out, add a $25 entry fee, and send it in with 5 copies of your entry. You can find out more at, including past winners, the Mark Time SF Audio Hall of Fame, and
judging criteria.

The postmark deadline is March 1. The judges will notify winners by Mid-May. The awards will be presented at CONvergence, July 3, 2008. Winners will be given registration to the convention, a plaque and a t-shirt. It’s a real treat to meet with other producers and spend a weekend talking shop, in the company of others who love science fiction. We will perform a new original radio show at the beginning of the convention. And during the long weekend there will be time for an audio panel, and an autographing party, so bring your products with you.”

Posted by Jesse Willis

SFFaudio founder reviews SFFaudio Editor’s audiobook company

SFFaudio News

The Fix - Short Fiction ReviewIt is my proud honour to post that… the latest installment of Scott Danielson’s Audiobook Fix (his column at The Fix: Short Fiction Review) was just posted online. The subject, the wonderful world of Wonder Audiobooks. Wonder is run by Rick Jackson (AKA The Time Traveler) who is an editor here at SFFaudio. I’d happily point some hypocrite fingers about all of this being far too self-congratulatory but they’d have to be pointing my way too – I love Wonder Audiobooks and I’ll be damned if I’ll deny it. Check Scott’s column out HERE – then go buy some Wonder Audiobooks.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Blackstone Audiobooks OVERSTOCK SALE awesome audiobooks $5.00 each

SFFaudio News

Blackstone AudiobooksBlackstone Audiobooks is having an absolutely amazing overstock sale! 114 titles are on sale, almost all of them for a rock bottom $5.00 each!

Check out these titles and the AMAZING prices!

KING KONG $5.00 – 5 CDs
By Edgar Wallace and Merian C. Cooper. Novelization by Delos W. Lovelace; Read by Stefan Rudnicki

CITIZEN OF THE GALAXY $5.00 – 7 Cassettes
By Robert A. Heinlein; Read by Lloyd James

By Marv Wolfman; Read by Scott Brick

DEATH MATCH $5.00 – 10 Cassettes
By Lincoln Child; Read by Barrett Whitener

By Jonathan Rogers; Read by Brian Emerson

SFFaudio EssentialV FOR VENDETTA $5.00 – 8 CDs
By Steve Moore; Read by Simon Vance

Posted by Jesse Willis

NPR’s Cultural History of Mars

SFFaudio Online Audio

NPR - National Public RadioAll thanks to the Marooned: Science Fiction Books On Mars blog for this…

Originally broadcast on January 27, 2004 in the wake of Opportunity’s landing on the Red Planet, Cultural History of Mars is a 35-minute piece from National Public Radio’s program Talk of the Nation.

Hosted by Neal Conan, here’s a description of the piece: “Earthlings were fascinated by Mars long before sending rovers and landers to beam back three-dimensional color pictures of its surface. Does it have canals? Did little green men ever inhabit the planet? Will humans ever walk or live on Mars? NPR’s Neal Conan and guests discuss the history and mystery of Earth’s neighbor, from Galileo to War of the Worlds and beyond.”

Conan’s guests include Dr. William Sheehan, co-author of Mars: The Lure of the Red Planet (2001), David Catling, professor of astrobiology at University of Washington, and Mark Rahner, pop culture writer for The Seattle Times.

Covering both science and science fiction, the discussion mentions a Ray Bradbury episode from X-Minus One (radio drama, 1955), Percival Lowell, Mars Attacks! (film, 1996), H. G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds (1898), Arthur C. Clarke’s The Sands of Mars (1951), Kim Stanley Robinson, Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles from Dimension X (radio adaptation, 1950/1951), Edgar Rice Burroughs’ character John Carter, C. S. Lewis, Robinson Crusoe on Mars (film, 1964), Angry Red Planet (film, 1960), Total Recall (film, 1990), and Rocketship X-M (film, 1950).

Posted by Jesse Willis

Colonial Radio Theatre: Buck Alice and the Actor Robot

SFFaudio News

Colonial Radio TheatreJack Ward from The Sonic Society points us to an exciting new post on his site…

“Colonial Radio Theatre announced today they are mixing it up with Walter Koenig and Sci-Fi!

Jerry Robbins from Colonial Radio Theatre announced today that they will be producing a science fiction audio drama- and not just ANY sci-fi show, but a classic book written by none other than Walter Koenig famous for such roles as Chekov from Star Trek and Bester from Babylon 5.

Buck Alice and the Actor Robot is a favourite novel by Koenig and Colonial Radio is thrilled to produce with Koenig who is said to also perform in this audio show!

Stand by… Science Fiction in Audio Drama just got a whole lot cooler!”

Posted by Jesse Willis

Behind the sounds at CBC Radio One’s Canadia: 2056

SFFaudio News

Canadia: 2056Matt Watts, star and author of Canadia: 2056, has been nominated for the ACTRA Award for “Outstanding Performance – Voice” for his work on Canadia: 2056. Congrats Matt!

To celebrate, CBC’s released two short videos to the Canadia: 2056 website.

1. Sound Designer Anton Szabo shows the different sound qualities in the studio where Canadia: 2056 is recorded. |VIDEO|

2. The writer and series star Matt Watts talks about the creation of Canadia: 2056 was recorded. |VIDEO|

Next week’s episode is a good one…

Episode 6:
Written by David Tomlinson & Matt Watts
Air Dates: February 6th (repeats Feb. 8th)
“Anderson pines for Connie his first love. The crew loses the ability to navigate the ship when they are controlled by a cloud. The up side is that the cloud grants them wishes, the down side is that the cloud grants them wishes.”

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al