Faster Than Light – interviews with Richard K. Morgan, Stephen Donaldson, MORE

SFFaudio Online Audio

Faster Than Light podcastThe Faster Than Light “radio show” and podcast, originating from Australia, offers plenty of interviews of interest. Each program also has reviews of new and classic Science Fiction books.

Interview with Stephen Donaldson Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3|

Interview with Elizabeth Moon |MP3|

Interview with Shawn Williams |MP3|

Interview with Ian McDonald |MP3|

Interview with Richard K. Morgan Part 1 |MP3| and Part 2 |MP3|

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Random House Audio – NO DRM & Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother

SFFaudio News

Random House is reporting that Random House Audio is abandoning digital rights management schemes for their audiobooks. The article gives more details, including the fact that Cory Doctorow’s much-anticipated forthcoming novel Little Brother is to become a commercial audiobook. Doctorow sez:

“My agent had negotiated a one-off no-DRM deal with them [Random House Audio] for that edition, but now it seems like everyone’s going to have the same option: authors who don’t want DRM won’t be forced by Random House to include it.”

Cool news!

Posted by Jesse Willis

Frequency Of Fear podcast features CBC Radio Drama NIGHTFALL and more

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Zombie Astronaut's Frequency Of FearThe Zombie Astronaut‘s podcast Frequency Of Fear, tackles the doubly difficult problem of duplicates (doppelgängers or clones – if you will). Showcased on the show are stories about killers and killers, killing duplicates and trying to dupe the authorities about it. The second show is particularly cool as its an episode of CBC Radio’s 1980 series Nightfall. Entitled “The Repossession” it features Chris Wiggins (from Friday The Thirteenth – The Series) and other familiar CBC voices. It was first broadcast on September 26th, 1980.

Plug the podcast feed into your podcatcher, and listen twice:

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al

New World Army podcast audio drama

SFFaudio Online Audio

New World ArmyNew World Army is a new podcast audio drama by Jeff Roney. Its described as a “Sci-Fi, audio thriller” – it seems to be set in some post-apocalyptic future. Think The Terminator, a Skynet future and zondercommandos. Read the official description:

“New World Army, a futuristic, Sci-Fi, audio thriller. It involves the story of a band of rebels fighting for survival under the tyrannical regime of a powerful, droid army. Patterned after the storytelling models of Lost and the new Battlestar Galactica, this original story looks at a female hero who battles mechanical enemies, as well as her own flaws. NWArmy is a multi-episode, multi-season story that will take the listener on a sonic journey that will take them from the past, to the present, and future of our characters.”

Check out the promo |MP3|, listen to episode 1 “After” |MP3| or get it through the RSS feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Commentary: What are we missing?

SFFaudio Commentary

SFFaudio MetaBy any measure of the times were living in, there is a new audio renaissance. More audiobooks are getting made now than ever before. And more SF, Fantasy and Horror audiobooks are being released than ever before. Here’s a list of the top 10 SFF novels from Sci-Fi lists:

1. Frank Herbert Dune
2. Orson Scott Card Ender’s Game
3. Isaac Asimov Foundation
4. Douglas Adams Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
5. George Orwell 1984
6. Robert A. Heinlein Stranger in a Strange Land
7. Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451
8. William Gibson Neuromancer
9. Isaac Asimov I, Robot
10. Arthur C. Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey

All of these novels have had UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK releases at some point or another. Several have had more than one unabridged release! That’s wonderful. But I’m still not satisfied. What novels are we still missing? Or rather, what novels are you missing.

Personally I’m missing a few, here’s a list of just 10 titles I’ve picked from out of the air. I’d like to see any and all of these made into unabridged audiobooks:

1. Scott Lynch The Lies Of Loch Lamora
2. Dan Simmons Hyperion
3. Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle The Mote In God’s Eye
4. Clifford Simak Way Station
5. Alfred Bester The Stars My Destination
6. Steven Gould Jumper
7. Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space
8. Robert J. Sawyer Golden Fleece
9. John Brunner Stand On Zanzibar
10. Ken MacLeod The Star Fraction

What novels are missing from your audiobook shelf?

Posted by Jesse Willis

Philosophy Bites: talks why Time Travel isn’t just impossible, it’s a silly idea

SFFaudio Online Audio

Philosophy Bites podcastYa, in the space of three or so weeks I send you to Philosophy Bites, a podcast interviewing today’s “top philosophers”. I guess I like the show huh? The latest show is very interesting as the host Nigel Warburton interviews D.H. Mellor, a philosopher specializing on “time.” We normally think of events happening in time. And that time is essentially tensed (that there is past, present, future). D.H. Mellor argues against this, in the podcast interview he explains why time isn’t tensed – and thus why Time Travel is a completely mistaken idea. This is fascinating, Mellor shows how any kind of ‘grandfather murder plot paradox’ is an impossibility because we are misapprehending the nature of time.

Have a listen, |MP3| or subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis