Radio Free Bliss

SFFaudio Online Audio

Radio Free BlissRadio Free Bliss is the newly-launched podcast by KS Augustin that features interviews with SF&F&H and romance authors on a “reasonably idiosyncratic basis” (2 a month, but when exactly depends on everyone’s schedules). Augustin sez of her latest show, “We discuss Joanna Russ, feminism, speculative fiction, humidity and the Mason-Dixon Line.” and the guest interviewee doing that discussion with her is speculative fiction writer, Sue Lange. Have a listen |MP3| or subscribe to the feed at this URL:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Hey Want To Watch A Movie? Blade Runner – The Final Cut

SFFaudio Online Audio

Hey Want To Watch A Movie? Blade Runner - The Final CutThe latest Hey Want To Watch A Movie? podcast (which is a fan commentary track for DVDs) talks about Blade Runner – The Final Cut. And I’m one of the commentators! Join Christiana Ellis, Mike Meitin, Brandon Hill, Adam Morey, MA in PA, Dan Taber, Susan Z, The Biscuit and me!

We talk about the different versions of BR, Bubblegum Crisis, the Blade Runner PC adventure game, Twin Peaks, Richard K. Morgan’s Altered Carbon, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?, the essential character of film (vs. books), I Am Legend (movie and novel), eXistenZ, Adam Smith’s The Theory Of The Moral Sentiments, Impostor, Dark City, Back To The Future, Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure, David Lynch’s Dune, the audiobooks of Dune, Chinatown, Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, Scott Brick, George Guidall, Gremlins, Callista Flockhart, and Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, E.T. and lots more. Needless to say we come to dozens of conclusions, including the fact that every single person in the movie is a replicant (actors too) – or something like that.

Listen now |MP3| or take it portable by subscribing to the podcast feed via this link:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Canadia: 2056 Season 2 Episode 2 and a cool contest

SFFaudio Online Audio

Canadia: 2056 Season 2The second episode of season two of Canadia: 2056 airs tonight at 11PM on CBC Radio One.

To celebrate, CBC has started a contest… here are the details:

Canadia: 2056 Future Graphic Contest

Can you draw, paint or have some other artistic talent? Or are you the type to create a graphic using Photoshop or some other image manipulation program? Have you ever thought about one of the characters from Canadia: 2056 or the ship itself and had an idea of what they looked like? We want you to create that image of Max Anderson or Skip or the Robot that you’ve been hankering to and send it in to us via the form below [See the site HERE for that form].

The best graphic will win the entire Matt Watts Radio Comedy Collection from CBC autographed by Matt Watts. This includes Steve, the First; Steve, the Second and Canadia: 2056 Season 1 on CD. The will as lo be second and third place prizes, so get creating and send your JPG or GIF in using the form below [again see the site HERE for that form].”

Rules, regulations and examples of what they’re looking for are also THERE.

Here’s the official description of episode two:

This week on the award-winning comedy, the captain gets into a power struggle over who will lead the crash survivors.

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free Apocalypse Al!

James Randi’s podcast talks about Arthur C. Clarke

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Amazing Show featuring James RandiThe Amazing Show podcast, which features weekly interviews with James “The Amazing” Randi, has earned your ears this week. In the latest show Randi shares some stories about his late friend Arthur C. Clarke! Randi talks about their relationship, his visits to Clarke’s home in Sri Lanka, and what happend at the premiere screening of 2001: A Space Odyssey (Clarke walked out in tears). Have a listen |MP3| or subscribe to the podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

CBC Radio’s Quirks & Quarks talks The Physics Of The Impossible

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio One - Quirks and Quarks PodcastStar Trek‘s phasers, Star Wars‘s lightsabers, and ships that can travel faster than the speed of light… pure SF? Bob MacDonald, host of CBC Radio’s Quirks & Quarks, talks to Dr. Kaku about his book, Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel. Drawing from science fiction for his inspiration, and his training as a theoretical physicist for his analysis, Dr. Kaku tries to figure out what, if anything, is actually impossible. Have a listen |MP3|

Or get the segment via the Q&Q podcast’s segmented feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis