Stories by H.P. Lovecraft and Amelia B. Edwards

SFFaudio Online Audio

Gisburne.comNick Gisburne, author and YouTuber, is posting self-read audiobooks to his website. Among them, two Lovecraft shorts!

The Beast in the Cave
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Nick Gisburne
Never stray from the path. If you do, you might find you’re not alone.

The Cats of Ulthar
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Nick Gisburne
Always be kind to animals. If you’re not, anything could happen.

The Phantom Coach
By Amelia B. Edwards; Read by Nick Gisburne
While lost in a snowstorm, a man is picked up by a mysterious coach. – A classic Victorian ghost story.

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC7 – Asimov, Lovecraft, Follet, Chesterton

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 7 - BBC7Re-runs don not suck at all when they are this good! Today and for the week coming there starts a new batch of terrific old shows on BBC7. And remember there is a promise of ahead of some Arthur C. Clarke too…

“Gimmicks Three” and “Light Verse”
By Isaac Asimov; Read by William Roberts
1 Part – [UNABRIDGED?]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: Saturday at 6pm and midnight
A mild mannered elderly lady behaves completely out of character when her house-guest goes behind her back and fixes Max – her malfunctioning robotic manservant.

An oldie but a goodie (if goodie means Eldritch)…

The Tomb
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Ryan McCluskey
1 Part – [UNABRIDGED?]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: Sunday at 6.30pm and 12.30am
First published in 1917, this is a disturbing and Gothic tale by the influential horror writer, H.P. Lovecraft. Jervas Dudley narrates his story from an asylum, describing the sinister events leading up to his incarceration.

A 1978 BBC Radio 4 production…

The Destruction Factor
By James Follett; Performed by a full cast
5 Parts – [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: Monday to Friday at 6pm and midnight
This ecological sci-fi tale, very much ahead of its time, is written by the man behind Earthsearch, novelist James Follet. Ralph Exon has created a new strain of plant for an international fertiliser corporation. It’s hoped that this “mutation” will bring relief to the famine ridden countries of the world. In itself, the plant looks quite innocent, but within it, there lurks…. the Destruction Factor.

And a complete novel, in its entirety…

The Man Who Was Thursday
By G.K. Chesterton; Read by Geoffrey Palmer
5 Parts – [UNABRIDGED]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: Monday to Friday at 6.30pm and 12.30am
Written in 1908, is an extravaganza presuming the existence in Edwardian London of a secret society of anarchists sworn to destroy the world. There are seven members of the Central Anarchists Council who, for reasons of security, call themselves after the days of the week. Events soon cast a doubt upon their real identities, however, for Thursday is not the passionate young poet he appears to be, but a Scotland Yard detective. Who, and what, are the others then? The author unravels this surreal part-fantasy, part-thriller in his own inventive and exuberant way, using the nightmare of paradox and surprise to probe the mysteries of human behaviour and belief.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Torchwood to have a Radio Drama episode on BBC Radio 4

SFFaudio News

TorchwoodTorchwood, that Doctor Who spin-off currently airing on that technological dinosaur called “tele-vision”, is going to be having a special one-off broadcast exclusive to radio! Yep, a radio show episode of the television show will air exclusively on BBC Radio 4 this summer! The 45 minute episode will be broadcast in Radio 4’s traditional “Afternoon Play” slot and use the same cast as on the TV show. Now that’s what I call progress!

[via io9]

Posted by Jesse Willis

ABC RN’s Late Night Live talks to Arthur C. Clarke

SFFaudio Online Audio

Late Night LiveThe ABC Radio National show Late Night Live recorded a show with the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke Originally on 3/5/2001. Here’s the official description: “In this program-length conversation, the philosopher, inventor and futurist talks about his life and his work.” – Pfffttt! You’d think calling him a Science Fiction writer was an insult. That’s how the man made his living, that’s how he wanted to be remembered, that’s what he will be remembered for – at least by me. Anyway, here’s the show… |MP3|

[via Ear Ideas]

Posted by Jesse Willis

New Releases – S.M. Stirling, Mary Shelley, Frank Herbert

New Releases

Another in S.M. Stirling’s alternate planet series (a parallel world first introduced in The Sky People), have a listen to the Dragon Page interview/chat with Stirling |MP3|, it too sounds like a cool book, The Sky People earned an SFFaudio Essential designation

Science Fiction Audiobook - In The Courts Of The Crimson Kings by S.M. StirlingIn The Courts Of The Crimson Kings
By S.M. Stirling; Read by Todd McLaren
10 CDs or 1 MP3-CD – 13 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
EAN: 9781400106103 (CDs), 9781400156108 (MP3-CD)
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Published: March 2008
On Mars, early hominids evolved civilization earlier than their earthly cousins, driven by the needs of a harsh world growing still harsher as the initial terraforming ran down. Without coal, oil, or uranium, their technology was forced onto different paths, and the genetic wizardry of the Crimson Dynasty united a world for more than 20,000 years. Now, in a new stand-alone adventure set in this world’s 2000 AD, Jeremy Wainman is an archaeologist who has achieved a lifelong dream: to travel to Mars and explore the dead cities of the Deep Beyond, searching for the secrets of the Kings Beneath the Mountain and the fallen empire they ruled.

Unhyped, unbalyhooed, and probably the last novel that needs to be re-recorded, never the less I think the fact that Simon Vance is narrating makes this a worthy edition…

Science Fiction Audiobook - Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus by Mary ShelleyFrankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus
By Mary Shelley; Read by Simon Vance
7 CDs or 1 MP3-CD – 8 Hours 30 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Published: February 2008
EAN: 9781400106349 (CD), 9781400156344 (MP3-CD)
Mary Shelley’s tragic story of a scientist who created a monster is perhaps even more compelling today than when it was written nearly two centuries ago. The brilliant Victor Frankenstein fashions a new form of life only to discover, too late, the irreparable damage he has caused.

Here’s the first in a new batch of old, non-Dune, Herbert novels getting their first unabridged releases…

Science Fiction Audiobook - Hellstrom’s Hive by Frank HerbertHellstrom’s Hive
By Frank Herbert; Read by Scott Brick
10 CDs, 1 MP3-CD – 4 Hours 30 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
EAN: 9781400105649 (CDs), 9781400155644 (MP3-CD)
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Published: March 2008
America is a police state, and it is about to be threatened by the most hellish enemy in the world: insects. First published in Galaxy magazine in 1973 as “Project 40,” Frank Herbert’s vivid imagination and brilliant view of nature and ecology have never been more evident than in this classic of science fiction.

Posted by Jesse Willis