New Releases – Disney Fairies #6

New Releases

Out today is one for the Cicely Mary Barker set. But be WARNED, you’ll need to brush your teeth after listening! There’s almost as much sugar in the Disney Fairies audiobooks as was in in The Sonic Society’s Pony Tales (their April Fools Day show) I’m thinking Shannon and Jack could probably pitch Pony Tales |MP3| to Disney – seriously.

Disney Fairies Collection #6Disney Fairies Collection #6: “Dulcie’s Taste of Magic” & “Silvermist and the Ladybug Curse”
By Gail Herman; Read by Ashley Albert and Kathleen McInerney
Publisher: Random House Audio
Published: May 13th 2008
ISBN: 9780739365038
Dulcie’s Taste of Magic
Poor Dulcie! After the overworked baking fairy nearly ruins breakfast, Queen Clarion tells her to take a holiday. But Dulcie’s vacation is no fun at all. Then Dulcie stumbles across an ancient magical recipe in the library. She’s desperate to try it out. But how can she bake the mysterious Comfort Cake if she’s not allowed in the kitchen?
Silvermist and the Ladybug Curse
Silvermist is the calmest water-talent fairy around and as cool as a deep mountain lake. But then an “unlucky” white ladybug lands on Silvermist’s head, and her orderly world goes topsy-turvy. Silvermist doesn’t believe in bad luck and silly old fairy superstitions. But all her troubles began after she found the white ladybug. Is Silvermist really under a curse?

Posted by Jesse Willis

Scott Brick Presents Fatal Revenant and Lord Foul’s Bane

SFFaudio News

Scott Brick PresentsFatal Revenant, the latest “Thomas Covenant” novel from Stephen R. Donaldson, is now on sale as an EXCLUSIVE AUDIOBOOK at!

Scott Brick sez:

The wait is over! I am ecstatic to announce that Scott Brick’s latest audiobook, Stephen R. Donaldson’s FATAL REVENANT, is now on sale EXCLUSIVELY at!

LORD FOUL’S BANE (the first in the series) is also for sale. Now who’s excited?

Posted by Jesse Willis

Sci-Phi Show interviews Rudy Rucker

Jason Rennie’s The Sci Phi Show, has has an exclusive podcast interview with Rudy Rucker. You may recall that The Sci Phi Show ran a short Rucker story called Panpsychism Proved a while back. Jason talks to Rudy about the “singularity”, the philosophical idea of panpsychism (the idea that the entirety of the universe is “mind”), quantum physics, cyberpunk, his novels and his philosophy on book distribution. Have a listen |MP3| or subscribe to The Sci Phi Show’s podcast feed:

Arthur C. Clarke talks about Stanley Kubrick


Undesirable Propagation UnitBack when websites were websites (in the late 1990s), somebody in Australia started collecting oddnesses. Taking its name from a term in a 1993 article in Wired magazine, Undesirable Propagation Unit is a collection of assorted weirdness – probably there’s some other stuff of interest on the site too (for somebody) but for our purposes there is an old ABC Radio National interview with Arthur C. Clarke. Curiously the program is mostly about the film of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Stanley Kubrick. Check it out:
Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3| Part 3 |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis

SFFaudio Challenge #1: This World is Taboo by Murray Leinster CLAIMED

SFFaudio News

This World is Taboo by Murray LeinsterTaylor Kent, of the Snark Infested Waters and Misfit Christians podcasts, has claimed This World Is Taboo by Murray Leinster from our First Annual SFFaudio Challenge!

Taylor is shooting for a completion date of “Winter of 2008” (so before the new year begins) and plans on releasing the audiobook as either a zipped file, a podcast, and/or via Taylor and I are both big Murray Leinster fans, if you haven’t read any Leinster you’ve missed out. Check out Anthropological Note (available from Wonder Audio), it’ll help tide you over until This World Is Taboo comes out.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Wormwood: Postmortem – behind the scenes of WORMWOOD

SFFaudio Online Audio

Wormwood: PostmortemThe cool folks at Habit Forming Films (the creators of Wormwood) has added a new interstitial podcast |MP3| between it’s first and second seasons, entitled Wormwood: Postmortem. This is a special edition podcast of Wormwood: A Serialized Mystery goes “behind-the-scenes” for an actor’s roundtable discussion with Peter (Jimmy Details) Dirksen and Zachary (Brent Saunders) Foulkes. Plus: forums, a call-in line, and TWO new contests! Subscribe to the feed via this link:

I’m really looking forward to season two of Wormwood, and you are too if you’ve heard season one.

Posted by Jesse Willis