Maria Lectrix podcasts: The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath by H.P. Lovecraft

SFFaudio Online Audio

I seem to easily fall for Catholic podcasters of the female persuasion. For evidence of this witness the recent addition of Julie D. (of the Forgotten Classics podcast) to the SFFaudio staff. More evidence comes in the form of my many missives about Maureen O’Brien (AKA Maria Lectrix). Maureen’s been podcasting SF, Fantasy, and Horror for even longer than Julie! The last project of hers that attracted my capricious ears was her unabridged reading of Despoilers Of The Golden Empire by Randall Garrett (read all about that awesome podcast audiobook HERE). But Maureen’s latest project will likely garner even more attention, if only for the name attached to it! Maureen writes:

“The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath isn’t much like a typical Lovecraft story. It starts with a scene that’s pretty, not soul-shattering, eerie, or rugous and tentacular. But Lovecraftian elements (the Other Gods from Outside) are present, the main character is also the hero of other stories, the cats of Ulthar make their presence felt, and so forth. You get a lot of Dunsany-inspired writing (and sly side-remarks), too; but this isn’t a story that Dunsany really would have told. (Especially not the friendly and heroic cat parts).”

podcast audiobook - The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath by H.P. LovecraftThe Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Maureen O’Brien
Podcast – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Maria Lectrix
Podcast: May 2008 – ????
Randolph Carter dreams three times of a majestic sunset city, but each time he is abruptly snatched away before he can see it up close. When he prays to the gods of dream to reveal the whereabouts of the phantasmal city, they do not answer. Undaunted, Carter resolves to go to Kadath, where the gods live, to beseech them in person. However, no one has ever been to Kadath and none even knows how to get there. In dream, Randolph Carter descends “the seventy steps to the cavern of flame” and speaks of his plan to the priests Nasht and Kaman-Thah, whose temple borders the Dreamlands. The priests warn Carter of the great danger of his quest.

Part one is already in the podcast feed, no word on when it’ll wrap up, but you can keep apprised by subscribing to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC Radio 4: a Terry Pratchett interview

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 4 - On The Ropes: Terry PratchettThe latest “On The Ropes” (which is a show that interviews successful people who have weathered storms in their careers) features a conversation with Terry Pratchett! Prachett talks about his early career as well as his recent diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. It isn’t not specifically about his literary output, but it should be of interest to those who follow his best selling books.

BBC Radio 4On The Ropes
Hosted by John Humphrys
1 Broadcast – Approx. 20 Minutes [INTERVIEW]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4 / On The Ropes
Broadcast: Tuesday May 20th 2008 @ 09:00am

Check it out via the BBC Radio 4 Listen Again feature.

[Thanks Roy!]

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC 7: The Day Of The Triffids by John Wyndham

SFFaudio Online Audio

Hey! Just started yesterday (Monday, May 19th 2008), on BBC Radio 7, The 7th Dimension has begun a 17-part UNABRIDGED reading of John Wyndham’s Science Fiction novel, The Day Of The Triffids. This is one of Wyndham’s best “cozy catastrophes” (and probably his most famous one) alongside The Kraken Wakes and The Midwich Cuckoos (aka Village Of The Damned).

BBC Radio 7 - BBC7The Day Of The Triffids
By John Wyndham; Read by Roger May
17 Half-hour RADIO BROADCASTS – Approx. 8 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Broadcaster: BBC7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: Weekdays from May 19th to June 10th at 6:30pm (18:30) and 12:30am (00:30am) UK TIME
The consequences when the vast majority of humanity is suddenly rendered blind, in a world that is then quickly overrun with poisonous ambulatory plants (the titular Triffids).
Produced in Belfast by Susan Carson

And of course, everyone outside the UK can catch each installment using the BBC7 “Listen Again” service for up to 6 days following the broadcasts.

[Thanks Rich!]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Canadia: 2056 Unoffical Podcast @ episode 10

SFFaudio Online Audio

If you didn’t catch it already, The Zombie Astronaut has been unofficially podcasting Canadia: 2056. Today’s release is of the 10th Epsiode (the last episode of the first season). From here on out ZA’s going to be catching up to the second season broadcasts in an awful hurry.

Canadia: 2056 Unofficial PodcastCanadia: 2056 – Season One
By Matt Watts (and others); Performed by a full cast
10 MP3s – Approx. 5 Hours [RADIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Unofficial Canadia 2056 Podcast
Podcast: May 2008
1 |MP3| 2 |MP3| 3 |MP3| 4 |MP3| 5 |MP3|
6 |MP3| 7 |MP3| 8 |MP3| 9 |MP3| 10 |MP3|

Subscribe to the unofficial podcast via this feed:

And, if you can draw or make visual art using photoshop check out the ongoing “Canadia:2056 Future Graphics Contest” and send in your rendering of a character or spacecraft from the show! Check it out on the official site:

The best graphic entered will win the entire Matt Watts Radio Comedy Collection from CBC autographed by Matt Watts. This includes Steve, the First; Steve, the Second and Canadia: 2056 Season 1 on CD. There will also be second and third place prizes! Check out some of the entries received so far:

Space Toilet

The Canadia

The Canadia and The Pickens

Classic Trio Enterprise, Serentity, Canadia

Posted by Jesse Willis

Decoder Ring Theatre SUMMER SHOWCASE

SFFaudio News

You’ve been hoping for it, dreaming of it, and now you’re getting it…

Decoder Ring Theatre SUMMER SHOWCASE

Yup it’s a summer of Deck Gibson: Far Reach Commander, episodes 3-8! Brush up on your DG with Episodes 1 |MP3| and 2 |MP3|, prior to the release of episode 3 on May 30th 2008. Subscribe to the show via the podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis