Orson Scott Card Selects #2 – The Big Time by Fritz Leiber

SFFaudio Online Audio
Orson Scott Card Selects (presented by Audible.com)
The second Orson Scott Card Selects, for June 2008, is up and read for listening. This is that new feature audio column on Audible.com in which Orson Scott Card selects a “classic sci-fi and fantasy” audibook that he thinks you’ll really dig. His second selection is the Audible Frontiers title The Big Time by Fritz Leiber!

Check the site out HERE. Or have a listen |MP3| to Card talk about why he thinks The Big Time is a great listen!

Posted by Jesse Willis

Decoder Ring Theatre – SUMMER SHOWCASE Begins!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Here it is! And don’t forget… episodes 1 |MP3| and 2 |MP3|are still available!

Decoder Ring Theatre SUMMER SHOWCASE

Deck Gibson: Far Reach CommanderDeck Gibson: Far Reach Commander – Episode 3 “Deck Gibson and the Room With No View”
By Matt Wallace; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – 26 Minutes [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Decoder Ring Theatre
Podcast: May 2008
Torn from the pages of last summer’s Showcase, Decoder Ring Theatre is proud to present the return of Matt Wallace’s Deck Gibson: Far Reach Commander in a new series of fantastic intergalactic adventures! This week: Deck is held prisoner after a Quasar Corps ambush and arrested as a traitor against Earth! Will his training as a Far Reach Commander save him, or will the last sight our hero ever sees be… The Room With No View!

Subscribe to the show via the podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Radio Drama Revival: Audio Gothic – Brad’s Book Of Lies

SFFaudio Online Audio

Radio Drama RevivalEpisode 70 of Radio Drama Revival features another tale from Crazy Dog Audio Theatre‘s Audio Gothic. This is a radio drama collection that aired on RTE (Radio Ireland) back in October 2007. I continue to be blown away by Roger Gregg’s work, and this story, Brad’s Book Of Lies, is no exception. RDR host, Fred Greenhalgh, calls it “amazingly clever and poignant” and I agree completely. Have a listen and add soon you’ll be adding your own accolades!

Audio GothicAudio Gothic: Brad’s Book Of Lies
By Roger Gregg; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – Approx. 28 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Radio Drama Revival
Podcast: May 2008
“Following a nervous breakdown, the world’s greatest marketing guru awakens to the fact that the only truth he’s ever known is how to best tell lies. He resolves to become a new person but soon discovers that the world around him will not let his old self die. Simon O’Gorman stars in this dark comedy.”

You can subscribe to the podcast feed via this link:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Harlan Ellison interviewed on WNYC Studio 360

SFFaudio Online Audio

Harlan Ellison gets interviewed on WNYCs Studio 360, its fun, fun stuff. On the show Ellison says he’s the heir to Edgar Allan Poe and Jorge-Luis Borges. And, if you’ve read his stuff you know he absolutely is! Have a listen, it is nothing but good |MP3|.

[via SFsignal.com]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Canadia: 2056 unofficial podcast is caught up

SFFaudio Online Audio

Canadia: 2056 Unofficial PodcastThe Canadia: 2056 unofficial podcast feed has caught up to the regular broadcast! From here on out it will shadow the weekly broadcasts on CBC Radio One. In a curious foreshadowing, THIS NEW STORY illustrates just how important building the HMCSS Canadia actually would be. Episode 21 of Canadia: 2056 airs on all CBC Radio One stations this week.

Subscribe to the unofficial podcast via this feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis