BBC Radio 4 dramatizes John Cheever’s The Enormous Radio

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 4Roy, our spy in the U.K. (informed and undercover) reports in his latest dispatch that John Cheever’s short story The Enormous Radio is getting a 45 minute dramatization on BBC R4! Roy sez this is at least the 4th audio dramatized version of this literary tale. It had previously been adapted in 1956 for the CBS Radio Workshop, in 1978 for Mindwebs, and in 1985 Vanishing Point!

The text version of The Enormous Radio first appeared in the May 17, 1947, issue of The New Yorker. Wikipedia describes it as a a “Kafkaesque tale about a sinister radio that broadcasts the private conversations of tenants in a New York apartment building.”

The Enormous Radio
By John Cheever; Performed by a full cast
Radio Broadcast – Approx. 45 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4 / Afternoon Play
Broadcast: Wednesday July 16th 2008 @ 14:15 (U.K. time)
Irene Westcott’s marriage is under strain. When her husband, Jim, brings home a new radio set to keep her company during the day, she soon finds her life unraveling around her. At first repulsed by the size and ugliness of the new set, Irene soon discovers to her delight that instead of the normal stations, it is picking up sounds from the other apartments in her New York block. Without telling her husband, she begins to listen in secret, eavesdropping on private displays of carnal love, vanity, faith and despair.

This should be available via the Afternoon Play “Listen Again” feature shortly after the broadcast.

Here are the |MP3| 1956 version done for the CBS Radio Workshop and the Mindwebs version |MP3| of this tale.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Wormwood Season 2 – Crossroads

SFFaudio Online Audio

Wormwood Season 2 - CrossroadsWormwood Season 2 is active and well underway!!!

So what’s Wormwood? And why are you so excited about it?

Well, Wormwood is one of the coolest audio dramas I’ve ever heard. It features a large cast of characters who reside in a small town called “Wormwood” – this is the kind of place H.P. Lovecraft would have lived in if he’d moved to California. Last season, the mysterious Xander Crowe, who sports a mysteriously withered hand, arrived in town chasing after a vision he had of a drowned woman. He closed in on the mystery near the season finale, but that only brought many new questions – all scary.

Some quick advice before listening:

1. Be sure to put on your brown trousers.
2. Listen only during daylight hours.
3. Don’t listen alone!

The new season is subtitled “Crossroads,” here’s the teaser |MP3| and here are the first 6 episodes:

Season 2 Episode 1 |MP3| One Month Later
Season 2 Episode 2 |MP3| The Rescue
Season 2 Episode 3 |MP3| The Missing Month (part 1)
Season 2 Episode 4 |MP3| Thinning (part 1)
Season 2 Episode 5 |MP3| A Sentimental Nature
Season 2 Episode 6 |MP3| Ghosthunters Of Wormwood

Click HERE to subscribe via iTunes, or plop this feed into any podcatcher:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Uvula Audio presents: Spacehounds of IPC by E.E. “Doc” Smith

SFFaudio Online Audio

Uvula AudioDr. James J. Campanella, he of Uvula Audio and the recently completed The Man Of Bronze audiobook fame, will be beginning a new novel of interest to fans of pulp space opera and E.E. “Doc” Smith. Spacehounds of IPC – A Tale Of The Inter-Planetary Corporation begins podcast on Friday, July 11th 2008. Jim sez of it:

“I’ve started this new story with a short introduction and the first chapter. Since this is the ‘adult’ podcast, there will be no cutesy sound-effects– although lord knows it is hard to read, or listen, straight to something like that from 1931 without a bit of an eye roll.”

Personally I’m always happy when the SFX are left out of an unabridged reading – and though Smith’s style hasn’t really held up what he lacks in modernity he makes up for in rarin’ enthusiasm and accelerating ideas. I’ll be listening!

Uvula Audio - Spacehounds Of IPC - A Tale Of The Inter-Planetary Corporation by E.E. “Doc” SmithSpacehounds of IPC – A Tale Of The Inter-Planetary Corporation
By E.E. “Doc” Smith; Read by James J. Campanella
Podcast – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Uvula Audio
Podcast: July 2008 – ????
The novel concerns a spaceliner that is wrecked on a satellite of Jupiter where alien races are encountered.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox presents A Strange Manuscript Found In A Copper Cylinder by James De Mille

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxBack in February 2007 Robert A. Graff, of Rochester, NY, took up the first SFFaudio Challenge. He read 5 chapters of a novel and then — nothing — but, that isn’t quite the end of this story. Some half-dozen or so LibriVoxiteers have lent their voices, and they’ve now finished off A Strange Manuscript Found In A Copper Cylinder by James De Mille!

The novel was just catalogued yesterday – that makes it a mere 120 years since it was originally serialized in Harper’s Weekly in 1888. De Mille, the son of a United Empire Loyalist (for you American’s that’s what Benjamin Franklin called “Royalists”), was variously a professor of classics, rhetoric and history. He also holds the distinction of being Canada’s first Science Fiction author.

Strange Manuscript is considered a Swiftian satire, the setting is that of an Antarctic “lost world” inhabited by pre-historic creatures and an insidious death cult. It has been compared variously to Edgar Allan Poe’s Narrative of Gordon Pym, H. Rider Haggard’s She, King Solomon’s Mines or even to Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World. The title and locale were likely inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s Ms. Found in a Bottle.

The main narrative follows the adventures of Adam More (keep that last name in mind), a British sailor shipwrecked on the homeward voyage from Tasmania. After More passes through a subterranean tunnel of volcanic origin, he finds himself in a lost world of prehistoric animals, plants and people, all sustained by a natural volcanic heat despite the long Antarctic night (which may remind you of Marvel comic’s Ka-Zar and his “Savage Land”). The secondary plot about the persons who found the manuscript written by More, forms a frame for the main narrative. In his strange volcanic world, More finds a highly developed human society comparable to Sir Thomas More’s Utopia, Erewhon by Samuel Butler and Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The copper cylinder’s manuscript describes a society that has reversed the values of Victorian life: wealth is scorned and poverty is revered, death and darkness are preferred to life and light. Rather than accumulating wealth, the natives seek to divest themselves of it as quickly as possible.

LibriVox Science Fiction Audiobook - A Strange Manuscript Found In A Copper Cylinder by James De MilleA Strange Manuscript Found In A Copper Cylinder
By James De Mille; Read by various
31 zipped MP3s or Podcast – 9 Hours 16 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: July 2008
Adam More, a British sailor is shipwrecked in Antarctica. There he stumbles upon a tropical lost world of prehistoric animals, plants, and a cult of death-worshipping primitives. He also finds a highly developed human society which has inverted the values of Victorian society. Wealth is scorned and poverty revered; death and darkness are preferable to life and light. Rather than accumulating wealth, the natives seek to divest themselves of it as quickly as possible. At the beginning of each year, the government imposes wealth (the burden of “reverse taxation”) upon its unfortunate subjects as a form of punishment. A secondary plot about the four yachtsmen who find the manuscript forms a frame for the central narrative.

Get this audiobook via the podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Canadia 2056 and the joys of time-shifting

SFFaudio Commentary

Ben Rai’s winning entry in the CANADIA 2056 Future Graphic Contest

One of the most compelling reasons to listen to podcasts is the ability to enjoy programs where and when you want them. I’ve been listening to The Zombie Astronaut‘s unofficial podcast feed for Canadia: 2056. This is a radio drama written by comedy genius Matt Watts. The show just wrapped up its second season on CBC Radio One. The podcast feed for the show has made Canadia 2056 completely accessible on my schedule. And like any podcast the show is now completely pause-able, rewindable, and re-listenable. I had to do all three this morning!

I was listening to episode 19 of the show and I was laughing so hard I had to pause it. About three minutes later, after the convulsions had stopped, I rewound and listened to what I’d missed. Here’s the scene that got me…

But first some background… the ships’ surgeon, Doc Gaffney, attends to a suicidal crew member named Skip Connors (she’s suicidal because she’s become a mere brain in a jar), just prior to the scene’s opening she’d been left alone in the Captain’s quarters with a obedient robot and a jealous computer |MP3|.

Like I said, I had to pause it, rewind, and listen again. Because it was a podcast, I could.

My enjoyment of all 24 episodes of Canadia: 2056 would be almost impossible without the podcast feed. And I’m not alone in this. I’ve read threads all over the net about the show, and the people who’ve heard the show. The people who heard it on the radio keep saying how much they like Canadia: 2056. But, I’ve also read about how these same folks ‘missed an episode’ here or there. People wanted to catch it when it was on, but just couldn’t. They can’t re-arrange their lives to listen to the radio, that’s really not how radio works. Even if radio is not appointment listening, Canadia 2056‘s podcast is well worth listening to. Give yourself a treat, go subscribe to the unofficial podcast of Canadia 2056. It’s so kruckin’ awesome!

Subscribe via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Clarkesworld July 2008 features When The Gentlemen Go By by Margaret Ronald

SFFaudio Online Audio

Clarkesworld # 22, the July 2008 issue, has an audio short story on offer…

Clarkesworld issue #22When The Gentlemen Go By
By Margaret Ronald; Read by Cat Rambo
Publisher: Clarkesworld Magazine
Published: July 2008

So who of you’ll do a listener review of this and post a comment below?

Posted by Jesse Willis