Clarkesworld for August 2008 features Blue Ink

SFFaudio Online Audio

Clarkesworld #23, the August 2008 issue, has an audio short story on offer (told in 2nd person perspective!)…

Clarkesworld issue #23Blue Ink
By Yoon Ha Lee; Read by Cat Rambo
1 |MP3| – 16 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Clarkesworld Magazine
Published: August 2008

In what I hope will be a tradition, I expect/hope, that David Tackett of QD will gift us a review of this story in the comments below. Dave?

Posted by Jesse Willis

Aural Noir Review of Grifter’s Game by Lawrence Block

Aural Noir: Review

Grifter’s Game is book number 001 in the Hard Case Crime library.

Crime Fiction Audiobook - Grifter’s Game by Lawrence BlockSFFaudio EssentialHard Case CrimeGrifter’s Game
By Lawrence Block; Read by Alan Sklar
5 CDs – 5 Hours 17 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: BBC Audiobooks America
Published: 2006
ISBN: 9781602834538
Themes: / Crime / Noir / Femme Fatale / Drugs / Murder / Atlantic City /

Con man Joe Marlin was used to scoring easy cash off of gullible women. But that was before he met Mona Brassard — and found himself holding a stolen stash of raw heroin. Now that Joe has fallen hard for Mona, he’s got to pull off the most dangerous con of his career: one that will leave him either a killer — or a corpse.

Before he settled into the comfortable (and profitable) serial novels, starring the characters you love to love, Lawrence Block was writing crime novels. With every turn of the page, you could almost hear the peeling the wallpaper off of even the swankiest of hotel room walls. These are the gritty, acidic, abrasive early novels of Lawrence Block. The characters in these fifty-thousand worders were hardened criminals. Unrepentant, unlovable, more disposable, but ultimately just as magnetic as those who would come later. Block’s first novel (under his own name) featured just one such criminal. Joe Marlin is smooth and hungry. He’s no ageless, cuddly Bernie Rhodenbarr, solving murders between burglaries. He can’t relate the moral greyness that comes from too many years as a cop, like Matt Scudder. And he doesn’t contemplate the American lifestyle whilst planning murder for hire, like Keller. He’s just one low-down and dirty sonofabitch, telling as compelling a crime tale as you’ll ever likely to hear. Marlin’s story was first published by Gold Medal in 1961 under the title Mona. In 1986, it was released as Sweet Slow Death. And most recently it was republished with a third title: Grifter’s Game, this time by Hard Case Crime. Block himself fancied The Girl on the Beach, as the novel’s title. But no matter what name the novel goes by, it’s a fast and dirty, and shoots a strong enough curve to throw even the most hardened of modern readers off their game. At 47 years old it’s still one of Block’s strongest novels.

Reader Alan Sklar grows into the voice of the narrator as Marlin’s plans turn darker. We like his Joe Marlin, he’s clever and slick, he lingers on the details and teases us. The only thing is that Sklar sees it all coming – he knows, he tells us he knows, but doesn’t telegraph, and so, when the killing blow ultimately comes, it doesn’t hit us until we’re too close, until we can really feel it, until we own it. Until we live it.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Orson Scott Card Selects #4 – Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

SFFaudio Online Audio
Orson Scott Card Selects (presented by
Orson Scott Card’s August essay is up on His subject is Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes!

You can check it out on the site itself, or just have a listen |MP3|. In what may be a world exclusive, Card compares the writing styles of Ray Bradbury to Isaac Asimov. And, there’s mention of the new Stefan Rudnicki narrated edition of Something Wicked This Way Comes.

Posted by Jesse Willis

WNYC’s Radio Lab talks the MULTIVERSE

SFFaudio Online Audio

You want to hear about the multiverse? No? Well, in some universe you do and in it you’ll be checking out WNYC’s Radio Lab‘s podcast/radio show talk about the multiverse! Have a listen |MP3|!

Here’s the description:

Have you wondered if there is another you out there? Somewhere? Sitting in the same chair, reading the same blog post, wearing the same clothes and thinking the same thoughts? Well, Brian Greene says there must be one. Or two. Or lots and lots and lots and lots and… Why? You ask, well listen to Greene’s argument in this week’s podcast.

We are still furiously working on Season 5, so while you wait we bring you today’s podcast of a conversation between Robert Krulwich and Brian Greene, physics and mathematics professor and director of the Institute of Strings, Cosmology, and Astroparticle Physics at Columbia University. The interview is part of a series called “Giants of Science” hosted by venerable New York institution, the 92nd St Y.

Robert and Brian discuss what’s beyond the horizon of our universe, what you might wear in infinite universes with finite pairs of designer shoes, and why the Universe and swiss cheese have more in common than you think.


Posted by Jesse Willis

Fafhrd and The Gray Mouser come to

SFFaudio News

Neil Gaiman Presents Lankhmar

Audible FrontiersSteve Feldberg, director of content for sez:

Man, am I pumped! And fans of Fritz Leiber’s classic Fafhrd & The Gray Mouser stories should be jazzed, too, because Audible has just brought all seven books of this all-time great series into audio for the first time! And even better, each title comes with an exclusive introduction by none other than Neil Gaiman. I especially like his lengthy, thoughtful introduction to THE SWORDS OF LANKHMAR. But, frankly, it’s all great. Especially since narrator Jonathan Davis has done such an outstanding job of bringing the Lankhmar series to life. Jonathan is perhaps best known for his great work on numerous Star Wars audiobooks, but I think he’s outdone himself this time.

In his email, Feldberg also included an exclusive Neil Gaiman intro to Leiber, and we’ve got it for you right here |MP3|! Check out the entire Lankhmar series HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Sound Affects to air: “a good horrible story” next Sunday

SFFaudio Online Audio

Sound Affects: A Radio PlaygroundJerry Stearns, host of Sound Affects: A Radio Playground, will be airing F. Paul Wilson’s “The Slasher” (which we told you about not so long ago) next Sunday evening at 9:30 on KFAI. Sez Jerry: “It’s not very SF a story, but it is a good horrible story.” Also on offer is a time travel story from the Atlanta Radio Theater Company.

In fact, the next few months on Sound Affects will be quite interesting as it’ll look something like this:

September – Crazy Dog’s “The Last Harbinger” (begins Aug. 31)

October – A War of the Worlds Month (with excerpts from many versions and ending with the 50th Anniversary Production complete)

November – ZBS’s “Dinotopia

December – ZBS’s “The World Beneath” (the sequel to Dinotopia)

Sound Affects airs on KFAI, 90.3 FM and 106.7 FM, in Minneapolis/St. Paul.
between 9:30 and 10:30 PM on Sundays (Central Time).

Posted by Jesse Willis