Review of Black Jack Justice – Season One

Aural Noir: Review

Black Jack Justice - Season 1Black Jack Justice – Season One
By Gregg Taylor; Performed by a full cast
12 MP3s or podcast – Approx. 5 Hours [AUDIO DRAMA]
Publisher: / Decoder Ring Theatre
Published: September 2006
Themes: / Mystery / Crime / Private Detective / Toronto /

“There was no time to explain the extra sensory properties of a truly eye-popping hangover.”
– from “Justice Incorporated”)

Black Jack Justice is a free podcast audio drama available through and Decoder Ring Theatre. Set in post WWII Toronto, it follows the cases of a pair of private detectives who right wrongs and investigate the investigateable. This review of the first season started life as a brief mention in an upcoming Five Free Favourites post. But, as I was re-living the show in my mind, and then, fannishly re-listening to the first season, I realized that it was totally unjust to leave Black Jack Justice – Season One without a full and glowing review. Let me put it simply. This is the greatest mystery audio drama since the Nero Wolfe series that aired on CBC Radio in the 1980s. Just like The Red Panda Adventures, also produced by Decoder Ring Theatre, Black Jack Justice is also written by Gregg Taylor. Like Panda, this show is absolutely top shelf entertainment. Not a single episode will leave you cold – every single one is fast, witty and clever. Black Jack Justice – Season 1 is like a good old fashioned cup of java and a slice of cherry pie and the heroes, Trixie Dixon and Jack Justice, are the greatest detective team since Nick and Nora.

The production of any given episode of Black Jack Justice is both an echo of those old time radio dramas like Richard Diamond, Private Detective and tribute to the superior techniques of modern storytelling. Actors Christopher Mott and Andrea Lyons, playing Jack and Trixie, are letter perfect, firing an endless rat-atat-tat of peppy dialogue that delivers exposition and character with equal enthusiasm. Mott’s Jack is hard and canny, but with a soft center shown only to dames in trouble and lost kittens. Lyons’ Trixie is whip smart sexy, she knows what she wants and she takes it – no ifs ands or gun butts. Guest actors, many familiar from their roles on The Red Panda Adventures, are also uniformly excellent – they typically play characters like cops, heiresses, and mob bosses. Audio production is minimal, with music being the main addition to the mix. Both Jack and Trixie have their own musical themes that play as they narrate their cases. The stories are lean and snappy, quick paced adventures. The show even has extremely subtle breaking of the fourth wall (of the style found in The Pirates of Penzance) – I absolutely love it. If Martin Backnell, the creator of Black Jack Justice weren’t totally fictional, he’d be smiling so wide at this series.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Hey Want To Watch A Movie? Brick

Aural Noir: Online Audio

Brick‘s the first Hey Want To Watch A Movie? podcast commentary track that would fit no-where but squarely in the Aural Noir category. Brick is the 2005 indie film noir flick like no other. This is one of the quietest commentary tracks ever recorded for HWTWAM, we spend a whole lot of the film just watching every scene – still, there is probably some fun to be had in listening to it – if not throw a brick at your TV, not at me.

Hey Want To Watch A Movie? - Brick (2005)Hey, Want To Watch A Movie?Brick
Commentators Christiana Ellis, Mike Meitin, Jesse Willis, Brandon Hill, Mae and Scott Brakeall
1 |MP3| – 2 Hours 12 Minutes [FILM COMMENTARY]
Podcaster: Hey, Want To Watch A Movie?
Podcast: September 11th 2008

Subscribe to the podcast feed via this link:

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: The Sleeper Awakes by H.G. Wells

SFFaudio Online Audio

H.G. Wells, new, Science Fiction, free, podcast, novel, get…

LibriVox Science Fiction - The Sleeper Awakes by H.G. WellsThe Sleeper Awakes
By H.G. Wells; Read by various
25 Zipped MP3 Files or podcast – Approx. 8 Hours 14 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 2008
The Sleeper Awakes is a dystopian novel about a man who sleeps for two hundred years, waking up in a completely transformed London, where, because of compound interest, he has become the richest man in the world. He has been the famous Sleeper for centuries. A fanatic socialist, the main character awakes to see his nightmares realized, and the future revealed to him in all its horrors and malformities. The people adore him, and their masters – the supervisors of his legacy who rule in his name – do not want him breathing.

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Geek Cred interviews WORMWOOD creators

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Geek CredThe Geek Cred podcast has an interview with the creators of Wormwood: A Serialized Mystery. David Accampo and Jeremy Rogers, explain where their spooky, creepy, occult mystery series came from. Have a listen |MP3|.

Here’s the podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

CBC Radio One’s IDEAS: Who Owns Ideas?

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio One - IdeasJust in time to educate voters and candidates about Bill C-61 and the upcoming federal election, CBC Radio One’s Ideas has posted an hour long |MP3| on the topic of Who Owns Ideas?. They talk to lots of folks including SF authors Eric Flint, Cory Doctorow, and about Baen Books and Random House. Podcast listeners take note, this particular show isn’t in the regular podcast feed (which is sadly still only podcasting one show out of five).

[via BoingBoing]

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free Apocalypse Al!

Options by John Varley – podcast on Spider On The Web

SFFaudio Online Audio

Spider On The Web - Spider Robinson’s podcastJohn Varley’s Hugo and Nebula nominated short story Options is the latest unabridged tale to be recorded by Spider Robinson for Spider Robinson’s Spider On The Web podcast. More of Varley’s work, four novels, will soon be available via too. According to Varley, Titan, Wizard, and Demon will be read by Allyson Johnson. While The Ophiuchi Hotline will be read by Gabra Zackman. Jeanne Robinson, who’s Spider Robinson frequent co-author, and spouse, also has some news with her new project The Stardance Movie. Looking forward to it Jeanne!

By John Varley; Read by Spider Robinson
Podcaster: Spider On The Web
Podcast: September 2008

Posted by Jesse Willis