Steven Gould short story Shade @

SFFaudio Online Audio has a new Steven Gould short story set in his Jumper universe. Whatever you thought of the movie (I rate it as a solid meh+ myself), the first two novels are very solid reads. The second, Reflex |READ OUR REVIEW|, was available in audio previously, the first, still hasn’t been audiobooked. Get yourself hooked by trying a little taste for free… Audiobook - Shade by Steven GouldShade
By Steven Gould; Read by Steven Gould ?
1 |MP3| – Approx. 31 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: August 2008

[via Dragon Page Cover To Cover]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Dean Koontz and his dead dog wrote a book Bliss To You

SFFaudio Online Audio

Bliss To You by Dean Koontz and his dead dogHow nutz is Dean Koontz? This nutz…

Dean Koontz and his dead dog wrote a book, here’s an excerpt |MP3|.

My only question is, is this going to get shelved in Self Help or Fantasy section of the bookstore?

Posted by Jesse Willis

Forgotten Classics: The Wonder Stick by Stanton A. Coblentz

SFFaudio Online Audio

Forgotten ClassicsI was cheering up a young friend of mine by showing her video of Weird Al’s White and Nerdy the other day. It worked. Afterward, in explaining who Weird Al was, I described the character he played in the movie UHF. I said:

“He’s a sort of guy everybody thinks is a loser – incredibly passionate about his interests. In other words, he’s a nerd like me.”

My young friend then sez: “You know you’re a loser?” and then she laughed.

It was funny.

After the convulsions died down, I said: “I know that some people think of me that way.”

I explained that I know I’m a nerd. That I wear the nerd badge with pride. I like, and always have liked Weird Al and the whole ’embrace your inner nerd’ mentality he exemplifies. Which brings me to The Wonder Stick:

Julie D., of Forgotten Classics podcast (and a contributor to SFFaudio), has just wrapped up the final installment of her wonderful reading of The Wonder Stick by Stanton A. Coblentz. It was Coblentz’s first novel. You can kind of tell it his first novel, much of the dialogue is rather simplistic, especially with crowds of cavemen speaking like a Greek chorus (but then again, cavemen probably weren’t super eloquent). I get the sense that kids will really dig this adventure. Had I read it, when Julie had (in junior high school or high school), I’d have probably have enjoyed it even more than I did.

The Wonder Stick is the story of Ru, a young caveman who’s an outsider. Ru is scorned by his community despite his superior intellect, insight and cunning. In the end Ru triumphs, and gets the respect he so rightly deserves. It’s really the story of the original triumph of the nerds.

What The Wonder Stick doesn’t quite have is the modern ethos of the nerds (it is also absent from the W&N video), namely: We don’t need the respect of the non-nerds. We have our own community. So, to my young friend, and to all you nerds, I highly recommend downloading…

Forgotten Classics presents… Stanton A. Coblentz’s The Wonder StickThe Wonder Stick
By Stanton A. Coblentz; Read by Julie D.
Podcast – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Forgotten Classics
Podcast: May – September 2008
A prehistorical science fiction novel that does everything but invent the wheel. The “wonder-stick” of the title, is a real invention which provided an unparalleled quantum leap in human technology.

|MP3| Chapters 1 – 2 |MP3| Chapters 3 – 5
|MP3| Chapters 6 – 7 |MP3| Chapters 8 – 10
|MP3| Chapters 11 – 12 |MP3| Chapters 13 -15
|MP3| Chapter 16 |MP3| Chapters 17
|MP3| Chapters 18 – 19 |MP3| Chapters 20 – 21
|MP3| Chapters 22 – 24 |MP3| Chapter 25 – 26 & Conclusion

and then watching…

Posted by Jesse Willis

CANADIA: 2056 coming to CD

SFFaudio News

Canadia: 2056Good news for radio drama fans! Greg DeClute, a producer at CBC Radio One, informs me that:

“…the second season of Canadia will be released on CD in time for Christmas. The CBC will start taking
pre-orders on November 17. People can order it from the Canadia site or
from the CBC shop.”

Greg is referring of course to the second season of CANADIA: 2056, which aired earlier this year on CBC Radio One stations across Canada. Season one, by the way, is already available in a 5 CD set.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Robert E. Howard’s CONAN vs. CPI’s Conan

SFFaudio News

Queen Of The Black Coast by Robert E. HowardBroken Sea Audio Productions has received another letter from the law firm employed by Conan Properties International. This time, there appears to be some acknowledgment that the stories starring Robert E. Howard’s Conan aren’t the sole property of CPI.

Unfortunately, the remainder of the letter still shows that the lawyer for CPI don’t read their correspondence very closely. CPI’s lawyers still think that BSAP is selling something (they aren’t), and that by selling that product BSAP would be harming the market for the CPI’s own audio product (which doesn’t exist).

Here’s a |PDF| of the letter.

I’m hip deep into the audio drama version of Queen Of The black Coast, having just finished listening to episode 4, in which CONAN, Belit, and crew of the Tigress finally start up that poisoned river. It’s got a stereo soundscape that is so rich and full as to be unrivaled in podcast audio drama. Check it out for yourselves HERE.

To read the first letter check out our first post about this subject HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

SFFaudio Challenge title: Space Tug by Murray Leinster on LibriVox

SFFaudio Online Audio

SFFaudio’s Make An Audiobook Win An Audiobook Challenge #2Who’s the narrator that’s a reading machine to all the listeners?
Ya, damn right!

Who is the man that would complete the challenge for his brother man?
Can you dig it?

Who’s the cat that won’t cop out when there’s unrecorded audiobooks all about?
Right On!

They say this cat Mark mutters…
I’m talkin’ ’bout Mark!

He’s a complicated man
But everyone understands his letter clear readings

Damn straight! The latest Mark Douglas Nelson read audiobook has just posted to the LibriVox library. Mark’s got the voice that makes all the listener’s say aww-yeah. And, he’s choosing the books that make you say boo-yah. Best of all, he’s making them PD (free for all, for all-time).

Librivox Science Fiction Audiobook - Space Tug by Murray LeinsterSpace Tug
By Murray Leinster; Read by Mark Douglas Nelson
11 Zipped MP3s or Podcast – 6 Hours 18 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 16th, 2008
Joe Kenmore heard the airlock close with a sickening wheeze and then a clank. In desperation he turned toward Haney. “My God, we’ve been locked out!” Through the transparent domes of their space helmets, Joe could see a look of horror and disbelief pass across Haney’s face. But it was true! Joe and his crew were locked out of the Space Platform. Four thousand miles below circled the Earth. Under Joe’s feet rested the solid steel hull of his home in outer space. But without tools there was no hope of getting back inside. Joe looked at his oxygen meter. It registered thirty minutes to live.

Subscribe to the podcast:

Posted by Jesse Willis