Maria Lectrix: The Creature From Cleveland Depths by Fritz Leiber

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Maria Lectrix podcast, and it’s proprietress Maureen O’Brien have finished recording and releasing into the public domain a new/old short story by the immortal/deceased Fritz Leiber!

Says Maureen: “Here is a modern tale of an inner-directed sorcerer and an outer-directed sorcerer’s apprentice … a tale of— THE CREATURE FROM CLEVELAND DEPTHS”

Science Fiction Audiobook - The Creature From Cleveland Depths by Fritz LeiberThe Creature From Cleveland Depths
By Fritz Leiber; Read by Maureen O’Brien.
8 MP3 Files – Approx. 1 Hour 32 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Maria Lectrix
Podcast: October 2008
Every time Gusterson dropped a new free idea into the fad-ridden mainstream world of underground cities and cozy crowds, it crystallized into something really strange, and things got out of hand. So he shouldn’t have mentioned the reminder machine….
Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3| Part 3 |MP3| Part 4 |MP3|
Part 5 |MP3| Part 6 |MP3| Part 7 |MP3| Part 8 |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis

Marvel Comics podcast talks to Orson Scott Card about Ender’s Game comics

SFFaudio Online Audio

Marvel Comics - Ender’s Game Issue 1 of‘s podcast, the Mighty Marvel Podcast, recently talked to Orson Scott Card about the newly released Ender’s Game comic book miniseries.

Issue #1 of 5 is in comic stores now!

Senior Art Director Jeff Suter talked with card about the adaptation as well as Card’s writing of Ultimate Iron Man (a character Card had never even heard of before he got asked to write his ULTIMATE story).

Card calls the Ender’s Game comic book “a 16 hour miniseries” done for comics.

He also lets slip the title of the next Enderverse novel.

Have a listen |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis

Revisiting The Wood Beyond The World by William Morris

SFFaudio Commentary

I am in error. Mark your calendars folks!

It seems I mis-gendered the very feminine voice of Cori Samuel who has rightfully pointed out my big error on her blog. Cori writes:

Soooo, almost a year after I started working on it, and several months after Mandarine agreed to take on the huge task of editing this lovely-crazy book, ’tis done. The Wood Beyond the World, by William Morris, is available as a LibriVox audiobook.

It’s a great fantasy story, with interesting characters and strange plots, and it was splendid fun to read the pseudo-archaic language, even if I was tearing my hair out over it at times. Annoyingly, I think the counter has broken again, it still registers only 197 downloads so far, or else no-one’s downloaded it since the first day it was released — which is possible! SFFaudio set the original challenge and gave the book a good mention in their (excellent) recent podcast, but unfortunately, they DID refer to me as a ‘he’ throughout, so perhaps this is one of those books it’s better to read about than to read/hear. Or else they’d gotten confused with the other semi-freely available recording of the book, which can be found at AudioBooksForFree and runs a whole 10 mins longer than mine (a slower pace, not any deficiency of text, I hasten to note!) Read with a lovely British male accent, but only the lowest audioquality is available for free.

Now I could plead that the podcast where I made this gaff was recorded at 5AM before any coffee was imbibed. That, I’m overburdened, overworked, and underpaid (zero is a number). But, the plain truth is, I hadn’t listen to Cori’s recording at that point.

Which was rather shoddy of me.


I’ve now listened to part 1, and am working my way through part 2. This |MP3| ably illustrates Cori’s lovely, lovely, reading.

So, now I entreat any and all to do as I’ve done, and make that 197 number grow. Please, if you would, download, enjoy…

LibriVox Fantasy Audiobook - The Wood Beyond The World by William MorrisThe Wood Beyond the World
By William Morris; Read by Cori Samuel
12 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 5 Hours 20 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: October 9th, 2008
The Wood Beyond The World is a fantasy novel by William Morris, perhaps the first modern fantasy writer to unite an imaginary world with the element of the supernatural, and thus the precursor of much of present-day fantasy literature. His use of archaic language has been seen by some modern readers as making his fiction difficult to read, but brings a wonderful atmosphere to the telling. Morris considered his fantasies a revival of the medieval tradition of chivalrous romances. In consequence, they tend to have sprawling plots of strung-together adventures. In this story, Walter leaves his father and his own unfaithful wife and sets sail in search of adventure. This he finds aplenty, encountering love, treachery and magic in the Wood of the title and travelling through the Mountains of the Folk of the Bears. But can he find happiness and peace by means of this Quest?

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC Radio 4: On The Beach by Nevil Shute dramatized

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 4Roy of the U.K. writes in to say there’s a “Classic Serial” on BBC Radio 4 that is worthy of our attention. It’s a BBC dramatisation of this recently mentioned Nevil Shute novel: On The Beach

A 1957 novel set in the then future 1963. A nuclear conflict has devastated the northern hemisphere, polluting the atmosphere with radioactive fallout and killing all animal life. While the nuclear bombs were confined to the northern hemisphere, global air currents are slowly carrying the fallout to the southern hemisphere. The only part of the planet still habitable is the far south of the globe, specifically Australia and New Zealand, South Africa, and the southern parts of South America, although all of these areas are slowly succumbing to radiation poisoning as the fallout continues to circulate southwards!

BBC Radio 4 Radio Drama - On The Beach based on the novel by Nevil ShuteOn The Beach
Based on the novel by Nevil Shute; performed by a full cast
2 Parts – Approx. 2 Hours [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4 / Classic Serial
Broadcast: Sunday Nov. 2nd 2008 & Sunday Nov. 9th 2008 @ 15:00-16:00

These will each be repeated once at 21:00-22:00 on the following Saturdays.

And, Roy tells us to stick around for the “Bookclub programme” that immediately follows the first broadcast of Part 1 as it features Fay Weldon discussing her 1989 novel The Cloning Of Joanna May. That’s later repeated the following Thursday at 16:00 (30 minutes).

Thanks Roy!

Posted by Jesse Willis

a LibriVox FIRST (full cast unabridged narration): Wanted 7 Fearless Engineers

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxHere’s what I’m fairly certain is a LibriVox FIRST! A full cast unabridged narration of a story. That is, multiple narrators, reading one work, in concert. Something similar has already been done for plays (check out Macbeth), but this is the first prose fiction I’ve heard done for LibriVox this way.

The first chapter is somewhat reminiscent of the Louis Wu recruitment scene as depicted in the opening chapters of Ringworld – which is cool, because that’s a great scene. First published in Amazing Stories magazine’s February 1939 issue, and later reprinted in the April 1956 issue, this tale was written under a pseudonym of Astounding SF editor F. Orlin Tremaine.

The narrators, Andrew Coleman, Cori Samuel, David Barnes, Lizzie Driver and Philippa, are actually performing this audiobook, not just reading it. Very cool. The recording environment for these readers is dead silent, their volumes are all excellent and uniform. If you’re planning on doing a multiple narrator production, make this audiobook your model!

LibriVox Science Fiction Audiobook - Wanted 7 Fearless Engineers by F. Orlin TremaineWanted 7 Fearless Engineers
By Warner Van Lorne (aka F. Orlin Tremaine); Read by Andrew Coleman, Cori Samuel, David Barnes, Lizzie Driver & Philippa
8 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 2 Hours 3 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: October 23, 2008
A great civilization’s fate lay in Dick Barrow’s hands as he led his courageous fellow engineers into a strange and unknown land. None of them knew what lay ahead–what dangers awaited them–or what rewards. But they did not hesitate because the first question asked them had been: “Are you a brave man?”
Chapter 1 |MP3| Chapter 2 |MP3| Chapter 3 |MP3| Chapter 4 |MP3|
Chapter 5 |MP3| Chapter 6 |MP3| Chapter 7 |MP3| Chapter 8 |MP3|

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Living Dead anthology being AUDIOBOOKED

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Living Dead edited by John Joseph AdamsThe Living Dead is a paperbook anthology edited by John Joseph Adams. Here’s the premise from the book’s introduction:

“Most of the stories in this book are either inspired by Romero’s ‘unholy trilogy’—Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead—or are a reaction to it.”

There are 34 stories in the anthology. Three are currently available in audio form from Pseudopod and WBAI 99.5 FM’s Hour Of The Wolf (there are two different readings of the David Barr Kirtley story BTW).

Here’s the Table of Contents with the AUDIO adaptations noted:

* Introduction by John Joseph Adams
* This Year’s Class Picture by Dan Simmons
* Some Zombie Contingency Plans by Kelly Link
* Death and Suffrage by Dale Bailey
* Ghost Dance by Sherman Alexie
* Blossom by David J. Schow
* The Third Dead Body by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
* The Dead by Michael Swanwick
* The Dead Kid by Darrell Schweitzer
* Malthusian’s Zombie by Jeffrey Ford
* Beautiful Stuff by Susan Palwick
* Sex, Death and Starshine by Clive Barker
* Stockholm Syndrome by David Tallerman; Read by Cheyenne Wright |MP3|
* Bobby Conroy Comes Back From the Dead by Joe Hill
* Those Who Seek Forgiveness by Laurell K. Hamilton
* In Beauty, Like the Night by Norman Partridge
* Prairie by Brian Evenson
* Everything is Better With Zombies by Hannah Wolf Bowen; Read by Mur Lafferty |MP3|
* Home Delivery by Stephen King
* Less Than Zombie by Douglas E. Winter
* Sparks Fly Upward by Lisa Morton
* Meathouse Man by George R. R. Martin
* Deadman’s Road by Joe R. Lansdale
* The Skull-Faced Boy by David Barr Kirtley; Read by David Barr Kirtley |MP3|
* The Skull-Faced Boy by David Barr Kirtley; Read by Ralph Walters |MP3|
* The Age of Sorrow by Nancy Kilpatrick
* Bitter Grounds by Neil Gaiman
* She’s Taking Her Tits to the Grave by Catherine Cheek
* Dead Like Me by Adam-Troy Castro
* Zora and the Zombie by Andy Duncan
* Calcutta, Lord of Nerves by Poppy Z. Brite
* Followed by Will McIntosh
* The Song the Zombie Sang by Harlan Ellison® and Robert Silverberg
* Passion Play by Nancy Holder
* Almost the Last Story by Almost the Last Man by Scott Edelman
* How the Day Runs Down by John Langan

Here’s more:

From WBAI 99.5 FM’s Hour Of The Wolf and David Barr Kirtley’s podcast:

A discussion of the book (with editor John Joseph Adams, author David Barr Kirtley and host Jim Freund) at |MP3|

Listener calls |MP3|

And, here’s the “Zombieriffic” claymation video that was mentioned in the listener calls…

Posted by Jesse Willis