BBC7 shows us: This Is Pulp Fiction

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 7 - BBC7Over in the Crime and Thrillers slot all this week on BBC Radio 7 there’s a nifty series of “pulp” (crime tales from the pulp age) airing. All are read by Peter Marinker, a veteran narrator – sound intriguing? You bet, read on…

This Is Pulp Fiction
By various; Read by Peter Marinker
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 7 / Crime and Thrillers
Broadcast: Monday to Friday at 9.45am, 8.45pm and 1.45am
A brand new series for BBC Radio 7, in which Peter Marinker reads some of the best in classic American Pulp Fiction. From Divide and Conquer, Jack Ritchie’s 1957 crime thriller about a cleverly foiled protection racket, to A Real Nice Guy, William F. Nolan’s classic story about a serial sniper.

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC Radio 4 during December

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 4Our agent in London has the pulse of what’s going to air on BBC Radio 4 over the month of December 2008. Sez Roy:

“I’ve completed a quick scan of what’s on offer from BBC Radio over the coming festive season. Looks far from a vintage season, but I’ve spotted a few genre items…

Saturday 13th Dec R4 14:30-16:00 Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward

Monday 15th Dec R4 22:45-23:00 Book At Bedtime A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens; read by David Jason. This 10 part reading continues each weekday night until Boxing Day (Dec. 26th).

Tuesday 16th Dec R4 11:30-12:00 I Was Douglas Adams’s Flatmate. Ok, not drama, but the personal recollections of someone who shared an flat with the creator of so much humorous SF might be interesting.

Sunday 21st Dec R2 00:00-00:18 The Devil’s Christmas read by Christopher Eccleston
Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who) reads four ‘dark tales for Christmas‘. Continues nightly to Christmas Eve. Claims to be a repeat, but I don’t know when original transmission was.

Monday 22nd Dec R4 14:15-15:00 The Borrowers part 1 by Mary Norton
Well I think this can be considered ‘Fantasy’ and I for one will be listening. Part 2 is at the same time next day (Tuesday 23rd).

Wednesday 31st Dec R4 14:15-15:00 Mr. Luby’s Fear Of Heaven by John Mortimer
Frankly I’m not sure quite how genre relevant this will be. It was originally aired as a joint NPR/BBC production under the ‘Earplay’ banner, but I believe this is a new production.”

Thanks Roy, there are a few in there I’ll be coveting for a special spot under my digital Xmas tree!

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of Starship: Pirate by Mike Resnick

SFFaudio Review

Starship: Pirate, Book 2 by Mike ResnickStarship: Pirate, Book 2
By Mike Resnick; Read by Jonathan Davis
Audible Download – 8 Hours 45 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audible Frontiers
Published: April 2008
Themes: / Science Fiction / Space Opera / Galactic Civilization / Aliens / Piracy / Crime / Military SF /

Seeking to find a new life for themselves, Cole and comrades remake the Teddy R. as a pirate ship and set sail for the lawless Inner Frontier. There, powerful warlords, cut-throat pirates, and struggling colonies compete for survival in a game where you rarely get a second chance to learn the rules. But military discipline is poor preparation for a life of pillaging and plundering, and Cole’s principles limit his targets. Seeking an education on the nature of piracy, Cole hunts more knowledgeable players: the beautiful but deadly Valkyrie, the enigmatic alien fence David Copperfield, and the fearsome alien pirate known as the Hammerhead Shark.

Avast! All hands take heed of this fine awdio-booke! It be a speedy chaser to Starship: Mutiny – and who among ye haven’t read that yet? The scurvy lot who han’t yet, ought! Those who ha, read on.

Writer of the booke be one named Resnick, he be an experienced one, charting a course that leads to high adventure and much profite. There be little ballast for this be a fast journey. But I forewarn thee, there be parts where you’ll feel clapped in irons (unable to stop listening).

The keel of this story be straight and true. Though to be fair there was one leak into the bilge (a repeated line missed in the editing). Skippering the narration of this yarn be a yank of some experience. Jonathan Davis, he who tole the story of the Teddy R. and crew from the first booke (Starship: Mutiny), returns to bedevil the shores of many star systems again. Me spyglass reports that he be crewing the next booke, Starship: Mercenary as well. That be a good thing. Behind this yarn be Audible Frontiers. A new publisher of some new repute. And their stocks look unto being a great treasure trove of riches – fit nigh for many a plundering (mind ye though there be DRM). Better, and fitter, just sign your X and get an account. It be a wise move me hearties.

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 007

SFFaudio Online Audio

Despite the title, this is the 8th Short Science Fiction Collection from LibriVox. The accounting is wonky because #007 was preceded by #008 by a month or so (#008 was completed first). New narrators in this volume include David N. Castle, Bryden Jones, Alex Clarke and Corey M. Snow. Some of these tales are rehashes of previously incarnated recordings, but with new narrators (its time to stop re-recording Kurt Vonnegut’s 2 B R 0 2 B Librivoxers). Still, most of the ten stories are new to audio. Of most significance to me personally is the release of Ralph William’s Cat and Mouse, as read by Betsie Bush. This is a story from our 3rd Annual SFFaudio Challenge! Betsie is the first to complete an audiobook from the 3rd Challenge (she took just 3 weeks to file her claim and finish) and will soon be enjoying her pick from among the prizes. Thanks Betsie! Thanks Librivoxers!

LibriVox Short Science Fiction Stories Collection #007Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 007
By various; Read by various
10 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 4 Hours 5 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: December 05, 2008
Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological and technical speculations based on current or future science and technology. This is a reader-selected collection of short stories that entered the US public domain when their copyright was not renewed.

Stories included:

LibriVox - 2BR02B by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 2 B R 0 2 B
By Kurt Vonnegut; Read by Alex Clarke
1 |MP3| – Approx. 18 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Previous FREE MP3 versions of this story are HERE, HERE, and HERE.

… After A Few Words …
By Randall Garrett; Read by Corey M. Snow
1 |MP3| – Approx. 18 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
A previously recorded version exists HERE. Described as “a 1960’s virtual reality” by Brian Edwards on the LibriVox Forums.

The Beast of Space
By F.E. Hardart; Read by Bryden Jones
1 |MP3| – Approx. 30 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
First published in the July 1941 issue of Comet magazine. A tale of the prospectors of the starways.

The Bell Tone
By Edmund H. Leftwich; Read by Alex Clarke
1 |MP3| – Approx. 12 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
First published in the July 1941 issue of Comet magazine. It is no use. It’s too late. The earth—I must dig—alone.
*This story has been recorded by Miette for her podcast too |MP3|!

LibriVox Science Fiction Audiobook - Cat And Mouse by Ralph WilliamsCat And Mouse
By Ralph Williams; Read by Betsie Bush
1 |MP3| – Approx. 1 Hour 3 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: December 5th 2008
This was the cover story for the Astounding Science Fiction issue for June 1959. Set in Alaska, and being a most unusual Science Fiction story – it’s about hunting!

Cry From A Far Planet
By Tom Godwin; Read by Bryden Jones
1 |MP3| – Approx. 35 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
First appeared in the September 1958 issue of Amazing Science Fiction Stories. The problem of separating the friends from the enemies was a major one in the conquest of space as many a dead spacer could have testified. A tough job when you could see an alien and judge appearances; far tougher when they were only whispers on the wind.

By Frank Banta; Read by Mooseboy Alfonzo
1 |MP3| – Approx. 17 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Taken from the pages of Galaxy magazine’s December 1962 issue. Droozle was probably the greatest writer in the world—any world!

LibriVox short story - An Incident On Route 12 by James H. SchmitzAn Incident on Route 12
By James H. Schmitz; Read by James Christopher
1 |MP3| – Approx. 10 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: December 5th 2008
Previous iterations are found HERE and HERE.

The Man Who Hated Mars
By Randall Garrett; Read by David N. Castle
1 |MP3| – Approx 32 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
First published in the September 1956 issue of Amazing Stories. To escape from Mars, all Clayton had to do was the impossible. Break out of a crack-proof exile camp—get onto a ship that couldn’t be boarded—smash through an impenetrable wall of steel. Perhaps he could do all these things, but he discovered that Mars did evil things to men; that he wasn’t even Clayton any more.

The Mightiest Man
By Patrick Fahy; Read by David N. Castle
1 |MP3| – Approx. 11 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
From the pages of Worlds of If magazine (November 1961). “He had betrayed mankind, but he was not afraid of the consequences—ever!”

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

CBC podcast: The History Of English In 28 Minutes

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio Podcast - And The Winner Is…Here’s a CBC documentary that caught my eye…

The History Of English In 28 Minutes, produced for And Sometimes Y it features:

A unique time travel conceit, Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales and plenty more. Have a listen |MP3|!

Or get it via podcast:

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S., CBC please free Apocalypse Al!