An Hour with F. Paul Wilson (and Joe Lansdale)

SFFaudio Online Audio

Joe Lansdale and F. Paul Wilson at the 1990 World Fantasy Convention in Chicago

Hunter Goatley has posted up an excellent convention recording. F. Paul Wilson was the Guest of Honor at the 1990 World Fantasy Convention in Chicago. His featured presentation was an hour-long interview session, which was hosted by Joe Lansdale. Here is that |MP3| appropriately titled: An Hour with F. Paul Wilson Pictured above Lansdale (left) and Wilson (right). If you are a fan of either Joe Lansdale or F. Paul Wilson, it is well worth a listen.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Science Fiction Book Review Podcast – LIVE!

SFFaudio News

The Science Fiction Book Review Podcast The Science Fiction Book Review Podcast is podcasting LIVE! Luke Burrage, podcaster (and amazing juggler), is netcasting a live recording session of his new episode today. Just go to and join in the fun. The session will begin at:
11pm Central European Summer time
10pm British Summer Time
5pm Eastern Daylight Time
2pm Pacific Daylight Time

He’ll be reviewing and discussing Dan Simmons’ novel Hyperion, one of the most requested novels from the listeners of the SFBRP. Sez Luke:

The idea is that I’ll chat for a few minutes and welcome any listeners, then do a normal SFBRP recording, then take questions about the review and the book from those following in the attached chatroom, to be included in the podcast itself. Following that I’ll be open for whatever those in the chatroom suggest, answer any questions, whatever.

If you miss the recording session, the video will be recorded in full, and you can play it at any time by visiting the same page. The audio will be edited and released as a normal episode in the podcast feed.

Subscribe to the podcast:

Posted by Jesse Willis


SFFaudio Online Audio

“Lords of Lite-brite! How can this be?”
-Gonad: The Barbarian

GONAD (Lite-Brite)

It looks as though the Zombie Astronaut has had his own bizzare and wonderful reaction to the CONAN ATTACKS FANS story we ran a while back. His latest episode of The Frequency Of Fear features an all barbarian cast – including that of BSAP’s Conan himself (Stevie Farnaby). But, no doubt due to legal threats by CONAN PROPERTIES INTERNATIONAL, the Conan cameo has had his name changed… Robert E. Howard’s CONAN shall now be known as GONAD: THE BARBARIAN (at least for the purposes of this parody).

The Zombie Astonaut’s Frequency Of Fear: #53 – Adolph The Barbarian
1 |MP3| – 1 Hour 40 Minutes [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: The Zombie Astronaut’s Frequency Of Fear
Podcast: April 12th 2009

There are plenty of other familiar voices in the show including those of: Jack Ward (from Sonic Society and Sonic Gold), Paul Mannering (of Broken Sea Audio Productions) and even the banshee-like David Lee Roth (as himself)! In between the original material is a bunch of barbaric audio oddities including…

Power Records - Conan The Barbarian LPPower Records - Conan The Barbarian LP - BackFrom the Power Records album… Conan: Shadow Of The Stolen CityConan: The Crawler In The MistsConan: The Thunder Dust and more. But beware of the horrifically awful storybook audio drama: HE-MAN: The Power Of The Evil Horde its moral core is so hideously repugnant it will both rot your teeth and quease your inner ear simultaneously.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Recent Arrivals: The Disembodied Man by Larry Maddock

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

REB Audio - The Disembodied Man by Larry MaddockThe Disembodied Man
By Larry Maddock; Performed by Bill Mills and Roxanne Mills
MP3 Download – Approx. 31 Minutes [DRAMATIZED READING]
Publisher: REB Audio Books
Published: April 2009
Listen to a sample |MP3|
Unique SF Romance and Puzzler! From the creator of time traveling secret agent Hannibal Fortune and his sardonic, shape-changing colleague, Webley, comes one of the rarest stories in science fiction history, in an all new audio dramatization. “The Disembodied Man” was published only once, in the legendary sf pulp zine “Imagination” in the early 1950s. Off-beat and humorous like much of Maddock’s work, it is at once a unique tale of an unconventional romance and an intricate puzzler with two O’Henry-like twists, resulting in a delightfully human and touching short story. Who was the disembodied man? How had he gotten that way? Who was the mysterious woman that seemed to watch over him day and night? And could a woman, could any woman, fall in love with “the man who wasn’t there?”

Bill Mills, of this audiobook, sez:

Larry Maddock (aka Jack Jardine), the author of the original piece, died yesterday, April 14th. Maddock may be best known for his 60’s Ace Books SF series The Agent of T.E.R.R.A. Jack was also one of my oldest and dearest friends.

I hoped that perhaps you guys would give the audio book a listen and review. A mention from SFFAUDIO would be a true kindness in tribute to Larry Maddock’s passing.

The audiobook of “The Disembodied Man” is available at http://REBAUDIOBOOKS.COM for $3.00 as an mp3 download in 96k and 32k files. I am currently working on uploading 192k files and they will soon be available as well.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Public Domain: Enclosing The Commons Of The Mind

SFFaudio Online Audio

A BoingBoing post that links to a podcast lecture nicely explains why caring about intellectual property is so important…

The Royal Society PodcastThe Public Domain: Enclosing The Commons Of The Mind
1 |MP3| – Approx. 69 Minutes [LECTURE]
Podcaster: The Royal Society Podcast
Podcast: March 11th 2009
Is the public domain as vital to knowledge, innovation and culture as the realm of material protected by intellectual property rights? James Boyle thinks so and visits the RSA to call for a new movement to preserve it. If we continue to enclose the “commons of the mind”, Boyle argues, we will all be the poorer.

A paperbook, The Picture Gallery Of Canadian History Volume 1 (copyright 1942), that I picked up just today, is a great example of what Boyle talks about. While I listened to Boyle speak I was flipping through the book and imagining all the uses I could put it to. Today I’ve only used them to illustrate this post but when it’s public domain, you can do ANYTHING you want. What would you do with these pictures?

Page 61 from The Picture Gallery of Canadian History Volume 1 (1942)

Page 62 from The Picture Gallery of Canadian History Volume 1 (1942)

Vikings in Ontario. Cool huh? Incidentally, there are plenty of images from The Picture Gallery Of Canadian History Volume 1 on the web already but no-one has done a complete scan of it yet. It is clearly in the public domain in Canada (has been since 2001). Incidentally it won’t be PD in the USA until 2021. I found that fascinating, and utterly retarded. Here’s a 1938 Time magazine article that relates the story that goes with the scans above. If you liked these pics please have a listen to the lecture.

Posted by Jesse Willis