Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig

SFFaudio Online Audio

Internet Archive - Open Source AudioI don’t know if there exists a non-fiction book with more downloads than Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig. The stats show it having been downloaded more that 13,000 times. That’s impressive. More impressive is how readable it is. The narrators are all amateurs and they occasionally mispronounce a word or stumble over the descriptions of the images and charts in the paperbook. It doesn’t matter though. The content is delivered extremely well – Lessig is an excellent explicator, and the book is highly relevant for anyone who visits this website. Americans in particular will find immense value in this audiobook. I highly, highly recommend it.

Free Culture by Lawrence LessigFree Culture
By Lawrence Lessig; Read by various
18 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 9 Hours 42 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: AKMA /
Published: 2004
Provider: / Open Source Audio

I got this audiobook through a torrent. You can get it that way too. Unfortunately I don’t know how to link to a torrent so I’ve made a HuffDuffer podcast feed for it…

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

Here’s the entire audiobook for streaming listening too…

Those still unconvinced should have a look/listen to this April 17, 2009 powerpoint enhanced that Lessig gave at the University of Pennsylvania. It’s entitled The Forbin Problem – its title takes inspiration from the AMAZINGLY AWESOME Science Fiction movie called Collusus The Forbin Project.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Entitled Opinions: Google and the future of the Internet

SFFaudio Online Audio

Entitled Opinions (about life and literature)Entitled Opinions is a radio program (and podcast) from Stanford university’s radio station KZSU. It’s hosted by Professor Robert Harrison. Harrison teaches in the department of French and Italian – on the show his guests are usually literary or philosophical – but his November 11th 2008 podcast is a bit different being: “A conversation with Vinton Cerf about Google and the future of the Internet.” Cerf is an ex-Stanford prof and one of the co-fathers of the internet. It is a great conversation, with lots of talk about where the internet came from and where it might be going. They also manage to have a knowledgeable conversation about Star Trek (particularly TNG). Neato!

Listen to the show |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: Last Enemy by H. Beam Piper

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxIf anybody should have his middle name changed to “audiobook” it’s Mark Douglas Nelson. Mark has now completed his sixth H. Beam Piper audiobook.

This story, Last Enemy, is part of Piper’s “Paratime” series. As with all the others this one is a public domain audiobook based on a public domain story. The original publication being in Astounding Science Fiction’s August 1950 issue. Thanks Mark!

LibriVox Science Fiction - Last Enemy by H. Beam PiperLast Enemy
By H. Beam Piper; Read by Mark Douglas Nelson
5 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 2 Hours 39 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: May 9th, 2009
An undercover Paratimer has disappeared on assignment while in an alternate time line, and it’s up to Verkan Vall of the Paratime Police to save her. To do so, he must infiltrate a universe in which assassination is an honorable profession, and reincarnation a scientific fact. Will Verkan Vall survive in a world of killers and the undead?

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: Hunters Out of Space by Joseph E. Kelleam

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxHere’s the latest audiobook to be completed as part of our 3rd Annual SFFaudio Challenge. First published in Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1960 issue! We can thank narrator Elliot Miller for the reading, Betty (aka LibraryAnne) for the proof-listening, and Mary (aka AmethystA) for organizing it all. This is Elliot’s first solo project but he’s already got his sights set on another Challenge title: Murray Leinster’s The Pirates of Ersatz

LibriVox Science Fiction - The Hunters Out Of Space by Joseph E. KelleamHunters Out of Space
By Joseph E. Kelleam; Read by Elliot Miller
19 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 4 Hours 29 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publlished: May 7, 2009
Jack Odin has returned to the world of Opal, the world inside our own world, only to find it in ruins. Many of his friends are gone, the world is flooded, and the woman he swore to protect has been taken by Grim Hagen to the stars. Jack must save her, but the difficulties are great and his allies are few.

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

Posted by Jesse Willis

Subterranean Press: Rude Mechanicals by Kage Baker (PODCAST)

SFFaudio Online Audio

Subterranean PressBack in the spring of 2007 Subterranean Press was offering a free audiobook version of SF&F author Kage Baker’s “short novel” Rude Mechanicals. The files are still active and downloadable. Which is cool as the audiobook is read by Mary Robinette Kowal!

Now, thanks to the science of HuffDuffing, there’s a podcast feed for it too!

Rude Mechanicals by Kage Baker
Rude Mechanicals
By Kage Baker; Read by Mary Robinette Kowal
10 MP3s – Approx. 2 Hours 43 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Subterranean Press
Published: April 2007
|MP3 Chapter 1|MP3 Chapter 2|MP3 Chapter 3|MP3 Chapter 4|MP3 Chapter 5|MP3 Chapter 6|MP3 Chapter 7|MP3 Chapter 8|MP3 Chapter 9|MP3 Chapter 10|
The year is 1934, the scene is a Wood Near Athens — temporarily relocated to the environs of the Hollywood Bowl, as German theater impresario Max Reinhardt attempts to stage his famous production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Fortunately for Reinhardt, he has immortal assistance in the person of Literature Specialist Lewis, a cyborg working undercover for Dr. Zeus Incorporated, masters of time travel. Lewis is tasked with preserving Reinhardt’s promptbooks for future Company profits at auction. Unfortunately for Reinhardt, there are complications… For Joseph, Lewis’s fellow cyborg, is on the case as well, attempting to salvage a botched mission of his own. It involves the lost treasure of the Cahuenga Pass, a missing diamond, a third-century pope, burglary, disguises, car chases, and a legendary Hollywood party spot. All of which interact, more or less disastrously, with Lewis’s mission and Reinhardt’s Shakespearean extravaganza. Will the show go on?

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE| The Last Son Of Tomorrow by Greg van Eekhout

SFFaudio Online Audio has been placing stories on its website since its launch back in July 2008. They’ve also been placing MP3 readings of many of these stories these files there too. For whatever incomprehensible reason they just haven’t put these files together into a podcast. So now, thanks to, I have!

In the new stories feed you’ll find the latest story…

The Last Son Of Tomorrow by Greg van EekhoutThe Last Son Of Tomorrow
By Greg van Eekhout; Read by Greg van Eekhout
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: May 2009

…and all the others with MP3 files too.

Subscribe to the podcast:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

Posted by Jesse Willis