Futurama audio: interview and comic book

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 6The news just reached me that Futurama (so long confined to the briar patch of straight to DVD sales) is being renewed by Fox – I guess that old saw about when pigs fly and the recent h1n1 pandemic (swine flu) promoted the renewal eh?

Is Firefly next?

To celebrate Futurama‘s revival here’s a 2008 BBC Radio 6 interview with John Di Maggio (Bender) |MP3|.


Did you know there is a Futurama quasi-audiobook (it’s a fan reading of issue #1 of Futurama Comics)!

Futurama Comics #1: Monkey Sea, Monkey DOOM!Futurama Comics #1: Monkey Sea, Monkey Doom!
Written by Eric Rogers; Read by Philbot
24 Zipped MP3 Files – Approx. 18 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Provider: Futurama Madhouse
While digging a large hole to hide one of Professor Farnsworth’s inventions that he’s hiding from the police, Fry, Bender and Leela find a time capsule from the 20th century. This capsule has loads of old junk in it, and Fry, seeing this, begins to miss all the things he used to have. While reading an old comic, he finds an ad for some sea monkeys, and purchases some from an old store that sells 20th century stuff. Unfortunately, the sea monkeys don’t impress his friends as much as he wanted them to; at least not until they come into contact with the professor’s gamma radiation, and begin to grow, and grow, and grow!

[via Futurama Madhouse]

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: Bat Wing by Sax Rohmer

Aural Noir: Online Audio

“A crime thriller with a voodoo twist, from the creator of Fu Manchu.”

Is this the first great summer audiobook from LibriVox? I think it may very well be. Just image listening to this tale in on a summer evening, a tall glass of cold beverage in hand, the sun setting, the bats flying out of their belfries. So cool.

LibriVox - Bat Wing by Sax RohmerBat Wing
By Sax Rohmer; Read by Mark Douglas Nelson
12 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 9 Hours 14 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: June 12, 2009
Private detective Paul Harley investigates a mysterious case involving voodoo, vampirism, and macabre murder in the heart of London. The first book in the Paul Harley series, written by Sax Rohmer, author of The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu. Originally published in 1921.

Podcast feed:


iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

Posted by Jesse Willis

Masters Of Horror – the original stories in audio

SFFaudio Online Audio

Masters Of HorrorOver the past few years I’ve bought more than a dozen of DVDs featuring episodes of Masters Of Horror. MOH was a cable TV show that brought together Horror stories and Horror filmmakers in hour-long formats. Several of these shows were rather lame – but a few were very good or even excellent.

Three episodes that were rather good were adapted from public domain stories…

Weird Tales July 1933The Dreams In The Witch House
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by MorganScorpion
2 MP3 Files – Approx. 90 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Provider: Archive.org
Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3|
Written in January/February 1932, it was first published in the July 1933 issue of Weird Tales. Apparently this story was “heavily influenced by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s unfinished novel Septimius Felton.”

The Damned Thing
By Ambrose Bierce; Read by Greg Elmensdorp
1 |MP3| – Approx. 21 Minutes
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: September 4, 2006
First published in 1893.

The Black Cat
By Edgar Allan Poe; Read by Ralph Snelson
1 |MP3| – Approx. 27 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: April 11, 2008
First published in the August 19th, 1843, issue of The Saturday Evening Post.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Full Cast Audio – a documentary on Full Cast Audio production

SFFaudio News

If you’re looking for the deluxe treatment of audiobooks look no farther than a Full Cast Audio audiobook. Never tired one before? Well then check out a documentary called Full Cast Audio: A Family of Voices that illustrate exactly what the FCA producers Bruce Coville and Daniel Bostick (along with all those talented narrator/actors) put into a Full Cast Audio audiobook production.

Part 1

Part 2

[via Mary Burkey’s Audiobook Blog]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Update: Frequency Of Fear Lite and Regular FoF

SFFaudio Online Audio

You may have noticed SFFaudio has a new WordPress theme. Ya, well, it isn’t purely cosmetic. We were forced to do some self-surgery due to complaints of too much server usage. I blame you visitors and all your damn clicking. But ours isn’t the only blog with a facelift -The Zombie Astonaut has rejiggered his Frequency Of Fear Lite podcast site with a new look. Says ZA:

As some of you may know, we edit the original wraparound stories into their very own self-contained audio drama (emphasis on the “audio”, not so much on the “drama”). They’ve been featured on the Sonic Society’s podcast, the Jack And Shannon Show. We also had a page set up for those with a link to the right, but frankly, the page sucked. I wasn’t crazy about the layout or how difficult it was to update, and Doc hated all the pastel colors I didn’t notice because I’m terribly colorblind. In came Dr. Wilheim Von Martinez to save the day! After accidentally re-inventing the Tofurkey, he set up a marvelous new Frequency Lite page, one that is more organized and allows for comments. We’ll be expanding the page to include character and actor bios, as well as other fun stuff. Check it out!

The Frequency Of Fear Lite

But that isn’t all, over on the regular site…

Frequency Of Fear

There is an unusual interview based episode created when the Zombie Astronaut visited “the first annual Indy Paracon, a paranormal convention in Danville, Indiana.” There, Zombie spoke with four different ghost hunters – Chris Dedman, Paul Browning (Clarksville Ghost Hunters), Michael D. McDonald (Kindred Moon Paranormal Society) and Sarah Neher (In Nomine Paranormal Research). They gave tips on the equipment ghost hunters need and how to protect yourself from the demonic possession (prayer).

I listened to the whole show and came away thinking that some of these folks the Zombie Astronaut interviews seem to think their hobby can be dangerous – I agree with this. And I speak with experience. Pretending can be dangerous. When I was a kid I spent a summer with a family friends’ kid. He was about 3 years older than me and really into wrestling TV shows – let me tell you a half-nelson suplex on an unsuspecting kid who doesn’t have cable TV and has no idea what a suplex was – let alone a half-nelson suplex – that is dangerous.

That said, as long as these ghost hunters are only pretending to experience the regular old melancholy apparitions who mope about in dark corners and say things like “my toys” rather than pretending the full-on Tobe Hooper style poltergeists – they’ll probably be okay. Of the guest who suggested prayer prior to all ghost hunting activities – I wish ZA would have asked one more question of him. Namely: If there is a prayer for the prevention of a broken collar-bone.

Posted by Jesse Willis

KAMN: The Black Company by Glen Cook

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Kick Ass Mystic Ninjas Podcast
Most of the time when The Kick Ass Mystic Ninjas put out a podcast they are reviewing and discussing books and movies I’m quite familiar with. Their latest show is quite the exception. I had somehow never heard nor seen The Black Company by Glen Cook prior to their podcast about it. That so, they’ve convinced me it really needs to be an audiobook. If you’re unfamiliar with the novel, go have a listen, if you’ve read it already, be sure to check it out too |MP3|.

Podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis