Recent Arrivals: City Of Dragons by Kelli Stanley

Aural Noir: Recent Arrivals

Here’s a first for SFFaudio, a recent arrival that is neither an audiobook nor an audio drama!

I won this gorgeous hardcover paperbook courtesy of a contest run by Paul Bishop of Bish’s Beat blog. He even went to the trouble of wrapping the dust jacket in a Brodart fold on book jacket cover. Sweet! Thanks Bish!

City Of Dragons by Kelli Stanley

City Of Dragons
By Kelli Stanley
352 Pages [HARDCOVER]
Publisher: Minotaur Books
Published: February 2010
ISBN: 9780312603601
February, 1940. In San Francisco’s Chinatown, fireworks explode as the city celebrates Chinese New Year with a Rice Bowl Party, a three day-and-night carnival designed to raise money and support for China war relief. Miranda Corbie is a 33-year-old private investigator who stumbles upon the fatally shot body of Eddie Takahashi. The Chamber of Commerce wants it covered up. The cops acquiesce. All Miranda wants is justice–whatever it costs. From Chinatown tenements, to a tattered tailor’s shop in Little Osaka, to a high-class bordello draped in Southern Gothic, she shakes down the city–her city–seeking the truth. An outstanding series debut.

Audiobook fans interested in this lovely looking book will have to wait just a bit longer (until April 2010) for the Tantor Media unabridged audiobook version of City Of Dragons as read by Cynthia Holloway. I may do this as a readalong if I can get a review copy.

Who else wants to join me?

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: The Turn Of The Screw by Henry James

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxThe SFFaudio Podcast #50 is scheduled to be a discussion of The Turn Of The Screw by Henry James. If you’re like me, and enjoy self-assigned homework, you might try listening to the audiobook version in advance. There’s a very solid public domain version read by Nikolle Doolin! But, if you try to listen to Nikolle Doolin’s recording of The Turn of the Screw on her website you’re in for a massive headache. The site is almost navigable, but listening there feels like mucking through a needle-forest while carrying a massive haystack. Not fun. Plus, it sports a preposterous “terms of use” page. Don’t let that jumbo mumbo stop you!

Instead, swing on over to LibriVox‘s page for the same audiobook, there you’ll find her recording available in a handy number of instantly accessible formats, all fully public domain and all lacking any hint of eula terrorism. Or just use one of the options below!

LIBRIVOX - The Turn Of The Screw by Henry JamesThe Turn of the Screw
By Henry James; Read by Nikolle Doolin
25 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 5 Hours 43 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: July 21, 2006
The Turn of the Screw is a novella written by Henry James. It is a ghost story that was originally published in 1898. A nameless governess reports the events of two ghosts who stalk the young children she has charge over. Is she reliable, or an imaginative neurotic?

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

[Thanks Julie!]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Forgotten Classics: Breaking Point by James Gunn

SFFaudio Online Audio

Forgotten ClassicsMy friend, Julie D. of the Forgotten Classics podcast, has recently completed her unabridged reading of Dorothy Macardle’s novel The Uninvited. Now she’s working on a pure Science Fiction story, picked from SFFaudio Challenge #4. But that’s not all, Julie begins the podcast with some thoughts on James Gunn’s best known work, a series of scholarly collections entitled: The Road To Science Fiction. I have volumes 3 and 4 in my paperbook collection.

The Road To Science Fiction: Volume 1: From Gilgamesh to Wells edited by James GunnThe Road To Science Fiction: Volume 2: From Wells to Heinlein edited by James GunnThe Road To Science Fiction: Volume 3: The Road To Science Fiction: Volume 3: From Heinlein to Here edited by James GunnThe Road To Science Fiction: Volume 4: From Here to Forever edited by James Gunn

There are also two more recent volumes The British Way (Vol. 5) and the other places Around The World (Vol. 6). But I won’t post their cover art here because they really suck.

Forgotten Classics Presents - Breaking Point by James GunnBreaking Point
By James Gunn; Read by Julie D.
Podcast – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Forgotten Classics
Podcast: March 2009 –
The ship was proof against any test, but the men inside her could be strained and warped, individually and horribly. Unfortunately, while the men knew that, they couldn’t really believe it. The Aliens could—and did.

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Knighttime: An audio drama series from The Hazardous Players

SFFaudio Online Audio

Knighttime is an “ongoing fantasy/humor adventure” audio drama series. Each week The Hazardous Players offer up a new chapter in the adventures of good Sir Cottington and Sir Bratwurst. They reluctantly stumble their way through the land of Udenland, while trying to avoid being eaten by any number of terrifying beasts. Along the way they meet several of the eccentric members of Udenland society who more often than not, prove a greater challenge than the terrifying beasts.

The voice acting in this show is actually pretty great, and there are some pretty fun jokes in there too.

All that Knighttime is missing, other than a blog feed, is a podcast feed! How can you have an audio drama series without a podcast feed? Crazy.

The Hazardous Players Present: Knighttime

Quoth The Hazardous Players:

“We, The Hazardous Players, have been building a fantasy adventure where we plan on constructing multiply narratives using various media: writing, audio performance and art, (eventually video), to create a story that is an expanding fantasy for children and adults. Though we realize this is a nontraditional approach to literature, we do see that this could be a unique way to tell a story, harkening back to the time of episodic adventures on the radio.”

Here’s the first episode of their first adventure |MP3|

Check out the rest HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Episode #32 Those Rapacious Europeans

SFFaudio Online Audio

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcastDan Carlin’s Hardcore History, my favourite history podcast, has a new episode (#32) in its feed.

Carlin talks about the Magellan circumnavigation expedition and asks the question:

“Are white people special?”

More specifically, was there something special about the Europeans and their drive for conquest? What made them conquer and dominate the Earth in a kind of Globalization 1.0? Were the ages of exploration and colonization a result of a specific kind of European human cruelty? Was it cultural? Religious?

It’s a fascinating topic. Have a listen |MP3|

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis