Suspense: Dunwich Horror

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Dunwich Horror - illustration by Hugh Rankin

SuspenseSuspense – Dunwich Horror
Adapted from the story by H.P. Lovecraft; Adapted by William Spier; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – Approx. 26 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: CBS Radio
Broadcast: November 1, 1945
On All-Hallows Eve Henry Armitage, the librarian of Miskatonic University, ascends the summit of Centennal Hill. First published in Weird Tales, April 1929.

Stars: Ronald Colman, William Johnstone, Joseph Kearns, and Elliott Lewis.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Protecting Project Pulp: In Destiny’s Clutch by Rafael Sabatini

SFFaudio Online Audio

In Destiny's Clutch by Rafael Sabatini

Protecting Project PulpProtecting Project Pulp No. 76 – In Destiny’s Clutch
By Rafael Sabatini; Read by Samuel Campbell
1 |MP3| – Approx. 44 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Protecting Project Pulp
Podcast: January 20, 2014
“Ordinarily Dragut-Reis—who was dubbed by the Faithful ‘The Drawn Sword of Islam’—loved Christians as the fox loves geese.” First published in Top-Notch Magazine, May 21, 1915.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Turning Wheel by Philip K. Dick is PUBLIC DOMAIN

SFFaudio News

The Turning Wheel by Philip K. Dick is PUBLIC DOMAIN.

This novelette was published in 1954, in the 2nd issue of Science Fiction Stories.

The story’s copyright was not properly renewed. In fact, a falsified renewal was attempted in 1983. The Dick estate claimed that the story was published in Science Fiction Stories, May 1955. This is false (as can be seen in a listing of the table of contents for that issue HERE).

Indeed, here is the falsified claimed renewal for The Turning Wheel:
RE190631 Page 3 (front) Souvenir, The Last Of The Masters, Upon The Dull Earth, Strange Eden, Jon's World, The Turning Wheel, Human Is

Here is the table of contents showing where The Turning Wheel was first published, Science Fiction Stories No.2:
Table Of Contents for Science Fiction Stories No.2, 1954

By 1983, the time of the renewal attempt, the agent for the Philip K. Dick Testamentary Trust, could not legally renew stories published in 1954. By 1983 any stories from 1954 would have already become PUBLIC DOMAIN. So when the renewal form was submitted the publication dates and magazine issues for many Philip K. Dick stories (including The Turning Wheel) were changed to make them look as if they were eligible for renewal.

The renewal attempt was fraudulent.

The Turning Wheel is PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Here is a |PDF| of The Turning Wheel by Philip K. Dick

Posted by Jesse Willis

Human Is by Philip K. Dick

SFFaudio Online Audio

Human Is by Philip K. Dick - illustration by Ed Emshwiller

Here is the first second ever audio publication of Human Is by Philip K. Dick.

1 |MP3| – Approx. 33 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

Narrated by Morgan Scorpion, this story of a dissatisfied housewife and her unfeeling husband has a very 1950s domesticity feel to it – that is until the husband returns from an interplanetary work trip with an entirely new personality.

First published in Startling Stories, Winter 1955.

And here’s a |PDF| of the story.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Meddler by Philip K. Dick is PUBLIC DOMAIN

SFFaudio News

Meddler, a short story by Philip K. Dick, is PUBLIC DOMAIN.

This was not previously known due to a fraudulent attempt to renew the copyright after it had expired.

Here is the evidence.

Meddler was first published in Future Science Fiction, October 1954.

Here is the table of contents for that magazine. It shows the presence of Meddler in that issue:

Future Science Fiction, October 1954 - table of contents

The copyright renewal form (HERE) states that Meddler was first published in “Future, October 1955”. But no such magazine exists. In fact, in 1955 only one issue of Future Science Fiction was actually published in the USA. That issue is stated as being issue #28. By counting backwards on the listing for Future Science Fiction publications (starting with Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories, May/June 1950, volume 1, number 1) we can see that the one issue published in 1955 was the 28th issue. Indeed, there was no volume 17 issue 10 of Future ever published and the magazine registered as B00000559886 does not exist. Here is the table of contents for issue #28 of Future SF, the only magazine titled “Future” published in the United States in 1955 (note the lack of Meddler by Philip K. Dick):

Future Science Fiction 28 (1955) - table of contents

Meddler by Philip K. Dick is therefore PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Here is a |PDF| of Meddler.

Posted by Jesse Willis