New Releases: Macmillan Audio for WINTER 2011

New Releases

Macmillan AudioIn the last Macmillan Audio press release the biggest item is the relaunch of the long running “Wheel Of Time” series.Winter’s Heart is “book nine of the addicting Audie Award-winning series.” Also of note, but little more than a curiosity, is that a general fiction title (an abridged Jackie Collins novel) is being given the “full cast” treatment!

Most interesting, to me, are the smaller titles, books like the Keigo Higashino novel The Devotion Of Suspect X and Robert Charles Wilson’s Vortex. And of course there is also The Elephant To Hollywood, Michael Caine’s newly updated autobiography.

Here’s the full Macmillan Audio Winter 2011 Catalog |PDF|.

Here’s a list of the SFF and Aural Noir titles it includes:

Halo: Cryptum by Greg Bear; narrators TBA; 1/4/11
The Devotion Of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino; read by David Pittu ; 2/1/11
First Grave On The Right by Darynda Jones; read by Lorelei King; 2/1/11
Though Not Dead by Dana Stabenow; read by Marguerite Gavin; 2/1/11
A Heartbeat Away by Michael Palmer; read by Robert Petkoff; 2/15/11
Winter’s Heart by Robert Jordan; read by Michael Kramer and Kate Reading; 3/1/11
Hellhole by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson; read by Scott Brick; 3/15/11
The Trinity Sixby Charles Cumming; narrator TBA; 3/15/11
False Impression by Jeffrey Archer; read by Byron Jennings; 4/12/11
Vortex by Robert Charles Wilson; narrator TBA; 4/12/11 – DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ONLY

And while we’re at it, here’s the Macmillan Young Listener’s Winter 2011 catalogue |PDF|

In it Enclave (formerly “Razorland”) is probably the most interesting. It’s a title well positioned to capitalize on the vacuum in The Hunger Games market:

“Ann Aguirre’s highly anticipated YA debut, [introduces] listeners to 15 year-old Deuce and the apocalyptic New York City she lives in, set decades into the future. The city has been decimated by war and plague, and most of civilization has migrated to underground enclaves, where life expectancy is no more than the early 20’s. Part City Of Ember; part I Am legend; part Hunger Games; Aguirre’s compelling plot will capture those beyond the young adult audience and is certain to keep listeners glued to their earphones until the end.”

The rest of the big SFF titles are here:

Awakened by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast; read by Caitlin Davies; 1/4/11
Doctor De Soto by William Steig; read by Stanley Tucci; 1/4/11 (ONLY 32 PAGES LONG)
Death Cloud: Young Sherlock Holmes by Andrew Lane RECEIVED
Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon; read by Holter Graham; 3/22/11
Enclave by Ann Aguirre; read by Emily Bauer; 4/12/11 (formerly titled “RAZORLAND“)

Posted by Jesse Willis

New Releases: The Teaching Company

New Releases

The Teaching CompanyWe’ve talked about The Teaching Company before on SFFaudio, we’ve even had one of their professors on our podcast (Eric S. Rabkin). But I’d never gotten one of their catalogues before. I found this one…

The Teaching Company 2011 |PDF|

…abandoned, back in January. I began pouring over it, looking for more great listens. Sadly I’m afraid I didn’t get my new scanner in time for you folks to enjoy the amazing sale prices in it, but if I promise that if I get another catalogue I will scan it in a more timely manner.

There are dozens of amazing educational options in there. Among the many lecture series that stuck me are:

The Story of Human Language by Professor John McWhorter
Argumentation: The Study of Effective Reasoning by Pofessor David Zarefsky
The Joy of Science by Professor Robert M. Hazen
The Life and Writings of C. S. Lewis by Professor Louis Markos
A History of Hitler’s Empire by Professor Thomas Childers
Classical Mythology by Professor Elizabeth Vandiver
The Great Ideas of Philosophy by Professor Emeritus Daniel N. Robinson
No Excuses: Existentialism and the Meaning of Life by Professor Robert C. Solomon

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of The God Engines by John Scalzi

SFFaudio Review

BRILLIANCE AUDIO - The God Engines by John ScalziThe God Engines
By John Scalzi; Read by Christopher Lane
3 CDs – Approx. 3 Hours 15 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: December 2010
ISBN: 9781441890795
Themes: / Science Fiction / Fantasy / Religion / Galactic Civilization / Space Travel / War /

Captain Ean Tephe is a man of faith, whose allegiance to his lord and to his ship is uncontested. The Bishopry Militant knows this — and so, when it needs a ship and crew to undertake a secret, sacred mission to a hidden land, Tephe is the captain to whom the task is given. Tephe knows from the start that his mission will be a test of his skill as a leader of men and as a devout follower of his god. It’s what he doesn’t know that matters: to what ends his faith and his ship will ultimately be put — and that the tests he will face will come not only from his god and the Bishopry Militant, but from another, more malevolent source entirely… Author John Scalzi has ascended to the top ranks of modern science fiction with the best-selling, Hugo-nominated novels Old Man’s War and Zoe’s Tale. Now he tries his hand at fantasy, with a dark and different novella that takes your expectations of what fantasy is and does, and sends them tumbling. Say your prayers… and behold The God Engines.

The God Engines is the strongest John Scalzi audiobook since Old Man’s War |READ OUR REVIEW|. It provokes thought, flies off in an unexpected direction and doesn’t overstay its welcome. The setting is in an unnamed galaxy, at an unknown time. But space travel, interstellar communication, and bodily healing aren’t technological developments. Instead, they are derived from a rigorous faith in actual, existing gods! These gods are so real, so embodied, that there is one in the center of each starship. It lies their enslaved, guarded and harnessed so as to achieve the ends to which they are put. Command over these powerful beings is achieved by a combination of torture and reward. Their masters are human beings, members of a religion with their own completely manifested god. Their purpose is to war with other religions, enslave new gods and bring more human beings to the worship of their own god. It is an unending holy war, in a fully realized universe, and it works.

I like to see the examination of an interesting idea, without an endless parade of pointless activity to dilute its core of goodness. We have that in this book. There’s something very neat about the running of what is essentially the starship Enterprise on faith. To hear that an officer is changing his prayers to adjust what’s showing up on the viewscreen – that’s something definitely worth seeing. Scalzi’s universe is run on prayer, faith, and relgious belief. It’s a kind of realization of what religions always claim, but shown to be actually functioning in a replicable manner. It’s theology as physics. The whole story feels like it comes from the same place J. Michael Straczynski’s Babylon 5 came from. Where Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End came from. There’s an indisputable space opera with Lovecraft vibe to it, but unlike so much space opera, the thinking just isn’t mushy and placative. In fact, there was nary a moment where I wasn’t completely engaged with this made up Fantasy/SF tale. The storytelling is expertly intertwined with a careful exposition of the universe’s rules. This works to fully enrich the ideation without coming off as merely a writer going through a checklist. I’d love to see Scalzi, or any other SF writer, write a dozen more books just like this – take a break from the series universe, and write some more idea based SF. Take a simple little premise or vignette, throw in a few characters and have them explore the concomitant interestingness of that idea. The God Engines does exactly that. It shows, very simply what SF storytelling is supposed to look like. This audiobook stands well, on its own, though I could easily imagine it as one half of an old Ace Double. This is very good work. Well done Mr. Scalzi.

Narrator Christopher Lane has about five major characters to play with. The captain is commanding and thoughtful. The second in command is calm and loyal. The ship’s high priest (who also acts as a kind of political commissar) is jealous but clever. The one female role, a rook (which is kind of a cross between a ship’s whore and a priestess), is wise and womanly. But it’s the unnamed god’s voice that is the real standout. Lane’s god is tortured, twisted and devious. It is a very precise performance, one that allows for the sympathy Scalzi was aiming at. The art for the cover comes from Vincent Chong‘s illustration of the Subterranean Press edition.

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: The Shunned House by H.P. Lovecraft

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxWritten in three days (October 16–19, 1924), this classic H.P. Lovecraft short was published posthumously in Weird Tales. If you’re Lovecraft fan you may already know that the dwelling of the title was a real building, which still stands at 135 Benefit Street in Providence, Rhode Island. Today, a strange, nigh gargantuan tree o’rehangs it (viewable at 41°49′46.9″N 71°24′30.5″W). Kind of makes you wonder what nourishes the roots of such monstrous vegetation. Doesn’t it?

LIBRIVOX - The Shunned House by H.P. LovecraftThe Shunned House
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Gregg Margarite
1 |MP3| – Approx. 1 Hour 8 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: June 19, 2010
“A tale of revolting horror in the cellar of an old house in New England.” First published in the October 1937 issue of Weird Tales.

Posted by Jesse Willis

New Releases: iambik audio CRIME – 10 all new DRM free audiobooks

Aural Noir: New Releases

Iambik AudiobooksIambik Audiobooks has just released its first crime and mystery collection – ten novels from “indie publishers [like] Akashic, Hard Case Crime, Tyrus Books, HandE and Soho.” Iambik is a new audiobook company from some of the people behind Iambik takes proven LibriVox narrators and proof-listeners and matches them with modern copyrighted novels. The audiobooks produced are then released as downloadable DRM-free audiobooks at a price point lower than you would probably imagine. These audiobooks are $6.99 per book, or you can get the entire 10 book collection for $44.99. I love the idea of selling the whole collection as a bundle – I’ve never seen that before!

I’ve checked the MP3 and M4B functions (bookmarkability, art, volume) prior to posting this. The checkout system is two steps, accepts PayPal and sends you an email with a link to your download. It’s a snap. Unless you’re a collector, or want to burn your audiobook to CD, I recommend the M4B files over the MP3. The M4B has art embedded and it works easily with Apple devices.

Until the end of March, you can get a 33% discount on all iambik purchases using the code: sffaudio-march.

IAMBIK AUDIO - Complete Crime Collection No. 1Complete Crime Collection 1
By various; Read by various
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
This collection includes all the titles in our first release of Crime books.
Titles included:
All or Nothing, by Preston L Allen, narrated by Mark Douglas Nelson
Death of a Nationalist, by Rebecca Pawel, narrated by Elizabeth Klett
Fade to Blonde by Max Phillips, narrated by Gord Mackenzie
Getting Sassy, by D.C. Brod, narrated by Karen Savage
High Season, by Jon Loomis, narrated by Charles Bice
It’s Behind You, by Keith Temple, narrated by Ruth Golding
Late Rain, by Lynn Kostoff, narrated by Kenneth Campbell
Suicide Casanova by Arthur Nersesian, narrated by Mark Smith
The Tattoo Murder Case, by Akimitsu Takagi, narrated by Mark Douglas Nelson
Witness to Myself, by Seymour Shubin, narrated by John Michaels

IAMBIK AUDIO - All Or Nothing by Preston L. AllenAll Or Nothing
By Preston L. Allen; Read by Mark Douglas Nelson
MP3 or M4B Download – Approx. 7 Hours 39 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
Preston L. Allen’s witty, charming, and very likable school bus driver, named P, is a desperate gambler. He has blown the hundred thousand dollars he won at the casino six months ago, but his wife and family still think he’s loaded. P spins out of control on the addict’s downward spiral of dependency, paranoia, and depression, as he must find ways to keep coming up with the money to fool his family and fund his growing addiction. The bets get bigger and bigger, until finally, faced with the ultimate financial crisis, he hits it really big. Yet winning, he soon learns, is just the beginning of a deeper problem. The one constant for P–who rises from wage-earner to millionaire and back again in his roller-coaster-ride of a life–is that he must gamble. That his son has died, that his wife is leaving him, that his girlfriend has been arrested, that he has no money, that he has more money than he could ever have dreamed–are all lesser concerns for P as he constantly seeks out new gambling opportunities. While other books on gambling seek either to sermonize on the addiction or to glorify it by highlighting its few prosperous celebrities, All or Nothing is an honest, straightforward account of what it is like to live as a gambler–whether a high-rolling millionaire playing $1,000-ante poker in Las Vegas or a regular guy at the local Indian casino praying for a miracle as he feeds his meager life savings into the unforgiving slot machine. All or Nothing is the first novel to dig beneath the veneer to explore the gambler’s unique and complex relationship with money. If you’ve ever wanted to get into the heart and psyche of a compulsive gambler, here is your chance.

IAMBIK AUDIO - Death Of A Nationalist by Rebecca PawelDeath Of A Nationalist
By Rebecca Pawel; Read by Elizabeth Klett
MP3 or M4B Download – Approx. 7 Hours 39 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
Madrid 1939. Carlos Tejada Alonso y Lean is a Sergeant in the Guardia Civil, a rank rare for a man not yet thirty, but Tejada is an unusual recruit. The bitter civil war between the Nationalists and the Republicans has interrupted his legal studies in Salamanca. Second son of a conservative Southern family of landowners, he is an enthusiast for the Catholic Franquista cause, a dedicated, and now triumphant, Nationalist. This war has drawn international attention. In a dress rehearsal for World War II, fascists support the Nationalists, while communists have come to the aid of the Republicans. Atrocities have devastated both sides. It is at this moment, when the Republicans have surrendered, and the Guardia Civil has begun to impose order in the ruins of Madrid, that Tejada finds the body of his best friend, a hero of the siege of Toledo, shot to death on a street named Amor de Dios. Naturally, a Red is suspected. And it is easy for Tejada to assume that the woman caught kneeling over the body is the killer. But when his doubts are aroused, he cannot help seeking justice.

IAMBIK AUDIO - Fade To Blonde by Max PhillipsFade To Blonde
By Max Phillips; Read by Gordon Mackenzie
MP3 or M4B Download – Approx. 7 Hours 6 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
Ray Corson came to Hollywood to be a screenwriter, not hired muscle. But when a beautiful girl with a purse full of cash asks for your help, how can you say no? So Corson agrees to protect starlet Rebecca LaFontaine from a vengeful mobster — but what he doesn’t realize is that he’ll have to join the Mob to do it.

IAMBIK AUDIO - Getting Sassy by D.C. BrodGetting Sassy
By D.C. Brod; Read by Karen Savage
MP3 or M4B Download – Approx. 9 Hours 21 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
With her nearly broke and practically homeless mother about to land on her doorstep, Robyn Guthrie learns that desperation can play havoc with a daughter’s scruples. Otherwise, why would she even consider kidnapping a goat and holding it for ransom?

IAMBIK AUDIO - High Season by Jon LoomisHigh Season
By Jon Loomis; Read by Charles Bice
MP3 or M4B Download – Approx. 7 Hours 39 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
Frank Coffin had been a well-respected Baltimore homicide detective. But when he started having panic attacks at crime scenes, he was forced to go home to Cape Cod, where the worst crimes were usually break-ins, bicycle thefts, and domestic disputes. That is, until a vacationing televangelist turns up dead on the beach wearing a wig, a muumuu, and one size-twelve pump. Not to mention the raspberry-colored taffeta scarf strangling his neck. Frank and his partner, Officer Lola Winters, begin checking out the drag bars and isolated trysting spots the reverend might have frequented. However, when the body count starts to rise, it becomes alarmingly clear that a killer with an agenda is at large in Provincetown. And Coffin’s fears—like unwelcome summer tourists—have returned in full force…

IAMBIK AUDIO - It's Behind You by Keith TempleIt’s Behind You
By Keith Temple; Read by Ruth Golding
MP3 or M4B Download – Approx. 13 Hours 57 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
A story about fame, megalomania and murder. Carina Hemsley, former soap star of ‘Winkle Bay’ was a hugely popular actress in her day – until her ego took over and ‘Cora Smart’, her character, was axed off. Now, after years away from the lime-light, she’s appearing as the Good Fairy in panto, terrorising the cast and crew of a tatty third-rate northern theatre and drinking and smoking herself to death. Audiences are down and the outlook isn’t good… until she starts receiving death threats in the post. Along with the police, the media circus descends, boosting her public profile and putting bums on seats in the theatre. Follow Carina and her not-so-merry troupers as they face an onslaught of assassination, romance and intrigue, but as Carina says, ‘The Show Must Go On!’

IAMBIK AUDIO - Late Rain by Lynn KostoffLate Rain
By Lynn Kostoff; Read by Kenneth Campbell
MP3 or M4B Download – Approx. 10 Hours 45 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
Corrine Tedros is a Lady Macbeth wannabe who sets in motion the murder of her uncle-in-law (a soft-drink mogul), and things go awry when the murder is witnessed by a senior citizen in the late stages of Alzheimers. Things are complicated by the fact that the daughter of the man with Alzheimers is involved with a former homicide detective who has resigned and moved South in an attempt to reshape and simplify his life; on his own, Decovic starts to make connections in the case that cause Corrine Tedros to up the ante in keeping herself out of the murder investigation.

IAMBIK AUDIO - Suicide Casanova by Arthur NersesianSuicide Casanova
By Arthur Nersesian; Read by Mark Smith
MP3 or M4B Download – 11 Hours 14 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
What do Gary Condit, Woody Allen, and O.J. Simpson have in common with Leslie Cauldwell, protagonist of Nersesian’s latest offering? They are Suicide Casanovas. What compels powerful men in the prime of their professional lives to risk so much? Following the commercial success of his first three novels (Manhattan Loverboy, The Fuck-Up, and Dogrun), Nersesian’s new novel is a psychosexual thriller, a dramatic departure from his youthful black comedies: Humbert Humbert without the pedophile penchant, Hannibal Lechter without the appetite. Corporate attorney Leslie Cauldwell is middle-aged, handsome, and rich, but has only a few swipes left on his mental Metrocard. During a rough sex session, he garrotes his beloved wife; now he’s an officially designated “sex offender,” off on a bender, looking for love in all the wrong places. Twenty years earlier, when his office was high above the pornographic purgatory of Times Square, Leslie became involved with the adult-film star, Sky Pacifica. She needed a refuge, and he was ripe for the using. Following a brief fling, each went their own way. Two decades later, in 2001, Leslie is still working in Times Square — recently sanitized with its ESPN Zone and MTV window — and fraught with guilt about his “accident” with his wife. Like Jay Gatsby pursuing an erotic American dream, Leslie, with the help of a private detective, hunts down Sky Pacifica, his latter-day Daisy. Across a landscape of S&M mistresses and porn producers, from L.A. of the ’80s to New York of the new millennium, we see a modern-day tale of love and loss, innocence and corruption, crime and redemption.

IAMBIK AUDIO - The Tattoo Murder Case by Akimitsu TakagiThe Tattoo Murder Case
By Akimitsu Takagi; Read by Mark Douglas Nelson
MP3 or M4B Download – 11 Hours 58 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
Miss Kinue Nomura survived World War II only to be murdered in Tokyo, her severed limbs left behind. Gone is that part of her that bore one of the most beautiful full-body tattoos ever rendered by her late father. Kenzo Matsushita, a young doctor, must assist his detective brother who is in charge of the case, because he was Kinue’s secret lover and the first person on the murder scene.

IAMBIK AUDIO - Witness To Myself by Seymour ShubinWitness To Myself
By Seymour Shubin; Read by John Michaels
MP3 or M4B Download – Approx. 5 Hours 17 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: iambik audio
Published: March 2011
Sample |MP3|
Fifteen years ago, teenager Alan Benning jogged off a beach – and into a nightmare. Because what awaited him in the Cape Cod woods was an unspeakable temptation, a moment of panic, and a brutal memory that would haunt him for the rest of his life. Now a successful lawyer, Alan finds himself drawn back to the scene of the crime, desperate to learn the truth about what happened on that long-ago summer day. But even as he grapples with his own dark secrets, he finds himself hounded by a shadowy adversary – and by the forces of justice, drawing their net around him tighter by the day…

Posted by Jesse Willis

Librivox: The Book of Werewolves: Being an Account Of A Terrible Superstition by Sabine Baring-Gould

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxWritten by the lyricist of “Onward, Christian Soldiers” I’m digging this newly completed audiobook, its chock full of scholarly research – it brings to mind many echoes of the Wendigo, with which I am already familiar.

On a lighter note, I’m no a church-going man, but it is my guess is that CHAPTER XVI, A SERMON ON WERE-WOLVES, hasn’t been used nearly enough in churches.

Finally, here’s the last page of the preface, the first few pages of which are missing and thus unscanned (it’s an interesting fragment not in the audiobook):

….unavoidable, without vastly extending its limits. The arrangement that I have followed will be found sketched out at the close of the introductory chapter. The chapter on a Galician cannibal has already appeared in print, in Once a Week.

I propose making this the first of a series on Popular Superstitions, to be followed by Treatises on Marine Monsters, as Mermaids and Sea-Serpents, Vampires, the Wild Huntsman, the Wandering Jew, &c.

The subject of this first instalment, though horrible, is nevertheless full of interest and importance as elucidating a very obscure and mysterious chapter in
the history of the Human Mind. When a form of superstition is prevalent everywhere, and in all ages, it must rest upon a foundation of fact; what that foundation actually is, I have, I hope, proved conclusively in the following pages.

LIBRIVOX - The Book Of Were-WolvesThe Book of Werewolves: Being an Account Of A Terrible Superstition
By Sabine Baring-Gould; Read by various
16 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 5 Hours 42 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: March 15, 2011
A survey of the myths and legends concerning lycanthropy from ancient times to the Victorian Era.

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

[Thanks also to Amy Gramour, ashleighjane, Lars Rolander, Amy Gramour and Nadine Eckert-Boulet]

Posted by Jesse Willis