Terra Incognita – The Australian Speculative Fiction Podcast

SFFaudio Online Audio

Introducing Terra Incognita, the Australian Speculative Fiction Podcast and sister site to Coeur de Lion.

The first story up is “The Devil in Mr Pussy” by Paul Haines. |Link| Direct download |MP3|.

You can subscribe to the feed at:

Posted by Charles Tan

The Agony Column Recordings

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Agony Column The Agony Column has a couple of new recordings:

Dan Simmons (Drood) |MP3|

Chip Kidd (Bat-Manga) |MP3|

SF in SF Panel with Kim Stanley Robinson, Cecilia Holland, and Barry N. Malzberg |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at this URL:


Posted by Charles Tan

The ABC Book Show Interviews Ursula K. le Guin

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Book ShowThe Book Show has posted the complete interview with Ursula K. le Guin (Lavinia) |MP3|

You can subscribe to the podcast at this feed: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/feeds/bsw.xml

Posted by Charles Tan

I Should Be Writing interviews Benjamin Rosenbaum

SFFaudio Online Audio

Mur Lafferty of I Should Be Writing 2.0 interviews Benjamin Rosenbaum (The Ant King and Other Stories). |MP3|

You can subscribe to the podcast at this URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/IShouldBeWriting

Posted by Charles Tan

The Agony Column SF in SF Recordings

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Agony Column The Agony Column has a couple of new recordings from the recent SF in SF:

Richard Bottoms interview |MP3|

Joe R. Lansdale interview |MP3|

Joe R. Lansdale reading |MP3|

Rudy Rucker reading |MP3|

Barry N. Malzberg reading |MP3|

Cecilia Holland reading |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at this URL:


Posted by Charles Tan