PodCastle Features “Directions” by Caleb Wilson

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcastle PodCastle, the fantasy fiction podcast, features “Directions” by Caleb Wilson read by Chris Furst |MP3|.

You can subscribe to the feed at http://feeds.escapeartists.net/PodCastle_Main

Posted by Charles Tan

Escape Pod Features “Revolution Time” by Lavie Tidhar

SFFaudio Online Audio

Stephen Eley reads “Revolution Time” by Lavie Tidhar over at Escape Pod. Here is the |MP3|.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:


Posted by Charles Tan

The Dragon Page Interviews Maria V. Snyder

SFFaudio Online Audio

Dragon Page Cover To Cover LogoThe latest Dragon Page Cover To Cover podcast features an interview with Maria V. Snyder (Fire Study).

You can download the |MP3| directly or subscribe to the show’s XML feed:


Posted by Charles Tan

Adventures in SciFi Publishing Interviews Matt Wallace and Mur Lafferty

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Adventures In SciFi PublishingAdventures in Scifi Publishing interviews Matt Wallace and Mur Lafferty on their recent book deals. |MP3|

Or subscribe to AiSFP podcast via the feed:


Posted by Charles Tan