The Dragon Page Interviews Mike Carey

SFFaudio Online Audio

Dragon Page Cover To Cover LogoThe latest Dragon Page Cover To Cover podcast features an interview with Mike Carey (Vicious Circle).

You can download the |MP3| directly or subscribe to the show’s XML feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

Adventures in SciFi Publishing Interviews

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Adventures In SciFi PublishingAdventures in Scifi Publishing interviews James Patrick Kelly & Matthew Wayne Selznick |MP3| and Mary Anne Mohanraj |MP3|.

Or subscribe to AiSFP podcast via the feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

The Agony Column with Hayden and Lassen

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Agony Column The Agony Column has some Comicon interviews:

Patrick Nielsen Hayden (Tor) |MP3|

Jeremy Lassen (Night Shade Books) |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at this URL:

Posted by Charles Tan

PodCastle Features “Goblin Lullaby” by Jim C. Hines and “Tooth Fairy” by Jeffrey Valka

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcastle PodCastle, the fantasy fiction podcast, features “Goblin Lullaby” by Jim C. Hines read by Christiana Ellis |MP3| and “Tooth Fairy” by Jeffrey Valka read by Stephen Eley |MP3|.

You can subscribe to the feed at

Posted by Charles Tan

Escape Pod Features “Family Values” by Sara Genge

SFFaudio Online Audio

Alasdair Stuart reads “Family Values” by Sara Genge over at Escape Pod. Here is the |MP3|.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Charles Tan