Adventures in SciFi Publishing Interviews Gary Philips, Doselle Young, Lilith Saintcrow, and Eldon Thompson

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Adventures In SciFi PublishingAdventures in Scifi Publishing interviews Gary Philips, Doselle Young, Lilith Saintcrow, and Eldon Thompson |MP3|.

Or subscribe to AiSFP podcast via the feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

Escape Pod Features “Fenneman’s Mouth” by Andy Duncan

SFFaudio Online Audio

Jared Axelrod reads “Fenneman’s Mouth” by Andy Duncan over at Escape Pod. Here is the |MP3|.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

Escape Pod Features “Pervert” by Charles Coleman Finlay

SFFaudio Online Audio

Stephen Eley reads “Pervert” by Charles Coleman Finlay over at Escape Pod. Here is the |MP3|.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

PodCastle Fiction

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcastle PodCastle, the fantasy fiction podcast, features some new fiction:

“Galatea” by Vylar Kaftan |MP3|

“Believe” by Katherine Sparrow |MP3|

“Cup and Table” by Tim Pratt |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at

Posted by Charles Tan

Adventures in SciFi Publishing Interviews the Clarion Graduates

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Adventures In SciFi PublishingAdventures in Scifi Publishing interviews the Clarion Graduates |MP3|.

Or subscribe to AiSFP podcast via the feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

Fast Forward TV Interviews Jeri Smith-Ready and World Con Coverage

SFFaudio Online Audio

Fast Forward TV has an interview with Jeri Smith-Ready (Wicked Game). MP3 |lo| |high|

They also have quick videos of the recently-concluded WorldCon.

|Day 1| |Day 2| |Day 3| |Day 4|

You can subscribe to the feed at this URL:

Posted by Charles Tan