The Agony Column Features Nick Mamatas and David Levine from SF in SF

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Agony Column The Agony Column has a couple of new recordings from the recent SF in SF:

Nick Mamatas reading |MP3|

David Levine reading |MP3|

Terry Bisson, Nick Mamatas, and David Levine panel discussion |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at this URL:

Posted by Charles Tan

Escape Pod Features “Reparations” by Merrie Haskell

SFFaudio Online Audio

A new Escape Pod episode…

By Merrie Haskell; Read by Mary Robinette Kowal

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

Adventures in SciFi Publishing Interviews Sean Williams

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Adventures In SciFi PublishingAdventures in Scifi Publishing interviews the Sean Williams |MP3|.

Or subscribe to AiSFP podcast via the feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

New The Agony Column Interviews

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Agony Column The Agony Column has a couple of new recordings:

Terry Brooks at GeekSpeak |MP3|

John Shirley |MP3|

Victoria Blake of Underland Press |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at this URL:

Posted by Charles Tan

PodCastle Features “The Desires of Houses” by Haddayr Copley-Woods

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcastle PodCastle, the fantasy fiction podcast, features some new fiction:

“The Desire of Houses” by Haddayr Copley-Woods |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at:

Posted by Charles Tan