A World Of Talent, a novelet by Philip K. Dick, is PUBLIC DOMAIN.
The public domain status was not generally known because there was a fraudulent attempt to renew the copyright the year after the story was legally eligible to be renewed. This gave the deceptive appearance that the story was not in the public domain.
Here is the evidence.
HERE is the copyright renewal form. Notice that it states that the story, A World Of Talent, was published in Galaxy Science Fiction, August 1955, volume 10, number 5.
It was not in that issue.
Have a look at the table of contents:
A World Of Talent was actually published in the October 1954 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction. Here is that table of contents:
Because it was not properly renewed A World Of Talent is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Here is a |PDF| made from scans of Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1954.
Posted by Jesse Willis