The SFFaudio Podcast #803 – AUDIOBOOK/READALONG: The Gun by Philip K. Dick

The SFFaudio Podcast #803 – The Gun by Philip K. Dick, read by Tommy Patrick Ryan. This is a complete and unabridged reading of the story (29 minutes) followed by a discussion of it. Participants in the discussion include Jesse, Evan Lampe, Jonathan Weichsel, and Tommy Patrick Ryan

Talked about on today’s show:
his 2nd published story as a professional, Planet Stories, September 1952, that little stinger, Live Long And Prosper, something weird happened, knowing Tommy, the end, a specific sci-fi trope, a little weak, notes, an episode of Star Trek, Star Wars, fantasy, sci-fi, several Star Trek episodes, a little exchange about doing this show, there’s two: The Outpost, none of the characters feel like they know, let’s attack, interesting sir, Dr Crusher marry Picard, chasing down a Ferengi ship, got their whips out, trapped by some gun, guy in a cloak shows up, Arsenal Of Freedom, fairly similar, a robot salesman, Dr. Crusher is again falling in love with Picard, buy buying the gun, about to kill Will Wheaton or Tasha Yar, more like other Star Trek episodes, this story is like a lot of later science fiction, more well regarded, first read, in Simak, Asimov, should be very obvious to us, obvious to them (that we don’t see), how can they not know this?, don’t understand the concept of war and killing, their from 1952, you can make the argument in both directions, radio and remote control, 1929 robot ships (radio controlled ships), drone aircraft during and after WWII, a neat new idea, it’s innovative, that’s the end of the story, a menace and a horror, Evan’s episode of 2017, episode 3, 20 minutes long, later Dick: robots are bad, too long for the material it covers, super hilarious, the lady is the vice captain, i will devolve the power unto my husband, accept that as a normal thing, counsellor on the bridge, these are supposed to be professionals in a space military of some kind, 2 kids in the observation lounge, could you imagine, women are looking for more equality, entitled to the captain, I wanna give it to a man, declare myself mated to them, you’re handsome, you don’t argue with me as much as the other guy, a lady who is mated to the captain, a very immature man, The Simulacrum, the real leader is married to the token president, Now Wait For Last Year, always married to the president, the real power is in the first lady, they’re visiting Earth, mishandled, why would you put it in the middle?, far far future, exploring going backwards, this old planet, Old Earth, The Impossible Planet, humans evolved on Mars, Survey Team, a low end pulp, despite the lack of boobs, “slight”, shorter, spending time with a blonde, they are humans, you don’t do it in the middle of the story, Franklin Apartments, they never realize where they are, before Earth was destroyed, their culture has changed, they no longer fight each other, they marry their captains, to kill snakes, I can’t believe they would fight their own species, like a Twilight Zone episode reveal, poorly handled, military chain of command, family and institutional dynamics, why is that there, really interested in legumes, contaminated from the atmosphere, breakdown fats in storage, an incredible amount of importance as their treasure being film reels, music, a photograph of a boy, what are the treasures I will put in my fallout shelter?, shouldn’t it be replication, working these ideas out, the film studios, underground in caves, the Warner Bros. [vault], cups and crowns, treasure, a hoard of treasure, why do dragons hoard?, dragons are people, why do people hoard, their stingy fucks, lose control, a good king shares his treasure, re-reading Ulysses, we need to speak irish, Yates, you can’t cling to the past, a frontier, you really have to branch out, things become kipple, everything left behind, has no value locked away, put in archive that everyone can access, evidence of a culture has failed, a poster for a movie, the gun was smashed, examined the treasure, people not crew, the statues, winged, missing heads and arms, fairly famous statue, one of the guys is named Doric, Philip K. Dick is obvious, the archaeologist, we’ll take them home and study, will change us, Souvenir, those wings, it will change us a great deal, nuclear weapons war is a bad idea, why should the characters care about this crap?, in order for us to care, fun and interesting things in it, the exact same idea, The Star by Arthur C. Clarke, a jesuit priest on a starship, 1000 light years from earth, their version of Pluto, shaken to my core, the answer is the star is the Star of Bethlehem, god nuked this civilization to create Jesus on Earth, could have been a coincidence, this wonderful society, gut punch story, pro-Christianity story, to make this story good, more significance to the treasure that they find, Lovecraft, a story about the past, Forbidden Planet (1956), reading the murals in the city of the elder things, The Nameless City, still presented to the reader, this one is fine, why he screwed it up so badly, the gut punch that he’s going for, the automation disease that humans have always had, the Terminator movies, the claws, Second Variety, automated weapons, Autofac, something we worry about in science fiction a lot, technically relevant, the automated weapons sales company can’t be stopped, a jungle planet, no warning buoy, more grokable today, Screamers (1995), the worry of things that look like humans and act like parts of human psychopaths, works better than a big gun, bad, why was it there?, seeded earlier, paid off later, decent, themes, uhh, difficult to swallow, your Star Trek away party [team], Dorrel is our guy, finds the “dragon’s treasure”, don’t go in there, doesn’t have his glasses, what is going on here?, contact lenses and laser surgery, why would you leave the plane?, a huge oversight, the guy who can’t see, this learned man, insightful, overly cautious, overly macho, she’s the one who is acting really strange, until the blonde comment, don’t move, come back, it isn’t worth it, I’m the only one who knows what’s going, he melted it with his phaser, asshole Zap Brannigan, Dick respects this guy, warrior attitude, destroy the gun with violence, five people on this ship, just an away team, supposed to be an anti-war commentary, violence is it, turns out violence doesn’t work, to disable the weapon, how they kill the gun, they pick up sticks and beat it to death, they systematically disable all their weapons, seen in the newspapers, they roll into Berlin, Jap tank gets piggy back ride, a visualization of things overseas, group beating, the thing that shot them, kills her husband, all by yourself, just me alone with one stick, the pitchforks, luddites with clubs, beating the machines, the gun rebuilds itself, it can’t be stopped, more subtle and not so muddled, a TNG episode, they all don’t feel mature, amateurs playing at being professionals, undercooked ideas in the story, societal role, just weird, saying weird things with no explanation, imposed by the society?, little moments like that, little exchange, you or Fomar, whichever of you wants to be captain, “mated to”, she does express a preference for the one guy, then I can devolve the responsibility, Hugo scrutineers, that’s the weird part, why would you set up?, he just rejected her, tall and blonde, pressure suit, they’re humans, definitely humans, literal humans, the alien blonde, I’m rather partial to you, do as you like, the sexual politics in their society, it doesn’t pay off that’s why it sucks, the big revelation, just beat it to death, such a powerful woman?, the white stones, the great broken teeth, she touched Doric’s arm gently, in the ship they’re looking at the planet with a telescope, the nuclear war, shoots shells, a howitzer shooting nuclear weapons, this is happening at the time, what that would mean to a spaceship, why does anything happen?, he needs to die so she could be mated to something else, ancillary to the story, that guy can be captain, why is captain such a bad job?, the captain has to make bad decisions, all politicians on a certain level kill people, should I kill 40,000 people or 2000 people?, presented by bad options, by not directing the helmsman, let’s move from this position down to the river, the there’s a flood, good ideas here, All Our Yesterdays, Kirk goes back to France and does 3 Musketeers Stuff, Spock goes to a cave, spacelady, Mr. AtoZ, their own past, the librarian for their civilization, all of their treasures are stored, the treasures are the memories of these past ages that they go to, the literature, the sculpture, Doc Labyrinth, preserve music, turning sheet music into animals, a comedy piece, commentary on chamber music guys, the treasures of earth are its literature, it’s film, rather than money, such an uncontroversial opinion, everybody thinks that, a little more complicated with Dick, the copying corrupts it, a deadness to the past, stuff from long before, not about reviving some past greatness, a wooden cup made by hand, radically change their broken society, handicraft, a connection between art and living, inert old culture, get to some kind of frontier, we can’t extract that much, why does that one guy want legumes so bad?, put them in a garden?, financially exploit this?, trademarking, patenting, no, that’s not explained, a super-broad brush, Dick was 23 years old, a new writer, a reference to Jack and the Beanstalk, this guy is super-raw, 23 year old Tommy, shirking the responsibility, more masculine macho, the big strong man with the gun, some of this is ridiculous, he doesn’t know, he’s writing these very instinctual, except for the one at the end, bad writing, a mistake, he was young and inexperienced, he just thought it was funny, doesn’t mean anything, Beyond Lies The Wub, shorter, tighter, a more circular idea, engaging with The Odyssey, wub/love, he ends up eating himself, a little Thing On The Doorsteppy, also about food, breaking down the fat full of carbohydrates, food supplies, Enterprise D, the first season of TNG, characters are speaking out of turn, up in everybody’s business, not fully trained, they aren’t as mature, we see them as professionals, we felt it when Wesley was introduced, he’s wearing a sweater, if you’re mated to somebody, make babies for the ship, more like Lost In Space starfleet than TOS starfleet, military bonds, The Forever War and The Forever Peace, why are their so many characters?, he gets there in the end, a hodgepodge of Philip K. Dick, a floppy pencil, pretty bad, an entertainment perspective, I wish I had done that differently, keeping your interest, weak storytelling, threads he begins to pull, characters are pretty one dimensional, the role of the gal, the other characters, nobody pops for me, left the ship without his glasses, they’re everyman, they’re basically blanks, good job with the girl, five guys, Nasha, wandering around, The Crystal Crypt, a city in a snowglobe, the Martians are all Nazis, infiltrating the city, the nazi society on Mars, fill pages, there are good ideas, fairly unremarkable, Robert Sheckley is kicking down doors, Roog is a fantastic story, forgettable, he’s working ideas in before everybody else, the earth is dead and we’ve stored all our ideas in a vault, MacLeans magazine, Who Destroyed The Earth?, people are having this idea independently, earlier and sometimes better, he’s really thinking deep thoughts, Mark Twain kinda had this idea, Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Scientists, limited to two different factions, Christian Science And The Book Of Mrs. Eddy, Captain Stormfield’s Visit To Heaven, The Curious Republic Of Gondor, Tales Of Wonder, some of these would be fantasy, Robert Wolf Emmett, three years after, tiny fuzzy aliens come to the planet earth, they’re a family, older little fuzzies, they’re peaceful, we destroyed ourselves, episode 287 of Reading, Short And Deep, after, a natural accident?, bing chat, From The London Times Of 1904, criticism of Christian Science, healthfood, a religious component, eat a lot of wholegrains, Kellogs guys, veganism is kind of religious like, vegetarianism at one time, fantastically about, bodily purity, moral purity, dabble in veganism, more devout, how to be a vegan and still have friends, every religion has taboos about food, a belief system, the way Americans are, especially Americans, social movements, religious revivalist movements, abolitionism, a moral movement, if we didn’t drink so much, the imbibement of alcohol, the planet has a drinking problem, Ecuador, only a year ago, the French woman who owned the farm, she’s not wrong, even if it is good for me, so pushy, offputting, what happened was it was a breakaway sect of vegetarianism, from WWII era, a document that explains the naming magazine, can we have a special column for people who want to go a little bit farther, it wasn’t pushed, vegan sections, a big moneymaker, restricted their intake, apples, a price point, today veganism is a big business, followed the behavior, the demand has made it easier to become vegans, vegan options, forced to adapt, happily adapt, more complicated, a vegan debate (about honey), transubstantiation, like honey so much, everybody loves sugar, the honey vegans, ovatarian, flexitarian, a plant based whole food diet, anyone who may be listening, an article from MacLeans, a 1929 story about an all meat diet, the carnivore diet is growing, make the same argument, cleared up my skin, our food supply is full of chemicals, a vegan hotdog, a lot of them are not monosyllabic, salt, pork, fat, milk, put this story to bed, the vegan meat replacements are so processed, to mimic meat, the same health benefits (detriments) of the meat, morally we feel it was better, why are you even being that way, like a religion, there is no one text that everybody follows, a lot of influencers, every church is independent, eating is a community activity, smoker, right wing Christians, the same people who pushed abolition, progressive, greedy alcohol companies, breaking up families, The Black Cat is a parody of that, solutions through legislation rather than through abstinence, cigarettes, kids vape, vaping in the bathrooms at schools, the state as a tool of perfecting society, a way of dismissing people, stages of moral reformism, temperance people, the moral argument, you are bringing this evil into your family, how do you get at it without being repressive?, education?, what do we mean by that?, being able to drink was treated as a special privileged, have fun in college, I’m having fun, an integral part of our society, free drinks, provided as a reward for hard work, imbibing a poison that makes us feel creepy, everybody drink beer?, waking up in a gutter, it’s in the story, both good and bad for you, a small beer, contaminated shit, kills the bugs, even today people have bad access to water, South America, or Mexico, buy bottle water, the Mexican constitution, a water crisis in mexico, Mexico City, bottled water is a much bigger curse upon humanity, disposable plastic containers, a corner store, the same as a regular drink, excellent water, an influencer thing, everyone thinks tapwater is poison, students are horrified, relatively new pipes, how did that happen?, tea is another good solution, also a medicine, from Wisconsin, beer, brandy, New Hampshire, 4.8 gallons per capita, loses that social benefit, alcohol culture, lowering the recommended alcohol intake, the FDA, provincial, the federal government is very weak in Canada (foreign policy, copyright), dry January, somebody is trying to change everybody’s mind about alcohol, the trajectory, everybody smoked, that changing of the guard, an integral part of their lives, couple of old fashioneds, the zoomers are going to be the next generation of moral reformers, never smoked and doesn’t drink, reasonable and non-crazy way, don’t do that, BC Cannabis government store, BC Liquor Store, more productive interesting things, perfume, axe body spray, shampoo, cable car, nicotine, heroin and crack, super-addictive super-destructive, THC, a timewaster, a terrible addict who can’t accomplish anything, Thomas De Quincey, unless you overdosed on purpose, there’s no correction, heroin, distilled opium, legal, kratom, $400 a week on this stuff, they have jobs, unsafe and ineffective, safe and effective, the gas station sells you some kratom, it can be dealt with, the supplier is the CIA and they’re manufacturing it in central America, very established, early pop, sodas, citric acid, will melt your teeth, that ability to legally attack allows, cartels shit, we’re all onboard, kratom addiction, let those truckers or whoever it is, enjoy their kratom, some evil corporation will say let’s control this, giant vaping companies, the new peril, technological, all the other drugs u just stuff it in your body, just eat it or smoke it, alcohol, flavour agents, not a biological product, making recreational medicinal drugs available at the corner store, wrap it up, Eric’s (Rabkin’s) book club, a newer space, keep getting better, very excellently narrated, a Clark Ashton Smith, in a play in a choir, may the force be with you, Evan has been off the grid, some Heinlein, Richard Wright, active in the 30s 40s 50s, Native Son, very angry, angry is good, dirty is also good, Library Of America books, Elmore Leonard, crime, westerns, James Baldwin, equanimical?, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper, made her own zine, Flannery O’Connor, James Joyce, 11th grade, modernism, how racist was Flannery O’Connor?, that one story, issues with her, a separate book of annotations, unlock and understand, a long process, the cyclops chapter, exaggerated parodies, 33 parodies, comical funny ways, the catechism chapter, Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne, how horrible plagiarism is, Aeneas, a chapter about that, no trustworthy characters, a hack writer for 40 pages, overblown ridiculous horrible writing, Othello, A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream, The Taming Of The Shrew, the opening of Macbeth, these are fart jokes, that’s a sex joke, so rude, they just can’t see it, why Shakespeare is cancelled, up in arms about how rude and debased, a black man in a story, a jew in the story, all of academia right there, why Shakespeare is so great, Iago wants to fuck Othello, damned in a fair wife, breaks up Cassio’s relationship, Cassio is effeminate, be closer to Othello, he’s married himself, he was between my sheets, he’s mad he wasn’t in the bed, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe, imagining going on, it’s not racism, Iago is gay for Othello, a latent homosexual, on a blog, a version with Laurence Fishburne and a Kenneth Branagh, dead on the bed, that does explain a lot, this is super funny, a guy pretending to be a girl, witches and Juliets, you read it subversively, No Fear Shakespeare, the side by side, not the funny or devious interpretation, written in poetic license, The Goblin Reservation by Clifford D. Simak, mythological creatures, aliens, extinct neanderthals, the illustrations, delightful, more fun than deep, more than Way Station, heavy handed, Over The River And Through The Woods, Mindswap by Robert Sheckley, very scattered, non-sequitor humour, talking to the egg, Douglas Adamsy fun, The Status Civilization, serialized as Omega, a “peon”, a path to status, a satire of Earth, on a prison planet, fights a robot, how status works, the theme, how does status work, very readable and funny, started to hallucinate, the length problem, he had a bomb around his nose, the girl, convoluted, lost interest, you would hunt an egg?, Seventh Victim, The Monsters, Tenth Victim, The Journey Of Joenes, A Game Of X, Condorman (1981), Das Millionenspiel (1970), like The Running Man by Richard Bachman, The Prize Of Peril, The Mad Planet by Murray Leinster, 2011, Roger Melin, a PDF from Fantastic Novels, which one is the best, on youtube too, sequels.

The Gun by Philip K. Dick

The Gun by Philip K. Dick

Posted by Jesse Willis

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