Earbud Theater: Neil Gaiman’s Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar AUDIO DRAMA

SFFaudio Online Audio

Earbud TheaterEarbud Theater is a new audio drama podcast (without a podcast feed that I can spot). Casey Wolfe, who pointed it out to me, calls them “podplays” – which is a new word but and one that fits fine.

The first episode to catch my attention is an adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar!

Young American Ben Lassiter is touring the British coastline when he’s forced to take refuge from the rain at a pub in the town of… Innsmouth. Here he meets the peculiar Seth and Wilf who have something to teach Ben about life, Lovecraft, death and unspeakable horror. Adapted by Casey Wolfe and performed by Jake Borelli, Simon Verlaque, Rees Pugh and Joanne McCallin, please sit back and enjoy a pint of Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar.

I quite liked this 17 minute adaptation. It’s faithful to Gaiman’s original story and that’s always a good thing. But, I should point out the the MP3’s volume is too low – even wearing earbuds I had a hard time catching every bit of it.


Incidentally, the beverage of the title is likely inspired by a real beer with an odd taste.

Posted by Jesse Willis

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