The Horror At Red Hook by H.P. Lovecraft

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The Horror At Red Hook by H.P. Lovecraft

Here is H.P. Lovecraft’s novelette The Horror At Red Hook. The story was first published in the January 1927 issue of Weird Tales and later in the March 1952 issue (which is where I found the terrific Jon Arfstrom at the bottom of the post).

Red Hook is a mysterious slum in New York City, full of gangs, crime, and just perhaps a terrible cult. Detective Malone had a case that had tendrils extending into Red Hook. It seems that one Robert Suydam, a corpulent and scruffy recluse, has been looking younger, more radiant and prosperous. What does that have to do with the recent spate of kidnappings?

Lovecraft described his inspiration for the story in a letter written to Clark Ashton Smith:

“The idea that black magic exists in secret today, or that hellish antique rites still exist in obscurity, is one that I have used and shall use again. When you see my new tale “The Horror at Red Hook”, you will see what use I make of the idea in connexion with the gangs of young loafers & herds of evil-looking foreigners that one sees everywhere in New York.”

The When Elvis Died PodcastFirst up, as recorded in three parts for Quentin Lewis’ When Elvis Died podcast back in 2010.

Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3| Part 3 |MP3|

Podcast feed:

Cthulhu PodcastNext, a two part recording, for the Cthulhu Podcast, read by FNH. The first part begins at 14 minutes in and the second part begins at 34 minutes in.

Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3|

Podcast feed:

Finally, here are the text sources |WIKISOURCE ETEXT| and a |PDF|.

"Age old horror is a hydra with a thousand heads."
Weird Tales illustration by Jon Arfstrom for The Horror At Red Hook
Weird Tales illustration by Jon Arfstrom for The Horror At Red Hook

Posted by Jesse Willis

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