Podiobooks.com to offer audiobooks

SFFaudio News

Podiobooks.com Podiobooker PodcastJason Penney of the All The Billion Other Moments blog, has written in to say:

“I thought it might be of interest to the readers of SFFAudio that Podiobooks.com is looking to add “Audiobook” versions of some titles (for a fee) at some time this year. Currently it seems this will consist of large file downloads with the in between stuff edited out (so it will be more like getting something from Audible.com than a bunch of podcasts). Since the site is run primarily by podcasters who are not primarily Audiobook listeners they are looking for input into what people want out of this service. Currently there don’t seem to be too many audiobook listeners taking part, so this is a good chance for those who do to let themselves be heard. Also, I’ve started a group in the Community for folks who are primarily audiobook listeners as opposed to podcast listeners.”

Indeed, I’ve been asking Evo Terra, my friend at Podiobooks, to make this happen for a while now. I’m one of those audiobook people. I love podcasts, but I’m an audiobook person too. I’m glad to hear that its is under serious consideration and that the consultations have begun. The audiobook listenership really doesn’t seem to have crossed over into the podcast serialized novel format – and this means that if successful, Podiobooks will be offering just that hook for the many audiobook only folks out there. If you’re an audiobook person who just hasn’t got what a podiobook is (podcast novel), why not add your input to the discussion?

Posted by Jesse Willis

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